I am trying and also proposing a following modifications to
Late Era JOMON 1.6 CBM:
Kannushi + 50% 1 death magic & +50% 1 elemental magic
(retains also 2 holy as previously)
(previously only 10% 1 elemental magic and 2 holy)
cost 120 gp (previously 80gp)
Monk of Fivefold Path cost 90g (previously 100gp)
Onmyo-Ji +10% death magic in addition to everything else (previously none)
Samurai Archer goldcost 14gp (previously 12gp)
resource cost 20 (previously 23)
precision 11 (previously 10)
Samurai (Katana) resource cost 16 (previously 18)
str 11 (previously 10)
Samurai (Naginata) str 11 (previously 10)
O-ban str 11 (previously 10)
Aka-Oni goldcost 15gp (previously 14gp)
Added death magic gives Jomon access to many small national
summons (which are more useful in the early game) and is also thematic, since death and ancestrual/spiritual magic had it's respected place in the Japanese/Asian religions.
The tweaks to troop selection make archers and other
samurais more even, so that it woulndn't make sense to
only recruit Aka-Onis and Samurai Archers.
Please give me feedback everyone and tell me what you
think of this. I would be especially interested in discussion
about minor (but oh how important!) tweaks to troop price/gold costs.
yours truly,
Snowcat =^.^=