
May 12th, 2009, 11:07 AM
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Re: CarCrash - EA Game - CBM - (Running)
It wasn't at all. Maybe it should have! Welp.

May 12th, 2009, 02:52 PM
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Re: CarCrash - EA Game - CBM - (Running)
Ok, still no sign of 'Incabulos', so I have begun looking for a sub for Vanheim on either a temporary or permanent basis (depending on whether or not 'Incabulos' returns at some point very soon).
I don't want to delay the game if I don't have to, since Vanheim have only currently suffered one stale, which isn't game breaking. But if no sub appears before I retire for the night (in about 4 hours) then I will delay the game for a few hours just in case a sub volunteer shows up overnight, and I don't get the message until the morning, which will be after the current turn hosts (since it'll be a bit silly to see a nation stale again just because I didn't get the 'Hi I'm happy to sub' message in time to stop it).

May 12th, 2009, 06:17 PM
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Re: CarCrash - EA Game - CBM - (Running)
Hi, everyone. I will be at least a temp sub for Vanheim. From reading the thread it seems I'm part of a group attacking Hinnom. I'd appreciate it if anyone with an agreeement with Vanheim would PM me to let me know. Thanks.

May 13th, 2009, 02:35 PM
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Re: CarCrash - EA Game - CBM - (Running)
May I say "Welcome to CarCrash Valerius" on behalf of everyone, and a big thank you for taking up the staling Vanheim, be it for however long a duration you are happy with
@ Everyone - I will be increasing the hosting interval after this turn as stated on the status page. I know that some players would prefer to extend hosting around this stage of a game so as to allow more thinking time, while other players would prefer a faster pace of a shorter hosting. This is always the case in every MP game. But I am planning to stick to the schedule advertised unless any issues with it crop up.
Also, I can only speak for myself time wise, but I know my current turns usually sail past the 1 hour mark without breaking sweat. So I for one would appreciate the extra time to work out how to help me keep my demons alive longer 

May 14th, 2009, 04:58 AM
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Re: CarCrash - EA Game - CBM - (Running)
Hey Calahan,
I don't understand why I lost a battle in province 14 that turn.
According to the replay I won, yet the messages and the game map shows that I lost.
It's not a game turning loss so I'm not too worried about it, but it's still not nice (i like to watch the battle replay before finding out if i win or lose

May 14th, 2009, 05:47 AM
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Re: CarCrash - EA Game - CBM - (Running)
Will take a look when I get home from work Bluff, and let you know what happens in my replay.

May 15th, 2009, 04:45 AM
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Re: CarCrash - EA Game - CBM - (Running)
Just noticed that Hinnom has disappeared from the nation list on the llamaserver. Guess they went AI at some point.
Drager, do you fancy awarding the kill to any nation or nations in particular? Or would some nations like to come forward to claim part of the giant scalp?

May 15th, 2009, 04:48 AM
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Re: CarCrash - EA Game - CBM - (Running)
Yep was pretty much dead and didn't expect to be able to log on for a few days, so went AI. Hmmm, was attacked by vanhiem, pangaea and caelum. Vanheim is out of the picture, fairly even split Pan and Caelum. If I had to choose I'd give it to Pan as he was the initial major aggressor, caelum came in when i was already committed elsewhere

May 15th, 2009, 06:03 AM
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Re: CarCrash - EA Game - CBM - (Running)
Give it to Pan. And I'm sad you went AI, I went to great efforts to kill your SC this turn and you're going to miss my attempt.

May 15th, 2009, 06:04 AM
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Re: CarCrash - EA Game - CBM - (Running)
let me know how it goes!
I had an eye op yesterday, didn't expect to be back on the computer so quickly, else I would have stayed until actual death
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