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Old February 3rd, 2009, 02:43 PM

Maraxus Maraxus is offline
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Default Re: [Beta] Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords

Nice, I did not know that bit.

My pop culture understanding of the term is just "A small artifical lifeform" - not necessarily as mindless or lifeless as a golem and usually serving the mage that created it. The parts on Mandrake and Black-Hen-eggs are yucky btw. (*Thinks of Monty Python's "every sperm is sacred" song*)

So for Dominions' magic it could be anything from Nature over Earth to Blood magic maybe crosspathed with Death or Water...
Very broad term.
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Old February 4th, 2009, 10:38 AM
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Default Re: [Beta] Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords

New version of Nosophoros (v0.83)

As promised the heroes have ben overhauled to make it more feastable to spend points in Luck.
The High level of Nosophoros Blood Summon have been overhauled too.

misc changes as well.
3 Screenshots added to the thread (post 1)
1 extra icons for Nosophoros, added to the thread (post 1)

Changelog 0.83
* 20 New Vampire Names
* New Weapon: "Jeweled Vamperic Great Sword"
* New Item Forge: "Jeweled Vamperic Great Sword" - Available for all nations
* Former "Summon Skeleton Guard" renamed to "Lesser Summon Skeleton Guard"
* New Spell: "Summon Skeleton Guard"
* New Spell: "Greater Summon Skeleton Guard"
* Nation - defmult2: 10 ---> 15
* Nation - Blood Sacrifice preach
* Nation - No normal preach
* Summon Skeleton Commander - 9 death gems ---> 6 death gems
* Summon Skeleton Lord - 12 death gems ---> 8 death gems
* Pretender: Shadow Dragon - 3 cold ---> 5 cold
* Weapon: Death Breath - 3 Area of effect ---> 4 Area of effect (to compesate for it's usefulness compared to other dragon breaths)
* Skeleton Commander 11 hp ---> 13 hp
* Skeleton Lord: 12 hp ---> 14 hp
* Skeleton Lord: 14 Magic resist. ---> 15 Magic resist.
* Vampire Lord: injured shapeshift removed, it interfer with immortal
* Vampire Lord: 2 Blood Hunt ---> 3 Blood Hunt
* Vampire Lord: 1 Death Magic ---> 3 Death Magic
* Vampire Lord: 1 Blood Magic ---> 2 Blood Magic
* Ancient Vampire Lord: 3 Blood Hunt ---> 4 Blood Hunt
* Ancient Vampire Lord: 2 Random Magic ---> 3 Random Magic
* Ancient Vampire Lord: 3 Blood Magic ---> 4 Blood Magic
* Ancient Vampire Lord: 3 Death Magic ---> 4 Death Magic
* Ancient Vampire Lord - injured shapeshift removed, it interfer with immortal
* Hero: Shadow Necromancer - 2 Earth Magic ---> 3 Earth Magic
* Hero: Shadow Necromancer - 2 Death Magic ---> 3 Death Magic
* Hero: Shadow Necromancer - 9 def ---> 12 def
* Hero: Shadow Necromancer - 11 prec ---> 12 prec
* Hero: The Judge - 2 Blood Hunt ---> 3 Blood Hunt
* Hero: The Judge - 2 Death Magic ---> 3 Death Magic
* Hero: The Judge - 50 Healer ---> 40 Healer
* Hero: The Baroness - 2 Blood Hunt ---> 3 Blood hunt
* Hero: The Baroness - injured shapeshift removed, it interfer with immortal
* Hero: The Oracle - 10 No Bad event ---> 25 No Bad Event
* Hero: The Oracle - 6 def ---> 8 def
* Hero: The Oracle - Fixed magic path, was set to blood path instead of Priest path
* Hero: The Oracle - 2 Divine Magic ---> 4 Divine Magic
* Hero: The Oracle - Can't hunt for Blood (locked up in her chamber)
* Hero: The Oracle - 500 Maxage ---> 650 Maxage
* Hero: The Oracle - Startage: 15
* Hero: Vampire Lord - 2 Blood Hunt ---> 3 Blood Hunt
* Hero: Vampire Lord - 1 Random Magic Path
* Hero: Vampire Lord - 500 Maxage ---> 650 Maxage
* Nation Feature list in the manual
* Thanks to, in the manual
* Changes made into the manual
| Ubuntu Linux 12.04 64-bit |

