August 18th, 2009, 01:45 PM
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 145
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An idea again. Pre-Islamic Chechyn and Ingush literature.
My finals are almost over so I'll be back to modding eventually, (although my initial Ashina mod is lost  )
The Narts themselves are a race of giants and heroes. Some of the characters who feature prominently in the sagas are:
Sosruko (Ubykh and Abkhaz and Adyghe (Саусырыкъо) sawsərəqʷa, Ossetian soslan), a hero who sometimes also appears as a trickster;
Satanaya (Ubykh satanaja, Adyghe (Сэтэнай) setenej, Ossetian: shatana), the mother of the Narts, a fertility figure and matriarch;
Tlepsh (Adyghe and Abaza ɬapʃʷ, Ossetian Kuyrdalægon), a blacksmith deity;
Syrdon (Ossetic: Сырдон), a trickster figure compared by Georges Dumezil to the Norse Loki.