Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
Thanks for another great time killer 
Cant you wait until Im tired of your other games before springing another on me?
But how can we know this?

Anyhow, very happy you like the game! (Please spread the word.)
Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
Question: Is that fractal music you are using?
Ive been keeping an eye on that topic since I feel it as a large future in games. Much variety of music with very little code.
You know, you stumped me there, though I kind of knew what you meant, so I looked this up and checked out a few fractal music apps. Very interesting, and I love the idea of procedural everything

as long as the maker still calls most of the shots.
No, what's going on in Brainpipe is loops. Seamless loops being cued up in an intelligently random fashion and crossfaded from one to the next. Every loop is handmade with traditional stereo and multitrack techniques, though the music itself....some of it is pretty nontraditional for games.
Great question!