
January 7th, 2010, 04:16 PM
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Re: Bless for LA C'tis?
Originally Posted by Sombre
How would you kill the lizard kings? They are poison resistant and have decent hp iirc so foul vapours might not do it.
I don't think it would, as I've cast a lot of foul vapours in a MA C'Tis game, and with 17 hitpoints the lizard kings rarely take significant damage.

January 7th, 2010, 04:48 PM
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Re: Bless for LA C'tis?
You probably want a pretender with earth anyway, so why not just use earthquake, or maybe rain of stones. The former isn't that much of a research deviation. Alternatively, have the lizard kings scripted to attack and just use poison slingers targeting the enemy frontlines. lastly, soul vortex, once you get it (you want darkness anyway) makes killing off the lizard kings very easy.
Reanimating is a great strategy with LA ctis if you use life after death, but you dont even really need a bless for the wyrms, as they are mostly useful for the fear effect. The tomb chariots are almost better, even without a bless. Throw down Darkness, RM, the national speed boosting spell, maybe haste, and you have quite an impressive army. With 20+ Lizard kings reanimating tomb chariots, you can crank one out every few turns. The MR boosting spell is perfect once undead mastery comes out, and you have the earth magic to cast army of lead where you really need it.

January 7th, 2010, 04:53 PM
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Re: Bless for LA C'tis?
Hmmm, poison or cold are the two typical ways as they don't kill the soulless who respawn. Poison should work if you got something that has a poison cloud (bog beasts, hydras, etc.) as it'll still do enough damage through the poison resistance. I don't see anything terribly easy for C'tis to get, but you could watch for such opportunities. On the cold front, you could use the cold aura from a bunch of banes, but I'm not sure how well that would work in a heat dominion. Might be a job for the pretender, certainly powerful enough strategy to justify it and would only need to be done every few turns. A frost father pretender has a powerful enough cold aura (particularly if you take a couple levels of W and cast breath of winter) to punch right through a heat dominion, and he brings the aforementioned A for mass flight. On the other vector the mother of monsters brings a poison cloud and potentially the heft to put up gift of nature's bounty pretty early since you're b-lining enchantment (she can drop foul vapors to for a trivial cost). Heh, just make sure the lizard kings don't bless themselves if you've got heavy N on your pretender. 
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January 7th, 2010, 05:31 PM
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Re: Bless for LA C'tis?
Lammashtas work fine to kill your own commanders. Even if you wouldn't happen to want them get killed...
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January 7th, 2010, 06:24 PM
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Re: Bless for LA C'tis?
Originally Posted by Trumanator
E4 is useless on 0enc units. Its good for your sacred mages though.
Really? Even if you stick armor/shields with encumbrance on them?

January 7th, 2010, 06:30 PM
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Re: Bless for LA C'tis?
Originally Posted by Belac
Originally Posted by Trumanator
E4 is useless on 0enc units. Its good for your sacred mages though.
Really? Even if you stick armor/shields with encumbrance on them?
0 enc. units only care about enc. from spellcasting.

January 7th, 2010, 06:38 PM
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Re: Bless for LA C'tis?
It is nice to be drop the encumbrance from buffing quickly.
With priests, who're only going to pick up a few points if they bless themselves, and maybe Holy Avenger, it's not much of an issue.
OTOH, E4 will help even 0Enc units against fatigue spells & attacks. I'm not sure if it would be enough to matter, since you're likely to get spammed with those, if they're used against you.

January 7th, 2010, 06:41 PM
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Re: Bless for LA C'tis?
There aren't many fatigue spells that'll punch through FR100 CR100 LR75 PR100, which is what they should trivially have with a little gear and an A9 bless. Its part of the reason i thought A9 sounded good. Popping that up to LR100+ against dedicated lightning use is of course recommended.

January 7th, 2010, 07:35 PM
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Re: Bless for LA C'tis?
Eh, there's still several fatigue-only spells that'll work. 2 reinvigoration isn't very likely to save you from them though. You need some serious reinvig/regen to survive those, and or prot. But having all those resistances is pretty awesome.
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January 7th, 2010, 09:02 PM
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Re: Bless for LA C'tis?
Soul Vortex is also good for Life After Death. Lammashtas are kind of dangerous because you really don't want to get your Ankh-holder or Life-after-death caster totally killed or routed.
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