Current Status
Pythium. Tartarians, artifacts and elemental royalty.
Chance of victory:
Almost certain
T'ien Ch'i. Artifacts, elemental royalty and who knows what else.
Chance of victory:
Almost certain
Midgard. Free blood summons and a blood economy in a gem-poor world. No current wars.
Chance of victory:
Almost certain
Arcosephale. Kickass pretender, communion magic and the knowhow to use them. No current wars.
Chance of victory:
Almost certain
Pangaea. Whatever it takes to beat back an invader of the calibre of T'ien Ch'i.
Chance of victory:
Almost certain
Mictlan. A blood economy in a gem-poor world. No current wars. Sense of humour.
Chance of victory: Would be
almost certain if I had free blood summons