This game started for me in a marvelous way. In the spirit of the game I attemtped a double betrayal and backstabb against both Agartha and Vanheim, who had ganged up on Pythium. To be honest, I didn't actually believe it would work out, but if it would, the prize would be great.
As it was, the double-whammy worked near perfectly. Except that I had to leave Agartha alive in a remote province, and that would come back to haunt me over and over again.
I had to leave Agartha alive because I was in a hurry to fight of Abysia and Atlantis. Then R'lyeh and C'tis joined the war too. And then Ashdod attacked Pangaea. And then Oceania. It did feel sort of cruel to be at war with seven nations at the same time, but to be honest it wasn't quite *that* bad. Atlantis folded over fast, Abysia suggested peace if they could have Pythium (as I at that point, and still now, had absolutely zero means to even threaten to take it back, I agreed), Oceania just burned a couple of my temples and seemed to be content with that, while Agartha was not (then) an offensive threat.
Which left Pangaea in a war with Ashdod (who was steamrolled with suprising ease, the manikin are absolutely great against giants), R'lyeh and C'tis. I deemed C'tis to be the weakest of them (sorry

) while their miasma is a pain to be attacked through, so I concentrated on R'lyeh after Ashdod. Fighting R'lyeh to a standstill we agreed to return to the pre-war borders. Meanwhile Agartha had woken up from its slumber, and taken Agartha back while I was still locked taking down Ashdod. I attemtped at some point a quick rush with meanads (who I really had too many of...), but they were no match for the giants of Agartha, and I decided to take care of them at some later point.
C'tis took Vanheim, but as soon as my forces from R'lyeh front arrived to the scene, C'tis was kicked out. I intended to press on with the attack (with undead leaders and tons of manikin (so immuned to disease) and maeanads (who I had serious supplyproblems through out this game; the game settings really didn't favour big living armies, and I spent most/much of my nature gems on supplyitems

), while the southern armies were to take Agartha out for good, but then Marignon attacked. Marignon was rather easily pushed back, and then I sent a huge maeanad forces over the straits, and they maeanads were killed. Staring at each other over the straits I think Pangaea and Marignong was in a stalemate.
This certainly was an interesting game in showing the power of the combined manikin+maenad armies, but due to the very low income (Carrion Woods is not what you want if you want any decent income

) I was never able to get into the research race (as I simply didn't have the money to recruit more mages). When the evocations started to fly, I was in serious trouble. Still, I was hanging on to three capitals in the end, and I am pretty positive I would have been able to take out C'tis and Agartha eventually at *some* point (unless Pangaea had again been attacked by more nations

Thanks for all for an interesting test for a game concept. Next time I don't think I want to take part in a game with quite *this* harsh settings, though