Nosophoros: The Vampire Lords - v1.02
Conquest of Elysium 3 GUI mods
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Old February 5th, 2009, 04:30 PM
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Default Re: [Beta] Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords

Added for download (seperatly) 1 Pre-made Pretender;

Shadow Dragon
Thalic, God of Gods, King of the Dead, Warrior Against the Sun, King of Kings, Lord of this World is a pretender God trying to banish all other Pretenders and become a true God.

Name: Thalic
Magic: 9 Death Magic
Dominions: 10
Order: 0
Productivity: 2
Cold: 1
Growth: 0
Drain: 2
Awakening: Dormant

Point Left: 1

Bless Bonus: 350% Afflication chance & Death Weapons
Death Magic Bonus: Maxage very high for Pretender, + fear
Dominions Bonus: Awe (2) to Pretender. Pretender very strong in high dominion areas.
Productivity: income +4%, resources +30%
Drain: units etc. +1 magic resistance, -2 research

A good SC for Nosophoros. Bad thing: Dormant, but it shouldn't take many turns before your Pretender shows up. While in many cases a SC is very nice to have to clear indies in the start, you have to wait a bit. Instead recruit Black Rose Guards and a priest to take out the surrounding lands until your SC shows up. If you want something cheaper use Vampire Soldiers (just bait the opponents bowmen with something else) and start getting researchers/spellcasters.

So why this combination?
The Shadow Dragon have a Natural +5 Fear + Fear from (7)9 death magic which gives the Shadow Dragon a Natural +12 Fear.
With Awe (2) from Domions (10) you get a great combo with Fear and the Shadow Dragons natural Ethereal ability.
A suggestion to equip the Shadow Dragon would give it a something like "Horror Helmet" (+5 fear) to boost fear and its protection (-1 in def though). "Amulet of Antimagic" (+4 magic resistance) in one of the misc slots. Optional using the last misc slot to "Pendant of Luck".

This will give you;
Fear (+17)
Awe (+2)
MR (+23)

Now with high dominions 10 (don't forget to blood sacrifice with priests) the Pretendeer gets high boosts within its Dominions (+HP, +MR, +STR)

While Dormant may set you back in the beginning there's a reason(s) why picking Productivity: 2
1) Expensive units
2) Rely on units to take indies while Pretender havn't shown up yet.

Optional is instead of Productivity: 2, take growth: 2
If your opponents are trying to hurt your Blood Support which you need for Blood Magic and preaching by killing off your population.
| Ubuntu Linux 12.04 64-bit |

Nosophoros: The Vampire Lords - v1.02
Conquest of Elysium 3 GUI mods
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Old February 6th, 2009, 09:07 AM
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Default Re: [Beta] Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords

Wow, looks really nice! I like the glowing eyes. Haven't actually tried it out yet, but I will when I get a moment.
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Old February 6th, 2009, 12:23 PM
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Default Re: [Beta] Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords

Originally Posted by vfb View Post
Wow, looks really nice! I like the glowing eyes. Haven't actually tried it out yet, but I will when I get a moment.
Thanks ^_^
If you have some critque/ideas/comments/bugs I really like to know, The more feeedback the better the chance to catch the bugs, reducing stuff that's waaay overpowered, or if you have any general question about the mod.
| Ubuntu Linux 12.04 64-bit |

Nosophoros: The Vampire Lords - v1.02
Conquest of Elysium 3 GUI mods
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Old February 10th, 2009, 03:24 PM
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Default Re: [Beta] Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords

Anyone interested in finding typos/grammers? Credit will be given.
| Ubuntu Linux 12.04 64-bit |

Nosophoros: The Vampire Lords - v1.02
Conquest of Elysium 3 GUI mods
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Old February 10th, 2009, 03:47 PM

analytic_kernel analytic_kernel is offline
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Default Re: [Beta] Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords

Wow, Thilock.

