I was tweaking, comparing and testing my previously proposed changes for CBM1.6
Jomon LATE ERA for many hours and consulted several people. Here are my final changes. Please give feedback about the fairness of these changes and if you would support them to be added into the next CBM.
goldcost 45 (instead of 40 as in CBM or 60 in vanilla)
Important Note: The changes that original CBM1.6 made to Kannushi and Ninja prices were not working, because the #id numbers in the original CBM file were incorrect.
+ 50% 1 death magic & +50% 1 elemental magic
(retains also 2 holy as previously)
(previously only 10% 1 elemental magic and 2 holy)
cost 120 gp (previously 80gp)
Monk of Fivefold Path
cost 90g (previously 100gp)
Samurai Archer
goldcost 14gp (previously 12gp)
precision 11 (previously 10)
morale 11 (previously 10)
Wearing ashigaru armor (instead of samurai armor)
and using wakisashi (instead of katana)
total resource cost 17 (previously 23)
hp 9 as before
Samurai (Naginata)
str 11 (previously 10)
hp 10 (reviously 9)
Samurai (Katana)
str 11 (previously 10)
hp 10 (reviously 9)
rcost 0 (previosly 1) > total resource cost 17 (previously 18)
str 11 (previously 10)
+ patrolbonus 2
+ castle defence bonus 2
rcost 0 (previosly 1) > total resource cost 21 (previously 22)
ap 13 instead of 12 (combat move now 9 instead of 8)
goldcost 14gp (previously 13gp)
morale 14 (instead of 13)
ap 11 instead of 12 (combat move now 7 instead of 8)
rcost 2 (previosly 1) > total resource cost 22 (previously 21)
goldcost 15gp (previously 14gp)
Added 50% chance for 1 death magic gives Jomon access to many small national summons (which are more useful in the early game) and site searching. It is also thematic, since death and ancestrual/spiritual magic had it's respected place in the Japanese/Asian religions.
The tweaks to troop selection make archers and other
samurais more even, so that it woulndn't make sense to
only recruit Aka-Onis.
All melee samurais have better str and hp than samurai
archers. Also, O-ban received patrolling and castle defence
bonus, they are the only samurais that would otherwise be very rarely be used (either because other samurais are cheaper/faster or go-hatamoto is just better).
All in all, the tweaks make the nation more balanced internally
(almost all unit could have a function) and externally when compared to other nations. The most used units would be probably still Aka-Onis, but archers and normal samurais and Go-Hatamotos (and sometimes possibly even O-bans) will be much more viable
troops to use. The general rationale for using troops would be
as follows:
archers - capable archers
normal samurai - good, cheap, fast fighters
o-ban - heavy slow fighter (a bit faster/cheaper than hatamoto)
+ can be used as patrollers/castle defenders
hatamoto - heavy slow fighters with morale equal to aka-oni
aka-oni - all round good fast fighters (but the most expensive)
So yeah, looking forward for your additional feedback

If anybody wants to play a CBM game with more balanced
LE Jomon, then the mod and it's icon are attached to
this post. Enjoy!
If you think Aka-Onis should still cost 14gp instead of 15gp
then be my guest to change it back in the .dm file. It's very
easy. Although you wont save alot by doing that, likely