Here is what I propose (Changable of course) we have to start somewhere. IF we get a concensus we can get it going.
Mods 1.5 Magic standard Graphs ON HOF 15
Indie strength 5 Random Event Common Renaming ON
Starting Province 1 Map..Cradle of Dominions (not the MP its HUGE) if a small number, DarkHeavens if a lrger number of players.
DO NOT PUT A PASSWORD ON YOUR PRETENDER So we can set to AI if need be.
Hosting... 24 Hour Quickhost until we feel the need to raise it to 48 (usually between 25 and 35 turns).Victory can be Last man standing or a percentage of Capitols, depending on the number of players.
6 to 10 Last Man standing Over 10 percentage of Capitols.
Diplomacy Binding (vote on this).
Feel free to PM me with questions or opinions.
Nations...NOT YET Submit 2 nations when the time comes to join and we will try and work it out so everyone gets a chance at there nation (I suggest you DON'T pick 2 nations that you KNOW everyone will choose. We will also need at least 1 brave soul to play a water nation if possible.
Let me know ASAP if this suits everyone or we need to change something..