Version 3.17_G14 is now being hosted at the new site, here. Please go there for the newest version, which now includes a custom version with AI pretenders for LA.
The version referenced below is now obsolete.
Glory of the Gods SP Map for Dominions 3
Version v3.17_G13 (Apr. 18, 2010)
Original map by Jason Lutes, revised by Edi and now Globu
UPDATE: APR. 18, 2010
v3.17_G13: Yep. I did indeed screw up the LA Atlantis start location and left an erroneous entry in the LA section for MA Eriu. These errors have been fixed, along with a few other minor corrections. Thanks for pointing those problems out, Rookierookie.
This is a further modification by myself, Globu, of
Edi's fixed version of Jason Lutes's excellent Glory map. Like the original, it has 602 provinces: 480 land, and 122 sea.
I have made the following changes to the map:
- Hand-named all provinces with what I hope are thematic and sensible names, with nothing silly fru-fru, and using regional naming schemes (Northeast Otesia, South Otesia, Otesian Highlands, and so forth).
- Revised the map data very carefully, correcting a couple of missing province connections and revising many territorial designations (to either correct clear errors, or make them more logical or viable).
- Added the ManySites flag to provinces that feature things like ruins, henges, monoliths, and so forth.
- Provided alternate variants of the map (see below).
This archive does *not* include the map image, which you should already have by default; this is only the .map files.
The map has four variants available:
- RANDOM STARTS VERSION: Uses the #start command to mark 42 appropriate provinces as possible start locations for random placement.
- FIXED STARTS VERSION: A version in which I have hand-placed (what I hope) are sensible and thematic start locations for each nation in all three eras.
- CUSTOM VERSIONS: As the Fixed Starts version, above, but the two custom versions also include a full slate of thematic custom pretenders set up for all nations; one is for EA, one is for MA (I have not yet done one for LA).
The custom AI pretenders used are created using the criteria I found in the custom gods given in SemiRandom -- in other words, AI pretenders are all awake but get 150 bonus points as if they were dormant. In most cases, where nations has their own national pretender(s) available, I have used them. I should note that, since flavor was an important element here, the custom pretenders are workable but by no means optimal. However, all are created with a mind to long-run viability, and none are given the horrible scales the AI often chooses.
Be sure and read the instructions in the readme on how to get a game started using the custom maps.
Further information, version history, credits and permissions are in the enclosed readme.