
March 4th, 2009, 05:15 PM
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Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace game: 16/17 pretenders, sub wanted
Ludivico's not responded to an earlier PM I sent, so I've sent another.
Ludivico: If you're reading this, when can we expect to get your pretender in?

March 4th, 2009, 08:04 PM
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Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace game: 16/17 pretenders, sub wanted
Just checked, the abnormal province appears to be 80 (it connects to 72 and 66 and looks like it should also connect to 88, 100, and 98).

March 5th, 2009, 05:30 AM
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Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace game: 16/17 pretenders, sub wanted
So it is. Thanks, Fate. The .map has been fixed and uploaded to llamaserver, and the game settings have been changed to use the fixed .map file.
On another note: I'm going to give Ludivico van about a day to speak up or submit a pretender before I kick this game off. He's been on the site recently enough to have both seen the game is accepting pretenders and picked up at least one of my pms.
If any of you have contact with him over other channels, could you give him a reminder please? I'd rather not lose a player, but I don't want to see this game dead in the water either.
Last edited by Gregstrom; March 5th, 2009 at 05:44 AM..

March 5th, 2009, 11:47 AM
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Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace game: 16/17 pretenders, sub wanted
I found another couple provinces missing 'obvious' connections. Neither of them were particularly egregious, so long as no one winds up starting in one I suppose.
If I have time tonight (which is looking doubtful) and you haven't started it already I'll send them in.
I also had some glitch with the pretender I sent in (somehow I sent in one from a CBM build, even though the paths and scales were identical, just a difference in some points left over), I've sent in my 3rd pretender now anyway, but hopefully I got this one with the right email and right mods (or lack thereof).
So yeah, just a reminder to make sure you didn't have any mods that alter pretender designs active when you made yours and sent it in, and hopefully we don't get a 'Caelum Cheated' message proving me to be even more incompetent than usual.

March 5th, 2009, 12:05 PM
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Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace game: 16/17 pretenders, sub wanted
I checked all start positions on the map before setting them. There should be 5 neighbours on each land start and 4 for R'lyeh IIRC, since there wasn't much choice in water start positions.

March 6th, 2009, 05:53 PM
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Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace game: 16/17 pretenders, sub wanted
Well, it's been about a day... and a fair bit more. Serves me right for planning to do something on a Friday afternoon.
Off we go - last one to become transcendent is a big sissy!

March 6th, 2009, 11:02 PM
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Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Sod that, that's for sissies.
The last one to kick the collective behind of every single one of his/her neighbours is a gigantic sissy!
How the bloody *countless expletives deleted* does *expletive deleted* Atlantis end up starting in the middle of a *expletive deleted* forest? Just *expletives deleted* wondering.

March 7th, 2009, 07:24 AM
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Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Now that's bizarre, and just plain bad for balance. I tried a couple of tests and got the coastal start province each time (also, the game is obliged to start LA Atlantis on the coast). I'm guessing there's some problem in the .map file that I don't yet have enough knowledge to understand.
Edit: This may require a restart, people. Apologies to all.

March 7th, 2009, 08:39 AM
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Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
No need to restart on my account. I don't mind starting inland.
Though I will warn anyone standing between myself and the nearest body of water to quickly move out of the way. 

March 7th, 2009, 09:29 AM
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Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Well, it's a quick fix and if it isn't done then R'lyeh gets unchallenged access to a lot of water, as I'm nowhere near the sea either. A restart isn't going to cost anyone too much time redoing their turns, either.
Thoughts, anyone?
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