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View Poll Results: Who will you vote for in the upcoming US Presidential Elections?
Obama 44 61.11%
McCain 17 23.61%
Abstain 11 15.28%
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Old November 6th, 2008, 01:43 AM

sum1lost sum1lost is offline
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Default Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)

Originally Posted by licker View Post
Why on earth would you want to label most scientists as being democrats? and far left leaning democrats at that?
Actually, I've heard this as well, and if it wasn't almost 1AM here, would be looking up the sources where it could be found, as I read it in some rather serious nonfiction not two weeks ago. Many of the attitudes found in the right, specifically those personified by Gov. Palin, don't seat well with the majority of scientests, nor do the many crusades some members of the right have fought against science. Seriously, most of the objections to the idea of global warming, stem cell research, evolution, environmental calamities in general etc have come from right (primarily the religious right at that, though big business has played its part at times).

Add to that the fact that scientests, as a whole, tend to be very irreligious, and they tend to step even further away from the right on many issues.
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Old November 6th, 2008, 01:47 AM
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Default Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)

Well, it is over folks. Let us try and work together now. There are a lot of problems in the old US.
Old November 6th, 2008, 01:50 AM

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Default Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)

Ok -- I was misunderstanding your point. I was under the impression that you were promoting the theory of Obama's non-native-citizenship. If you're focusing on a procedural issue, ok, it probably would be better to have a set-in-stone credentialing process, if only to avoid circus sideshows like these lawsuits.

My 'whack job' assumption was on the basis of the "obamacrimes" website. The name of the site alone screams 'truthie' and beyond that it has the perpetually outraged tone of the most hardened conspiracy theorist. "Learn the truth about Obama's assault on the constitution!" Please. His supporter Lan Lamphere's site suggests that Rahm Emanuel is "the new face of Ernst Röhm." (Godwin, are you listening?) Berg may have at one time been on his rocker. Now, he ain't. Now he associates with people who can say "patriot brigade" with a straight face.
Old November 6th, 2008, 02:09 AM

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Default Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)

Originally Posted by sum1lost View Post
Originally Posted by licker View Post
Why on earth would you want to label most scientists as being democrats? and far left leaning democrats at that?
Actually, I've heard this as well, and if it wasn't almost 1AM here, would be looking up the sources where it could be found, as I read it in some rather serious nonfiction not two weeks ago. Many of the attitudes found in the right, specifically those personified by Gov. Palin, don't seat well with the majority of scientests, nor do the many crusades some members of the right have fought against science. Seriously, most of the objections to the idea of global warming, stem cell research, evolution, environmental calamities in general etc have come from right (primarily the religious right at that, though big business has played its part at times).

Add to that the fact that scientests, as a whole, tend to be very irreligious, and they tend to step even further away from the right on many issues.
What does being irreligious (though even that is an exaggeration) have to do with being a democrat?

I do believe that you are falling for the 'I saw a black bird, therefore all birds are black' fallacy.

Scientists may well have educated opinions on global warming or evolution, but that doesn't make them necessarily far left, other than if you want to stick that stupid spectrum individually on every issue.

Indeed, I have found most scientists outside of academia to be far more conservative with respect to issues of the economy or foreign policy than the average non scientist, but again, that doesn't necessarily place them by default into any one group.

Hell I work at a national lab in a community where the majority of people have advanced degrees in a natural science (as do I) and the electoral split is almost 50/50 for the county.

I've been at universities, and within the departments I was affiliated with the split was still not as extreme as is being touted. My observations showed that it was not those in the natural sciences who were left leaning, but rather the faculty in the social sciences and arts. That's not terribly surprising I think, but it doesn't support the assertion that a majority of scientists in this country are far left.

Most scientists know a far right nutter when they see one, and when topics such as ID come up they deal with that topic, not entire platforms of parties, but individuals within a party who may be promoting some agenda they disagree with.
Old November 6th, 2008, 04:26 AM

Ylvali Ylvali is offline
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Default Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)

This Left-right discussion is interesting. Many people here (in sweden) would consider both republicans and democrats to be more or less right wing. Our Right wing goverment that we have right now is much closer to the democrats than to the republicans.

