
April 26th, 2010, 12:38 PM
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Declaration of War
War has been declared between the expansionsist Tien Chi and the peaceful peoples of Caelum due to Tien Chi's unprovoked attack through an "illegal" border on Caelum's defenseless province of Robbers Home.
All peace loving peoples are invited to unite and push the Tien Chi hordes back to refuse pits from which they have spawned.

April 26th, 2010, 03:25 PM
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Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
To quote one of the RISK cards in my expanded game set, One World Dominion:
You make a strongly-worded speech at the United Nations, and practically everyone supports your motion to pass a resolution castigating the offending party.
This card has no effect."
(Considering turn. Is anyone else interested in a possible extension to do diplomacy with?)

April 27th, 2010, 01:12 AM
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Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
The lizards of Ctis are pleased to announce that they have reached Construction 4, can make Skull Mentors, Thistle Maces etc. for trade, and would like to buy Earth gems or a Dwarven Hammer.

April 29th, 2010, 10:04 AM
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Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
~1h left with no turn from Tien Chi in. This would be a really bad time to stale, so I'm putting up an extension for them. More mental problems going around? 

April 29th, 2010, 11:20 AM
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Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Only house painting  takes some time but i managed thx.

April 29th, 2010, 12:00 PM
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Glorious Victory by Tien Chin at Gname Peaks !!!
But before you celebrate too much and send your turn in (oh, but you already have) you might want to think about those units you slaughtered - did they have wings? Where did they come from? Is it an empty bag you're holding?
With all due regards, Caelum

April 29th, 2010, 12:12 PM
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Game Delay
I thinnk it is considerate that the game was delayed for Tien Chin even though unrequested (he does need help), and there still is the unanswered question why the game was not actually delayed when I requested it and the game was supposedly delayed - but wasn't. I ended up with a stale turn!
The real point here is that we should be consistent - otherwise we could get in the area of suspected favoritism. My personal feeling is that the game should only be delayed if the player concerned cares enough to ask for an extension. And then it should be given if possible (unless it becomes too frequent).
Otherwise, let's just remove the deadlines.
I happened to have time today and noticed TC's lack of a submission. I was considering changing my moves accordingly, luckily I didn't. My strategy would have failed miserably if he needed and got an extension I was not aware of (I don't normally check this thread).
In conclusion, I am not complaining - just request that we are consistent.

April 29th, 2010, 12:48 PM
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Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
Jorus: I really thought I had delayed the game when you asked for it. When you reported the result, I then tried to contact Maerlande to ask if it merited a rollback but didn't get a reply, and then the next turn arrived.
I agree that we should be consistent. I'm not sure where to draw the line, though. Thoughts, others?

April 29th, 2010, 12:54 PM
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Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
I reread the thread and you requested a delay on the 24th and ErikM granted it. It's even recorded in the admin log on the game page. So I'm not sure why you didn't get your turn to work. Perhaps you missent it?
But generally, it's pure kindness to watch the timer and give unrequested extensions. I don't usually do it because it takes more time than I have. So I don't see any inconsitency unless you requested another extension after the 24th.
If you really need an extension, PM me. I don't check this thread but I get email confirmations of PMs and reply immediately. Except for sleeping time Central Mountain Time, I'm near by.

April 29th, 2010, 01:16 PM
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Re: Pernicious Peanut - Newbie only 4 player game (Running)
I know you tried to arrange the extension, but what's not clear to me (and to you?) is why it didn't work. I have no complaint at all.
Sorry, but apparently there is a mis-understanding. I asked for the extension, ErikM thought he had arranged it (and so posted) but the server processed the turn on schedule ignoring the extension - before I ever had a chance to submit my orders. ErikM indicates he tried to contact you about a rollback, but as I had indicated at the time it was not worth the effort. And the matter dropped.
I still vote for consistency and not arbitrary extensions. It just causes problems.
Regards, Jorus
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