Let me tell you a TRUE story....
When I was in the 7th grade there was this kid that had really PO'd a freshman over a girl (what else).
He was a little guy and the freshman was on the football team, pretty aggressive, and somewhat larger.
He (the freshman) set out to teach the younger boy a lesson about messing with ANY girl that he wanted, and let the 'word' get out that he was going to thrash him within an inch of his life.
Now the school they went to was a unique design, both levels where constructed of 2 squares with a hallway running down the middle and completely around them.
Sometimes when the Freshman walked around a corner, the little guy would be waiting, and would jump up and smack this guy in the face and run like hell.
After about 2 weeks of this the freshman was ducking going around every corner and FINALLY let it be known that he had decided it wasn't worth it, even though he would probably have caught this kid at some point. He would leave the smaller kid alone.
Lesson learned....
If your going to take on a smaller, weaker, entity, then be prepared to be attacked by a wasp. You will eventually get it with that newspaper, but you will be stung a number of times while doing it.
If you are that strong then take fight the strongest first because the weaker one will slow you down and let the stronger one get prepared to do battle with you on even terms.
That was a true story, and NO that little kid wasn't me....it was my brother.
Why rush a Hornets nest when you can fight something you can catch.
let the Philosopher mull around amongst his papers, he will always be there to smack around later.