
August 27th, 2009, 08:34 AM
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Dirty Tricks
How about these:
1) (this happened to me) While scrambling around looking for that fussion device to deal with the Yellow Kwangies (or whatever they are called) I found it for sale on a homeworld right in their path. So I bought the bomb, boosted it into high orbit, activated it and lit out of the system. Thats like shooting a gun shop owner with his own gun.
2) When facing the Yellow Kwangies or the swarm (i.e. moving threats) jump to the intercept system, then call up the bird traders and browse. Don't buy anything. Just get them into that system so they'll fight for you for free. Like, who knew there was any danger, right?
3) Use the bird-traders as caddies. When you have a band of nebula to cross, just call the bird traders in, swap out your warp drive to something more dust-friendly, and then switch back.
4) Caddies2 - use the bird-traders to safeguard your stuff against Esmerelda. Keep all your cool stuff with them, then trade back for it before running for home.
5) If you find a long-range scanner (especially the infinate-range scanner) in a store or swap meet, you can ask to "try it out". Plug it in, light up the systems with ships in them, then give it back.
6) Ripcord "Check out the derelic hull" O'Riley.
7) In tough battles, call in the bird-traders and then cloak. If they win, great, you can give them whatever rubbish is on the planet. If they die, well, you don't need to pay them, right? Please note - this isn't a good idea of you are using them as caddies.
8) With hyperspace/fold and gong - against really tough fleets with heavies (like that bot race) hop in, gong, hop out, repeat.
9) With a mirror and a gravity shunt, park on a black hole and mirror fleets into it. With hyperspace and a long-range scanner, you can pretty much depopulate the entire galaxy.
Note: I have done each of these once, when I first thought of it. Other than getting the birds into a system where a battle is brewing, I don't do them anymore. After all, why ruin a good game, right?

August 27th, 2009, 08:36 PM
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Re: Dirty Tricks
Originally Posted by Bluevoss
How about these:
6) Ripcord "Check out the derelic hull" O'Riley.
Heh heh.
8) With hyperspace/fold and gong - against really tough fleets with heavies (like that bot race) hop in, gong, hop out, repeat.
The hyperspace fold ability is probably the biggest game changer in WW. Pretty much instant high score unless you royally screw up somehow.
Good list!

August 28th, 2009, 08:22 AM
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Re: Dirty Tricks
Yeah, Hyperspace and Fold are a little much. I've mentioned in my House Rules thread that I've made my own games more interesting by instituting the following rule:
Hyperspace and Fold require recharge/downtime after use. If you jump into a system and encounter ships, you must engage and cannot retreat. The only escape possible is if you have (a) cloaking (and thats only for you) or (b) both Hyperspace AND Fold.
You might get more draconian and say that cloaking cant be left on for the days and weeks it takes to charge, so you still need to finish up the combat.
This means I'll usually keep a spare set of engines in cargo and use hyperspace to jump to regions I need to be at. Then I'll use conventional drives to boost into unexplored regions. If anything, it slows down the hop-hop-hop that those powers give you.

August 28th, 2009, 02:28 PM
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Re: Dirty Tricks
I just walked a guy through his first game (he's buying it tonight) and watched him do something I'd not thougth of.
If you meet the birds (bird or planet) and they don't have poop for weapons, you can still manage an upgrade. Just trade out both your weapons to them. In return, you get to keep one item, the other needs to be valued at 4-coins. Then run back to Glory and buy those two 2-coin weapons to fill your slots. In the end, you've got two better weapons and some extra thing, all for free (well, other than time).
No wonder all the other races hate us.

August 29th, 2009, 07:41 PM
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Re: Dirty Tricks
You guys are devious. I'll have to try that out.

August 30th, 2009, 10:12 PM
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Re: Dirty Tricks
Originally Posted by Bluevoss
(this happened to me) While scrambling around looking for that fussion device to deal with the Yellow Kwangies (or whatever they are called) I found it for sale on a homeworld right in their path. So I bought the bomb, boosted it into high orbit, activated it and lit out of the system. Thats like shooting a gun shop owner with his own gun.
I once used that to destroy Primordius' black hole, by setting it off in a system close enough to catch it in the blast. Unfortunately, the only system within range for that was the Zorg homeworld.
But the worst was when the only place I could intercept the Kawangi to use it was Glory.
Cap'n Q
"Good morning, Pooh Bear," said Eeyore gloomily. "If it is a good morning," he said. "Which I doubt," said he.

August 30th, 2009, 11:08 PM
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Re: Dirty Tricks
A few nights ago, I couldn't find the bomb in time to save Glory - they were already inbound. I knew the entire planet was doomed, but I could at least rid the universe of the yellow peril. Detonated the bomb 4.7 LYs out and killed them, but the game was all recriminatory at me for wiping out my homeworld.
Should have been a draw, right? They were all doomed anyway, but I got that sun-cracking maniacs. And I felt bad about it, too...

September 2nd, 2009, 01:11 PM
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Re: Dirty Tricks
This one just in - did it last night. If you have a invisible ship out there somewhere, you can blind fire (in a spread, if you have a number of ships) and find him pretty easy.
If you have a particle vortex cannon, you don't even need to come close - just watch the side crackles and adjust your fire that way.
You can smoke out invisible ships pretty easy that way.

September 16th, 2009, 05:21 AM
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Re: Dirty Tricks
Originally Posted by Bluevoss
6) Ripcord "Check out the derelic hull" O'Riley.
Instead of possibly losing a valuable scout ship, I usually just dismiss the rest of my fleet, CLOAK, and sail right in to secure a floating space-husk with no worry of being attacked.

September 16th, 2009, 01:14 PM
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Re: Dirty Tricks
>>BLINK BLINL<< (those are my eyes)
I didn't know that. I've used cloak to come close to them, uncloak, and drop back in if they fire. But I didn't know you could ride it right down to the hatch.
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