There's no such thing as idiot proof anymore. Idiots tend to adapt after several generations, sort of like cockroaches. However, I will do my best to make sure you newbies know what you're doing.
Step 1: Activate the mods we are using and create a pretender god for your nation.
Step 2: You remember where you installed the Dominions 3 folder right? Go in there and find a folder called "savedgames". Inside that folder is another folder called "newlords". Look for the era and nation name of your nation in the filename of the .2h files in the folder. If there are multiple files for the same nation and era, the highest numbered one is the latest pretender created, and probably the one you want (for example late_mictlan_0.2h).
Step 3: Attach this file to an e-mail and send it to Make sure you include the game's name, (Betelgeuse, in case you forgot

Step 4: There is no step 4. You're done. In case you want to change your pretender before the game actually starts, you can create another and send it to Llamaserver the same way you did the first. Llamaserver will replace your old pretender with the revised one.