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Old August 11th, 2009, 02:08 PM
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Default Re: Newbie Vicious Circle

Everyone that is pretty new is welcome....We will be taking names for the next couple of days to see if Black Sun can recover his PC and join.

Diplomacy...I think we vote (as I said its OUR game not mine), I like diplomacy as it allows you to actually form a plan and use it.

NOW, we can have a diplomacy game that you are not bound to keep your word (and NO carryover to any other games), thats popular.

I personally always keep my word but that's just me as I wanted that reputation from the very start, but if someone stabs me in the back I don't carry it over into the next game.

If there is NO diplomacy in a noob game then we might as well be playing LA as magic plays a much smaller part and we will lose players quickly as wars get fought pretty easy and players disappear. Remember you start about 2 to 3 provinces away so its easy to be in a war in 4 turns.

I 'think' we would want to try and be able to play the whole game and that includes magic so I vote for binding diplomacy.

Just an opinion.
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Old August 11th, 2009, 02:18 PM
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Default Re: Newbie Vicious Circle

Someone just ask about the 'Hoarding Mod'...

I'm not sure in a Noob game its necesary as I would think we want to learn how to 'Clam' ect AND it may be the only real strongpoint of that nation so we have more people wanting it.

In a VET game it iS important as I guess they all do it if they can.

Do we want to get started right away with what we have or wait 2 days?

Please chime in with your opinions
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Old August 11th, 2009, 02:20 PM

Eldanesh Eldanesh is offline
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Default Re: Newbie Vicious Circle

If it is binding it should all be done in the form of PMs. I think the idea of no lying is great, and instead people will have to be clever with their wording!
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Old August 11th, 2009, 02:28 PM
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Default Re: Newbie Vicious Circle

Yes usually you negotiate by PM but register it in the Forum...

Say Sauro and Lanka form a 3 turn Nap or 5 turn or 100 turn though 3 turn is standard).

That way when you want to break it you just go to the forum and say" Sauro gives notice on turn 23 that the Nap with lanks is broken. Hostilities will begin on turn 26 (if you DON"T cout the turn you break it oR turn 25 if you DO count the turn you break it.

That way there is no doubt in anyones mind and no arguments that someone jumped the gun...

Now thats in a BINDING diplomacy game.

In a non binding you can do it any way you want (but I promise you ther ewill be pages of yelling aback and forth (LOL), which is what you asked for!!
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Old August 11th, 2009, 02:39 PM

Cerain Cerain is offline
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Default Re: Newbie Vicious Circle

I think we could accept de settings of Black Sun Empire, her original idea, with this we doesn't complicate the game and if before we were agreed, now also we can be, with this we would can avoid a cooling of the interest for this match.

We should organize a effective voting.

If some options like map are not good already because we are more players so we can change it. And Grudge you could begin to write the list of players, this can hel to a good organization. Count with me.


Server: Llamaserver ................................. Era: EA ............................... Mods: CBM 1.5 + hording-prevention mod
Magic Research: Standard ............................ Special Site Frequency: 50 ............ Indie strength: 5
Score Graphs: On ................................... HOF Entries: 15 .............................. Random Event Frequency: Common
Money, Resource, Supply Multiple: 100...Starting Provinces: 1........................Renaming: On

Game Administrators: Grudge Bringer + ¿?.

Hosting interval: Quickhost. First 10 @ 24 hours, 8 hours added every 10 turns thereafter with the maximum to be decided by consensus.

Victory conditions: 60+% VP


Delays: Liberal. Automatically granted provided I receive a PM in time and you post on the thread as well to let everyone know, and there are no major objections.

Qualifications: Noob starting players should be "fresh and green" with limited MP and SP experience (5 or less MP game participation). New to MP? Check out the Llamaserver FAQ

Map: Cradle of Dominion

Nation Selection: Upon reaching at least the minimum recruitment level (6), nation selection will proceed via in a random order (Not first in best dressed).
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Old August 11th, 2009, 02:42 PM

Frozen Lama Frozen Lama is offline
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Default Re: Newbie Vicious Circle

I'm not in this game, but my two bits would be to HAVE the no hoarding mod. even in a noob game, of which i have played a couple, the last few players clam to the max, and it sucks a lot. better to error on the safe side IMO.
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Old August 11th, 2009, 02:47 PM

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Default Re: Newbie Vicious Circle

Of this thing of the mod i can't say anithing becaue i don't know anything about them.
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Old August 11th, 2009, 02:54 PM
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Default Re: Newbie Vicious Circle

Here is what I propose (Changable of course) we have to start somewhere. IF we get a concensus we can get it going.

Mods 1.5 Magic standard Graphs ON HOF 15

Indie strength 5 Random Event Common Renaming ON

Starting Province 1 Map..Cradle of Dominions (not the MP its HUGE) if a small number, DarkHeavens if a lrger number of players.

DO NOT PUT A PASSWORD ON YOUR PRETENDER So we can set to AI if need be.

Hosting... 24 Hour Quickhost until we feel the need to raise it to 48 (usually between 25 and 35 turns).Victory can be Last man standing or a percentage of Capitols, depending on the number of players.

6 to 10 Last Man standing Over 10 percentage of Capitols.

Diplomacy Binding (vote on this).

Feel free to PM me with questions or opinions.

Nations...NOT YET Submit 2 nations when the time comes to join and we will try and work it out so everyone gets a chance at there nation (I suggest you DON'T pick 2 nations that you KNOW everyone will choose. We will also need at least 1 brave soul to play a water nation if possible.

Let me know ASAP if this suits everyone or we need to change something..
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Old August 11th, 2009, 03:03 PM
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Default Re: Newbie Vicious Circle

Yeah Frozen Llama, that I guess can happen but I would rather have a chance at some clams too rather than just the fist guy to Const 8 get them and roll over evryone.

If they are there for everyone, then its thier choice to get them.

Just my opinion...
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Old August 11th, 2009, 03:04 PM

Cerain Cerain is offline
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Default Re: Newbie Vicious Circle

I'm agreed. Put the list of players please.
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