What we call leftist would be those parties left of the social-democrats (which we consider in the middle, and who stand a good deal left of the US democrats)

That would include the Left-party (yes thats the actual name!), and the various communist parties. While the greens fall in their own category.
Old November 6th, 2008, 05:43 AM
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Default Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)

Originally Posted by chrispedersen View Post
And [Reagan] is widely regarded as the icon of the american conservative movement.
con·ser·va·tism (kÉ™n-sûr'vÉ™-tÄ*z'É™m) Pronunciation Key

1. The inclination, especially in politics, to maintain the existing or traditional order.
2. A political philosophy or attitude emphasizing respect for traditional institutions, distrust of government activism, and opposition to sudden change in the established order.

I hardly see how this makes him a saint. According the dictionary, this sort of outlook borders on fascism. As far as fiscal conservatism goes, I have a hard time fitting someone into that ideology, who had the voracious ability to spend, as he did. Let's make this very clear - Carter, whom you seem to want to demonize, overspent to a FAR lesser degree than Reagan. In fact, even though fiscal conservatism is all about "minimal government", in such a capacity as the intent is to make government smaller, to make the government financial drain smaller - Reagan seems to have failed utterly miserably. Fiscal conservative policies in America are as old as the nation itself. Originally the idea was to have a federal government that intruded as little as possible on the lives of Americans, that maintained a minimal military and as such, spent as little as possible at all times, thus keeping us free from the temptation to use a bloated military offensively, yet leave us able to rapidly expand the military, should the need arise. So in the terms of classical conservatism, Reagan falls flat. He may be a hero to the neo-cons, but judging by their political methods, they are a gross abomination of American ideals.

Originally Posted by chrispedersen View Post
A long period of prosperity at home, the most successful arms reductions we ever had with the soviets, a major role in freeing eastern europe from the USSR
The USSR was forced to collapse, through political intrigue most of all. Unfortunately, our method of causing this, was by convincing OPEC to increase oil production. The resulting increase in supply caused the price of oil to plummet dramatically, and due to the USSR sustaining its economy on oil exports, it ended the cold war, and caused all of the nifty things we associate with that. Unfortunately, it did also cause a lot of destabilization in the Middle East. So indirectly, mister Reagan is partially responsible for the debacle we face now.

Originally Posted by chrispedersen View Post
- dramatic reductions in unemployment, and inflation.
Absolutely and patently false. According, once again, the government report on the economy, Reagan almost broke the 10% unemployment mark, and had the highest unemployment rate recorded (probably only surpassed by the Great Depression). In fact, LBJ had about the lowest unemployment possible (~3%), which stabilized under Nixon and Carter to more moderate levels, and then skyrocketed under Reagan. Bush Sr managed to still give Clinton a 7.5% unemployment rate, which he pushed down to 4%, just in time for it to start growing again under Bush Jr (while we've started cutting off people's benefits, and thus not considering them unemployed once their benefits end - whether they are working or not).

Inflation is a more complicated issue, as while the average citizen has many reasons to hate inflation, our contrived method of finance requires a certain level of inflation in order to function smoothly. Therefore, unless you have studied this effect in full (for example, 2% inflation is called a "recession", even though the economy is technically still growing), then it is hard to argue which President actually has the healthiest levels of inflation while in office (though most would agree it seems Carter had too high inflation, and Bush Jr had too low, what falls between is not clear cut, plus Republicans seem to want to blame GW's woes on Clinton, why can't we blame Nixon for some of Carter's tribulations....?).

Originally Posted by chrispedersen View Post
Thousands of americans from across the political divide thought he was a great president - including those that were his political opponents such as Tip O'Neil, Walter Mondale
Public opinion does not alter the facts of the matter. Honestly, I care much less for what people think, than I do about what actually achieves desirable results. Unfortunately, we have been proving time and time again in this country that people will act from a basis of opinion, rather than fact, and that it often provides us with undesirable results.

Originally Posted by chrispedersen View Post
His allies loved him, including european leaders (thatcher for example) and his enemies respected him.

You can have the last word on Reagan....
Say what you will about the man as a diplomat, perhaps that was his shining value to the world (I hesitate to say nation, because we had such a profound effect on the world at that time, it's nice to think SOME of it was positive), but then again, it seems readily apparent that Clinton/Gore were even more loved and respected by the world community, but since you like to downplay that contribution, I don't think you value it highly as anything more than as a tool to try to prove your other points.
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Old November 6th, 2008, 11:08 AM
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Talking Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)

Tired of the old "He's a Muslim!" "He's a Terrorist!" "He's a socialist!" absurd rants?

Ready for something new, more sophisticated and (incredible, but even more) absurd?

Because only Dom3 players know how evil this can be!!!

