
November 16th, 2008, 12:35 PM
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Re: Keeping Kristoffer in the dark.
You could, HoneyBadger, not create threads on your mods until they're reasonably close to being done. That's what most people do, or at least don't have more than 1 or 2 work-in-progress threads.

November 16th, 2008, 04:21 PM
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Re: Keeping Kristoffer in the dark.
Well, I actually have a very good reason for that: This computer, being a secure work computer, is reimaged on a regular basis, which means that anything I have stored on it goes bye-bye, at times with very little heads-up notice. And I have lost a lot of information, because of that, already. So it's not that I *want* to post the entire development process for each and every mod, it's just the best way I have to secure the information so that it isn't irretrievably lost. A side effect (and I'm not sure how well it's appreciated, but it's there) is that it gives people regular and accurate updates on where I'm at, in the creation process.
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November 16th, 2008, 07:00 PM
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Re: Keeping Kristoffer in the dark.
You can't email, print, diskdrive, cd or dvd burn, upload or otherwise store it?
I find that sort of hard to believe. Not that I have a problem with you making lots of threads about what you're working on - it definitely doesn't mesh with your concerns in this thread though.

November 16th, 2008, 07:36 PM
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Re: Keeping Kristoffer in the dark.
I don't have a cd, dvd, or floppy drive on this computer. No printer, either. It's all in the cause of security. I could email it, but I find that less than satisfactory, and emails tend to get lost too, especially since all I have is AOL. Objectively, it's a fairly sucky situation, overall. The only real upside is the high speed internet access, that I didn't have before, but I have to pay for that myself.
It's a whole lot better than nothing, though, and the computer itself was free with the job (and I love my job), so I can hardly complain
As far as it meshing with the rest of the post, I was just replying to llamabeast's suggestion.
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November 16th, 2008, 07:49 PM
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Re: Keeping Kristoffer in the dark.
Originally Posted by HoneyBadger
Well, this is much more of an issue when one is developing mods based directly on history and mythology. I wouldn't expect Illwinter itself to ever make a mod based on another company's product. Ultimately, however, most-if not all-of the mod Nations are going to be based on *something* historical or mythological, including Warhammer, however many places removed it may be.
Amos has perhaps achieved the most creative and original mods available, but even he's got some based on books, comic books, role-playing game Nations, etc.
While Kristoffer has his preferences, I'm hoping it may not necessarily translate into "strictly avoiding entirely working on any ideas already expressed." Historical, mythological and fictional resources can be expressed into Dominions 3 in many different ways. It is also valid to express ideas that happen to be parallel or convergent to another's work and independently come up with a similar or even identical product. (I believe these principles should apply even in a legal setting?)

November 17th, 2008, 05:40 AM
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Re: Keeping Kristoffer in the dark.
Originally Posted by HoneyBadger
I don't have a cd, dvd, or floppy drive on this computer. No printer, either. It's all in the cause of security. I could email it, but I find that less than satisfactory, and emails tend to get lost too, especially since all I have is AOL.
And no usb slot for a 10 dollar pendrive?
The title of this thread is keeping KO in the dark. I think llama raised a good point about you putting all your ideas up in these forums. I can't really reconcile making those threads and making this one. I guess I just don't understand your hardware limitations though.

November 17th, 2008, 06:21 AM
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Re: Keeping Kristoffer in the dark.
Another solution could be to get a free online email account such as msn/yahoo/gmail/etc.

November 17th, 2008, 06:46 AM
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Re: Keeping Kristoffer in the dark.
There are ways around it, yes, unsatisfactory though they may be (and 10 dollars is actually a lot of money for me, right at the moment. I've got exactly $9.75 in free spending money that has to last atleast until Christmas-provided ofcourse, that I would even be allowed to use a pendrive on this computer. I'm severely limited by major security perogatives, and there's very little I can do, or would want to do, to get around them. The computer hardware itself isn't that bad, it's just that it can only be used in certain severely prescribed ways.) but really, I'm most bothered by the paradox: I want to post my work on the forums, I want people to see it, and I want creative freedom, but I also want more Nations from Kristoffer, and by posting my own ideas, that seems to cause Kristoffer to limit himself.
And ofcourse, multiply "I" by everyone here.
The question is, is there a solution that satisfies both the consumer who wants to produce, and the producer who wants to produce entirely original work?
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November 17th, 2008, 07:19 AM
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Re: Keeping Kristoffer in the dark.
Google documents might be an excellent option for you, Honey Badger. It's free, and you can write and keep word-style documents online.
I must admit I think that would be somewhat preferable. I think people find the planning threads hard to read, and I think the forum gets most value from mods which have reached the stage of having some graphics/code made for them. Hence, until they reach that stage, I wonder if the disadvantages of having the mods outlined on here (Kristoffer-blocking, confusion of new people who can't find the completed mods amongst all the drafts, and general forum-filling) might outweigh the benefits.
You can sign up (for free) to Google Docs at docs.google.com. It really is an amazing service.

November 17th, 2008, 09:41 AM
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Re: Keeping Kristoffer in the dark.
I can always set you up HB. Do you know Linux (not mandatory, just helpful)
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