I appreciate all the effort you have put into this, including that trailer. Very creative. (I also like how you mentioned open source tools. )

I will hopefully have time to try this mod in the next couple of weeks. But, I'll look for typos and grammar errors today.
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Old February 10th, 2009, 06:13 PM

analytic_kernel analytic_kernel is offline
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Default Re: [Beta] Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords

Attached is a patch for Nosophoros.dm. It handles some spelling, noun-verb agreement, and sentence structure issues. I think that there are still some clauses that need to be delimited by commas, but I left them alone because my judgement is somewhat poor in that area. There are also a couple of gender questions and some singular-plural alternations that I did not address. (I'm a software engineer / physicist, not an English teacher.... )

Some additional notes:
  • #secondtempshape for Children of the Night might need to be #secondtmpshape, according to the modding manual.
  • #stealth for The Chosen One might need to be #stealthy, according to the manual.
  • #nametypes for the Skeleton Guard might need to be #nametype, according to the manual.
  • Likewise for the other members of the Skeleton family....
  • For the Shadow Necromancer, #magicspell is probably supposed to be #magicskill.
I did not change these, but am pointing them out for your review.
Attached Files
File Type: zip Nosophoros_diff_1.zip (6.5 KB, 252 views)
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Old February 11th, 2009, 02:47 PM
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Default Re: [Beta] Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords

New version of Nosophoros.

Changelog 0.84

--- NEW ---
• New Weapon: "Soulless Bite"
• New Armor: "Death Mask"

--- CHANGES ---
• Noble Great Sword: Removed "weakness" effect
• Noble Great Sword: Fire damage instead of Normal Damage
• Night Stalker equiped with Death Mask
• Monster (197): Soulless - Added "Soulless Bite" instead of fist
• Monster (197): Soulless - New Description
• Snow Demon Wolf: Dark Power - 2 ---> 1
• Child of the Night: Blood Hunt - 2 ---> 1
• Child of the Night: Dark Power - 2 ---> 1
• Child of the Night (wolf shape): removed Ambidextrous (3)
• Child of the Night (wolf shape): Blood Hunt - 2 ---> 1
• Child of the Night (wolf shape): Dark Power - 2 ---> 1
• Vengeful Child Spirit: Dark Power - 2 ---> 1
• Nation - defmult1: 15 ---> 12
• Nation - defmult2: 15 ---> 17
• Pretender: Shadow Dragon (Shadeform): 1 Chill ---> 3 Chill
• Pretender: Vampire King - 100 cost ---> 75 cost
• Pretender: Vampire King - Magic Path cost 60 ---> 40
• Hero: The Oracle - added Spread Dominion 1
• Hero: The Judge - Increase Unrest 1

--- FIXES ---
• Pretender: Fixed Shadow Dragons - chill (5)
• Child of the Night (wolf shape): missing protection 5
• Child of the Night - fixed secondtmpshape
• Child of the Night (wolf shape) - fixed secondtmpshape
• The Choosen One - fixed stealthy
• Hero: Shadow Necromancer - fixed magicskill
• Alot of text corrections

--- MANUAL ---
• Necromancer: New Picture in Manual
• Shadow Necromancer: New Picture in Manual
• ShapeShift & Special Units in the Manual
• Changes made into the manual
| Ubuntu Linux 12.04 64-bit |

Nosophoros: The Vampire Lords - v1.02
Conquest of Elysium 3 GUI mods
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Old November 13th, 2009, 12:05 PM
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Default Re: [Beta] Nosophoros - The Vampire Lords

Sorry for the long delayed.

Nosophoros is now official released!!!!
If anyone wants to host it, be my guest

Changelog 1.00

--- NEW ---
• Tested with Dominions 3 version 3.23b

--- FIXES ---
• A lot of spelling and grammar corrections.
• Souless name fixed.
• Souless description fixed.
| Ubuntu Linux 12.04 64-bit |

Nosophoros: The Vampire Lords - v1.02
Conquest of Elysium 3 GUI mods
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