(Sorry for poor quality)

Last edited by Tifone; November 6th, 2008 at 11:13 AM..
Old November 6th, 2008, 11:23 AM
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Default Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)

OMG..... Who knew he was actually a Dom10, D9 Prince of Death?!

Hurry, someone build The Ark before he gets to Cons8.
Old November 6th, 2008, 11:38 AM
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Default Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)

It's too late anyway Jim. The "H3 priests" are around doing THIS:

So now they're busy, the undead walk the earth and we are screwed. Aren't you happy?

(All the images, even the ones with children, are of public domain and uncensored, so no privacy issues with the pics)

Last edited by Tifone; November 6th, 2008 at 11:55 AM..
Old November 6th, 2008, 01:17 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)

Originally Posted by JimMorrison View Post
Originally Posted by chrispedersen View Post
And [Reagan] is widely regarded as the icon of the american conservative movement.
con·ser·va·tism (kən-sûr'və-tĪz'əm) Pronunciation Key

1. The inclination, especially in politics, to maintain the existing or traditional order.
2. A political philosophy or attitude emphasizing respect for traditional institutions, distrust of government activism, and opposition to sudden change in the established order.

I hardly see how this makes him a saint. According the dictionary, this sort of outlook borders on fascism.
Jim, once again someone in here throws out the term of fascism. Once again I will throw out the definition of fascism, and ask you not to not to bandy about such insulting terms.

from dictionary.com "a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism."

a CONSERVATIVE, with a *distrust* of government is the *opposite* of a fascist who wishes complete government control of industry, commerce, etc.

Calling a conservative fascist because they dislike sudden change is like calling our founding father communists because they both had an abiding love of their country.

Why is it Jim that those on the opposite side feel free to bandy about such offenseive terms. How would you feel about it if I said we were closer to a fascist state now that Obama your saviour is in power, since we now have a monolithic congress and presidency- and since we will certainly have more government programs and controls.

As far as fiscal conservatism goes, I have a hard time fitting someone into that ideology, who had the voracious ability to spend, as he did. Let's make this very clear - Carter, whom you seem to want to demonize,
I have no need to demonize carter. He was such a miserable president that the republicans won the biggest landslide ever after him, scoring 525 electoral college votes in 1984.

overspent to a FAR lesser degree than Reagan. In fact, even though fiscal conservatism is all about "minimal government", in such a capacity as the intent is to make government smaller, to make the government financial drain smaller - Reagan seems to have failed utterly miserably. Fiscal conservative policies in America are as old as the nation itself. Originally the idea was to have a federal government that intruded as little as possible on the lives of Americans, that maintained a minimal military and as such, spent as little as possible at all times, thus keeping us free from the temptation to use a bloated military offensively, yet leave us able to rapidly expand the military, should the need arise. So in the terms of classical conservatism, Reagan falls flat. He may be a hero to the neo-cons, but judging by their political methods, they are a gross abomination of American ideals.
Jim, again I don't see why you can't disagree without being disagreeable. I don't call liberals abominations. Clinton used the IRS to investigate his political opponents - that doesn't make all democrats abominations.

We all hopefully share a love of country, and desire everyone in our nation to prosper. We all have different ideas on the best path to that. I would be *MORE* than happy to allow a lot of experimentation in government programs *if* they were allowed to fail if they achieved no results. Ie., you want a program to increase literacy? Fine. Lets pilot test it. And if it works, and is more cost effective than other programs -we'll expand the program. But if it doesn't work.. it *dies*. No further funding. Clearly defined goals. Clearly defined targets. Clearly defined success or failure.

I think liberals believe that the goernment is or should be the shining focus of what america is. America is great because we have laws against wiretaps, america is great because we spend 1 trillion dollars on welfare programs.

Whereas I believe that government is a necessary evil. The strength of america is in its people, is in its economy, is in its generosity. We have 300 million people living and working - and much that is good in this country has *nothing* to do with government.

Originally Posted by chrispedersen View Post
A long period of prosperity at home, the most successful arms reductions we ever had with the soviets, a major role in freeing eastern europe from the USSR
The USSR was forced to collapse, through political intrigue most of all. Unfortunately, our method of causing this, was by convincing OPEC to increase oil production. The resulting increase in supply caused the price of oil to plummet dramatically, and due to the USSR sustaining its economy on oil exports, it ended the cold war, and caused all of the nifty things we associate with that. Unfortunately, it did also cause a lot of destabilization in the Middle East.

