The hosting scheme for ComfortZone. Basically, I'll be turning quickhost off in that game during holidays because there's always a few players that don't want to play Dominions while visiting family (weird, I know).
Without quickhost, there's no resentment toward that 1 guy who can't/won't play his turns, while everyone else is incessently refreshing thier inbox for 6 straight days. And frankly, the rest of us should occasionally spend time with loved ones (not that I don't love you guys).
Nov 27th is Thanksgiving, a major "traveling" holiday in the US. People generally leave on Wed (Nov 26th) and return home on Sun (Nov 30th), hence the postponement. In ComfortZone, we'll be extending equal accommodations to any holidays the players celebrate.
But I'm not actually going anywhere for Thanksgiving, so I'm cool with anything the BonsaiKitty fraternity wants (except Pythium

@Omni: HA! Who'd have thought Man would be rushing an elephant nation? I certainly earn novelty points for that one, no?