Normandy, 1944.
I'm commanding a small British force tasked with scouting in front of a major push by the Allies. The core of my force is an armoured recce section of 2 Stuart Mk V tanks, 2 sections of halftrack mounted infantry, 2 scout teams and 2 snipers, with a halftrack mounted mortar team for indirect fire. We have rushed to the assistance of a Canadian infantry company who is experiancing a German advance in thier sector. Our cousins have a pair of 6lb AT guns attached to the company, but no other heavy weapons.
They have taken up a hasty defensive position in the woods north of a large town that dominates the extreme south edge of the map, there is a E-W road on the edge, with a heavy concentration of buildings along it. The middle is broken forest, with an open plain in the far north, and another E-W paved road going through the plains. The Germans apparent objectives are a series of small hills NW of town.
The Canadians are deployed in the open woods north of town, arcing up toward the highway, with their AT guns guarding the largest of the clearings. My fast force is deployed in a small hollow near an S turn in the highway, pending more intelligence about the German forces.
The crash of heavy shells and splintering wood heralds the German advance. They are coming though town from the SE, shelling the town as they come. An advance scout left in town reports "PANTHERS!!!" before an unusually alert Volksgrenedier spots him and attacks, leaving no survivors. I leave my own scouts near the highway and speed south with the Stuarts and halftracks while my single mortar team launches H&I fire on the advancing column. As the Canadians redeploy to face the south, their scout in the eastern woods also reports heavy armor before scurrying to safety. More Panthers, at least a platoon's worth. At this last report, I could barely hear muttered curses from my tank leader, muted by screaming engines, clattering tracks, and the unmistakeable sound of seat cushions be drawn up between clenched buttocks.... 2 Stuart tanks and a section of 6lb AT guns vs. a short company of Panthers?!?!!!
Two platoons of Canadians turn to face the new threat from the woods, while the mortar team rapidly shifts fire to button up the tanks and strip them of any escorting infantry. They are going to have to hunt the big cats in the deep woods, outside the range of the AT guns, who will be busy with thier own Panthers soon anyway.
The southern Germans have been busy, meanwhile, marching through town and engaging in a long range firefight with the rest of the Canadians, my halftracks and infantry, and the 2 snipers, who are proving invaluable against the Volks Grens. My Stuarts are in a short tree line on the NE edge of town, with fields of fire both to the east and west.One Panther attempts to force it's way through the buildings bordering the road in order to support the German infantry. As he crashes out of sight into the basement of the local cafe, the remaining Panthers attempt an end run, trying to sprint to the edge of town, and back around the north side of the buildings. When they make the edge of town, however, they present excellent flank shots to the Stuarts, hiding in the bushes north of town. One Panther suffers damage from a lucky turret shot, and the nearest pops smoke to stop the hail of rounds ringing off his armor.
It's hunting season for the 2 platoons of infantry in the woods, and hunting is good

Stripped of thier Volks Grenediers and forced to button up by the accurate mortar fire, the Panthers are proving easy prey to the dedicated Canadians, using PIAT's and grenades as they ambush from the trees. As they slowly retreat in front of the tanks, knocking them off when opportunity presents, the German infantry is left cowing under the fire of my mortar team, chucking shells downrange as fast as they can.
The attack through town has stalled, a combination of highly accurate sniper fire and MG fire from my halftracks has left the Germans hugging the wreckage in town. German artillery fire has caused nearly as many casualties for him as for me, contributing to thier problems. The AT guns are dragging back through the woods, but making slow progress, as the Panthers advance against my Stuart's. One Panther crew, trusting in thier armor and genetic superiority, advances through the smoke and rapid AT fire from the Stuarts and manages a direct hit @ 150 yards, completly demolishing one light tank. They pay the price, however, as the other Stuart puts a 37mm round right through thier side armor. Outnumbered 3 to 1, he immediatly withdraws behind the treeline, moving to another position nearby.
The game of cat and mouse continues, as the panthers advance, take fire and light damage, and the Stuart scoots away behnd the trees. Eventually he makes almost a full circle, attacking the Panthers from his previous position in the first tree line, but firing now on thier left flanks, not right. A track shot immobilizes one, leaving two persuing thier prey. The 6 pounder crews have now drug their guns almost a quarter mile, and finally settle into firing positions at the end of a long bowling alley clearing. One crew almost takes a shot at the remaining Stuart as it screams across the clearing in reverse, Panthers bounding in pursuit. The light tank reaches the edge of the clearing and wheels around, hoping to meet up with my halftrack mounted infantry, who are moving in from the east. As the German tanks cross the clearing, each AT gun will have one shot. They make the most of it, leaving two smoking ruins, 6lb shells punching through side and turret armor pockmarked by the Stuart's squirrel gun.
Upon the loss of his final tank, the German commander declares a general retreat, though there is precious little left of his forces to retreat with. The Volk Grenediers have taken heavy losses from both sides artillery fire, and the only German forces left in good order are AA guns and hhe HQ unit.
Judged a total victory, I was quite amazed at just how much hell one light tank could raise in the right terrain.

One loss, when they were outnumbered 5-2, and out tanked by a substantial margin. I'm quite happy with the result