Exactly when were you calling the middle east stable..
during the arab israeli war of the 60's? The oil embargo of the 70's? The Kuwait/Iraq/Iran wars of the 80s? The Israeli/palestinian intidefada?

See, if you read Kissinger's book diplomacy, it documents instability in the area dating back - oh well long before Reagan.

According to the the son of the last shah of Iran's book. It was Jimmy Carter's pressure on his father that caused him to abdicate. Leading to Khomeini, the capture of the american embassy, and the world facing the imminent possibility of Iran with nuclear weapons.

So indirectly, mister Reagan is partially responsible for the debacle we face now.

Absolutely and patently false. According, once again, the government report on the economy, Reagan almost broke the 10% unemployment mark, and had the highest unemployment rate recorded (probably only surpassed by the Great Depression).
Reagan did almost break the 10% unemployment , here is the link to the Bureau of labor statistics.


Jim you may be too young to remember it - but the term the misery index was coined during the carter years because of how crappy the economy was doing. Unemployment + inflaction of 20.7 percent.

Yes, regan inherited a crappy situation - but at the end of his first term, the misery index was 11.8 - and lower at the end of his second term. When he arrived in office unemployment was 7.2% - when he left it was 5.5%.

In fact, LBJ had about the lowest unemployment possible (~3%), which stabilized under Nixon and Carter to more moderate levels, and then skyrocketed under Reagan. Bush Sr managed to still give Clinton a 7.5% unemployment rate, which he pushed down to 4%, just in time for it to start growing again under Bush Jr (while we've started cutting off people's benefits, and thus not considering them unemployed once their benefits end - whether they are working or not).
I'm not going to respond to every fallacy, but .. where do you have the idea that people are not considered unemployed once their benefits end?

I mean factually, our benefits were always supposed to end. When they were originally passed collecting unemployment was called the 5240 club - you could collect 40dollars for 52 weeks.
Unemployment was supposed to help you get through a tough spot - not be a lifestyle choice.

And generally americans support the idea of helping people through tough spots - were just not keen on the idea of you subsiding on welfare indefinitely.

Lastly, there are thousands of articles written on people that are un or under employed but have given up looking. No one I know considers them employed. No one I know has accurate figures for the number of these people, including you.

Inflation is a more complicated issue, as while the average citizen has many reasons to hate inflation, our contrived method of finance requires a certain level of inflation in order to function smoothly. Therefore, unless you have studied this effect in full (for example, 2% inflation is called a "recession", even though the economy is technically still growing), then it is hard to argue which President actually has the healthiest levels of inflation while in office (though most would agree it seems Carter had too high inflation, and Bush Jr had too low, what falls between is not clear cut, plus Republicans seem to want to blame GW's woes on Clinton, why can't we blame Nixon for some of Carter's tribulations....?).
If you read my actual previous quotes I believe that trends certainly last beyond presidents. Its one of the many reasons I am opposed to the statistics you tried to use to establish that democrats were better than republicans.

I certainly do believe that carter inherited some of his problems - but I also think that carters poor handling of the economy, poor handling of the oil embargo, poor handling of the shah of iran - and hundreds of other problems qualify him as a poor president.

Originally Posted by chrispedersen View Post
Thousands of americans from across the political divide thought he was a great president - including those that were his political opponents such as Tip O'Neil, Walter Mondale
Public opinion does not alter the facts of the matter. Honestly, I care much less for what people think, than I do about what actually achieves desirable results. Unfortunately, we have been proving time and time again in this country that people will act from a basis of opinion, rather than fact, and that it often provides us with undesirable results.
Only because there are many ways to interpret fact.
Right now we have 4.7% unemployment, 3.1% inflation. Would you seriously try to argue that things are good? But thats what you tried to do with the statistics before. People may not be able to quote facts and statistics - but they know when a country is doing well.

but then again, it seems readily apparent that Clinton/Gore were even more loved and respected by the world community, but since you like to downplay that contribution, I don't think you value it highly as anything more than as a tool to try to prove your other points.
Being liked or respected is not the objective, nor the measure of our leaders, but it can be a side effect of being an effective politician.

I believe that clinton was an incredibly skillful politician. But I don't see what his lasting contribution will be. What accomplishment will he be remembered for? I think he will be generally remembered for a good economy, refurbishing the democratic image, monica lewinsky and being impeached.

Last edited by chrispedersen; November 6th, 2008 at 01:25 PM..
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