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Old October 8th, 2009, 04:46 PM

Kuritza Kuritza is offline
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Default Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!

1) I didnt know Anthropos was an ally of Ermor. Otherwise, I'd have attacked him much, much earlier. I just thought he is too inexperienced to understand that not working together to stop Ermor is suicidal.
2) Pray tell me just how could Ermor help Caelum? By attacking him from the opposite side?
3) Pray tell me, what 'reasonable' offers did I neglect? I quote you:

So how about changing that a bit? My offer is to sign long-term peace deal [for example "As long as Marignon lives +3", I could also consider fixed time NAP or just solid NAPX]. You'd grow stronger and face the winner and fight for victory in that game, something you'd surely like And I'd have some chances to try and fight Marignon + Utgard, having some challenge after losing so much.

I offered you NAP 5 (just what you asked for), which was called 'Man spouts nonsense' later, without even bothering to make a counter offer, like 'nap 10 would be more like it', so stop lying. Thank you.
4)BY ALL MEANS, please do declare AI Jomon a winner. That would be an ideal solution. Or Arco, I dont care. Just declare somebody who is not Zeldor, Kuritza or Ossa a winner and close the game.
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Old October 8th, 2009, 05:06 PM

Zeldor Zeldor is offline
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Default Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!

So 5 turns of peace is that solid fixed time NAP you are referring to. As something I should take after 3 stales and 10 turns lost preparations against Marignon?

LA Agartha guide
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Old October 8th, 2009, 05:10 PM
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Default Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!

When playing any game, from dominions to DND to monopoly to pickup basketball it is unenviable that disagreements will arise. If you are in such a disagreement you have some options:

A) Come up with a compromise or win-win solution
B) Capitulate because you realize that it is more important that the game go on without bad feelings than ruining everybody’s fun over whatever silly thing you are arguing about
C) Flip a coin
D) take a vote


E) Demand that you get your way or else you will take your ball and go home

I am not going to name any names here, (I could think of at least two) but if you responded to such a situation by threatening to quit before making a serious effort at a compromise then I think you acted with poor judgment and poor sportsmanship. If the game is ruined (as it seems like it might be) then that poor decision-making is the reason why.
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Old October 8th, 2009, 05:44 PM

Anthropos Anthropos is offline
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Default Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!

someone has made our decision for us

while i would LOVE to get a second chance to defend against Kuritza (without staling this time)
the amount of heat i received for suggesting that just i submit suicidal orders for three turns was a dumb idea has made me reconsider the sanity of the other players

after all that we did and however many hours we spent here
the game is now ruined

i'm sad for that

my initial proposal was to get kuritza and zeldor to work it out
and that i support any agrement the tow of them coudl make
funny if that has put me in the 'insanely selfish' category to some

i fear the only reasonable thing to do is go AI and stop reading this thread
as fighting kuritza now, even if i did do better
would be a very very hollow prize

bye for now
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Old October 8th, 2009, 05:46 PM

Ossa Ossa is offline
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Default Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!

Lets just get on playing and forget this whole discussion, it's not getting us anywhere anyway now that fact were made by our anonymous admin.

Concerning my "childish" position: I'm just still angry with Zeldor that he talked Ryleth into attacking me, effectivly ending all my hopes to gain ground against Ermor. Thats all

Anyone interested in a crusade now? Though Zeldor asked me repeteadly for NAP I'm not going to talk to undead people.
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Old October 8th, 2009, 06:41 PM

Micah Micah is offline
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Default Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!

Apologies Anthropos, I didn't fully read your post regarding Ermor's stales having a direct effect on your conflict with Man. That changes the situation and does in fact justify some level of compensation to you, although it gets tricky since you now know what Kuritza brings to bear. Though it does beg the question why you didn't speak up about your ally's woes.

I was under the impression from Kuritza that the events were discrete entities, and if that were so it would have been unfair for you to get a re-do with your extra knowledge and experience. Hopefully the single stale that Ermor suffered will serve to alleviate that disadvantage for Kuritza and restore a more-or-less level playing field if the game continues.
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Old October 8th, 2009, 11:57 PM

Kuritza Kuritza is offline
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Default Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!

>> So 5 turns of peace is that solid fixed time NAP you are referring to. As something I should take after 3 stales and 10 turns lost preparations against Marignon?

Yes, and what else does it look like? You asked for a fixed time NAP, I offered you a fixed time NAP. But then you didnt even bother saying 'No, I want 10 turns of peace', or something like that, you just stopped negotiating and told everyone that I'm not trying to reach a compromise.

Now who was ACTUALLY not trying to reach a compromise here?!!

Zeldor, you just told us 'my way or high way'. Either rollback, lots of immediate stales, or letting you kill us one by one, or you wont let us finish this game.
(Btw it was funny to read how Marignon is so much scarier than you. Were I a new player, I may have even bought that)

Anhtropos, I'd love to play with or against you again, but in another game. If I ever decide to play Dominions again.

Close this game. I refuse to go on, too much unpleasant feelings here.
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Old October 9th, 2009, 05:44 AM
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Default Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!

I proclaim Utgård the winner!

Seriously, this has gone far enough. It doesn't seem we can find a reasonable solution to this, so the best option would be to
a) close the game
b) close the game,
c) proclaim Utgård the winner and close the game.
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Old October 9th, 2009, 06:41 AM

Ossa Ossa is offline
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Default Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!

I'd propose Jomon for his attitude of not giving up alone.

Serious, he didnt quit while he was besieged in his only castle for dozends of turns!
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Old October 9th, 2009, 06:44 AM

Kuritza Kuritza is offline
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Default Re: Setsumi - LA game, upload pretenders!

I vote for Jomon.

I could continue playing if Zeldor & Micah apologize for some things I had to read here, like 'spouting meaningless noise', 'refusing to compromise', 'unfair position' etc. Which will be called another 'Man nonsense', I'm sure.
But I'd really prefer to end this game. First, because I'm seriously offended. Second, because of two rollbacks I didnt agree to. Third, because Zeldor managed to stale this game for too long. Next hosting is 15th October, in November I wont be able to play for two weeks.
BG, Game over. Jomon for the winner!

Last edited by Kuritza; October 9th, 2009 at 06:54 AM..
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