Yeah, the Dwarf mod kind of managed to creep over this one in my "to-do-list". My current "scheducle" of sorts is to blitz Dwarfs into completion by this sunday. Then I'll spend couple of weeks studying to exams. I'll start working on this mod after the exams are over. I can promise the first playable version to manifest before December.
Originally Posted by BandarLover
Have been playing a bit of Brutal Legend...have been letting the awesomeness of it percolate in my brain...some great ideas in that game that could translate over to this 'mod that will not be'.
The game looks pretty good. It's a shame that I don't have any platforms to play it on.
Originally Posted by Jarkko
The Kirkebrenner commander should have heretic and pillager traits, possibly with D1 and a chance for B1 
In my bare-bones mod (can be found in the thread). I made kirkebinners cap-only troops and they have a hefty pillagebonus. Hefty heretic ability would be great for black metal singners, thanks for the idea. Here's a quick mock-up of the recruitable signers.
-Folk Metal (n2)
-Hero(Power) Metal (f2) --done (see the bare-bone version)
-Death Metal (d2) --done
-Black Metal (d1 with 100% E/B)
-Proge Metal (s2)
-Gore Metal (b2)
-Gospel Metal (h2)
-Heavy Metal (e2)
-the more "hardcore" the genre, the better stats (and harder skin) will the signer have. However, the more hardcore, the greater researchpenalties tought. Example: Black metal/ Gore Metal will get just 1 researchpoint but have metallic skin (prot 20), while Gospel Singers will be the best researchers but have wimpy stats.
I'm a bit on the edge if to count Glam Metal signer in there somewhere. Because, you know, Glam Metal just blows.