
April 7th, 2010, 02:40 PM
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Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Indeed, and if I ever get non-lazy enough I'll do something about some of them. Although I've never created a spell, and I suspect getting the monkey king's clones working would take a #onebattlespell.

April 7th, 2010, 03:32 PM
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Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
You'd be right to suspect that.
Someone who actually makes use of mytheology should update it, really.
I see it being linked to a fair bit on the forums. Gandalf has expressed interest in it quite a few times, maybe he'll update it.

May 3rd, 2010, 05:43 PM
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Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
I made an update to the Mytheology 3.07r mod. I have been bold and renamed my version 3.08. A lot of pretenders now work again. And I tried to make some balance changes. (Nerfs mostly). There is still a lot wrong, and I could have done more. These are the changes so far:
- Moved some code around. Performed some cleanup.
- Renamed shuggoth to shoggoth. Which is the proper name for the Lovecraftian protoplasmic amoeba creatures.
- Improved the protection offered by the different circlets. They didn't really stack with normal armor.
Also decreased the construction costs and the path costs.
Pewter -> 8, Brass -> 13 Mithril -> 18
- Made the Psychic leech a misc item instead of a pair of boots.
- Removed redundant #clearmagic tag from the "Spider king"
- Changed Jack of Shadows darkpower to 5 (Still high, but not OMG EVERYTHING DIES high).
- Ubbo-Sathla can now spawn2 his own spawn.
- removed changes to Machaka, CBM already did this.
- swapped the monsterns on the chaos mage and the black dragon. Added pathcosts etc.
If you want a multiform pretender to show up, his monsternr must be lower than his secondform.
- swapped the monsterns on the toaoist mage and the gold dragon.
- added bloodvengeance 1 to the menhir of courage. (Per notes, removed the whole Dakini part) Increased the prot to 22. Removed the weapon.
it is kinda useless now.
- Changed the The Orb of Azathoth. It is now a new item. Igor's tome is back.
- Removed Revelation. As Holy spells are broken. (Moved them to .\mytheology\holyspells.txt)
- Changed desciption of the Diabolic Brigade. Now it is hopefully clear that you get imps.
- Nerfed the toad demon. Removed poison spikes, recuperation and reinvigoration. But I made it a normal amphibian. Which was the purpose of the monster. A beast that could enter the seas. Increased the cost to 88 blood slaves. Increased encumberance 4, supplybonus -30. As it allows the blooduser to branch out into earth. Decreased the cost as a pretender from 80 to 40. As the demon is now a bit weaker, and not a super good pretender SC.
- Changed the sprite of Ubbo-Sathla to the small version.
- Changed the sprite of Cthulhu to the small version.
- Removed Ubbo-Sathla second form (it was a bit overpowered :)). Added encumberance 4, reduced prot to 8.
- Removed the secondshape from the Ubbo spawn. Removed the acid spray from the spawn.
- Also made some unfriendly changes to Ubbo (and his spawn). #popkill 10 (1). #incunrest 10 (1). #leper 10 (1), #supplybonus -20 (-2) But added a pillage bonus 25 (5).
- Leper and popkill don't work on normal units
- Did you ever notice that the Pantokrator costs 358 points instaid of 350? This is because he/she/it had a random path. Removed now.
- The Ecclesiarch now has H3 and normal pretender domspread. (Not domspread 8 (which is as atrong as 8 prophets)). Mapmove 1 (used to be 2). (The popemobile is slow) Fear, Awe and Immortal. He is still to strong. 20 eyes is to much. I would rather see him autosummon minions in combat. Fixed his name.
- Fixed the monkey king EA weapon. Gave him Air 2 instead of air 1, air 1. He can now makemonster "another monkey king". Still doesn't summon them in combat.
- Made a list of all the different monster, armor, weapon numbers etc used. numbers.txt
- Removed immortal from the Grim Reaper. Removed gave him fear +1 (+3), removed awe 0. (D3 gives him additional fear) Way to strong otherwise. Size 6 (2)
- Menhir of Faith #spreaddom 1 (used to be 2). It now spread dom like prophet, instead of two prophets.
I also added some files to \mytheology:
changelog.txt (the above)
holyspells.txt (the removed not working spells)
numbers.txt (the used monster, weapon, etc numbers).
There is still a lot to test. And also a lot of different things to fix. But if anybody has some remarks. Post them here.
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May 3rd, 2010, 06:45 PM
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Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
The style of a lot of the mod is not really to my taste for the most part, but I might take a look at it again with your update -- thanks, Soyweiser.
And just a note on the holy spells part -- I know we've discussed it elsewhere, but for the sake of reference I thought I'd note here as well that the Revelation spell does and has worked fine for me, playing on the newest version on Dom3, for a long time. For me, it's just [m]onthly casting the spell that breaks it.
Though I should note, in case it matters, that I did copy the code for the Revelation spell out of the Mytheology mod and stuck it in my house .dm file, since I don't play with the mod. It probably doesn't make a difference, but just in case.

May 4th, 2010, 09:02 AM
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Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Originally Posted by Globu
The style of a lot of the mod is not really to my taste for the most part, but I might take a look at it again with your update -- thanks, Soyweiser.
I think a lot of the pretenders are horribly overpowered. And a few other stuff to. (And a lot just doesn't work as advertised yet.
Originally Posted by Globu
And just a note on the holy spells part -- I know we've discussed it elsewhere, but for the sake of reference I thought I'd note here as well that the Revelation spell does and has worked fine for me, playing on the newest version on Dom3, for a long time. For me, it's just [m]onthly casting the spell that breaks it.
I thought I wasn't the only one with a broken Revelation. And I'd rather not have spells that work for only a subset of the people. So I moved them to the holyspells.txt file.
Originally Posted by Globu
Though I should note, in case it matters, that I did copy the code for the Revelation spell out of the Mytheology mod and stuck it in my house .dm file, since I don't play with the mod. It probably doesn't make a difference, but just in case.
Yeah, still have to test that. If that works. It is a problem with Mytheology itself.

May 4th, 2010, 09:43 AM
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Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Revelation as writen doesn't works for me with the last patch, but I used it as a template to create my own revelation spells, one for each magic type. (and thanks for the base effect by the way  )
Revelation: cloud reading (A1H2, Thaum 2, cost 2 air gems)
Revelation: lore of the ancestrors (D1H2, Conj 3, cost 2 death gems)
Revelation: holy brazier (F1H2, Thaum 2, cost 2 fire gems)
Revelation: secrets of Gaia (N1H2, Thaum 2, cost 2 nature gems)
Revelation: reading the entrails (B1H2, Blood 2, cost 3 blood slaves)
and so on ...
Depending on which nation I play (like Gandalf, I usually play solo, playing more against the map that the AI), I copy/past the appropriate spell(s) in a mod, sometimes with a small change (like maybe reducing the holy level to 1 for some nations)
As long as holy is not the main type and it cost normal gems the spell works fine, I can even use monthly casting.
Of course the main problem is that some nations do not have any mage-priests, and the only way to then cast those spells is empowering a priest or making a prophet from a mage. 

May 4th, 2010, 10:06 AM
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Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Originally Posted by Jack_Trowell
Thanks for the base effect by the way 
That is the work of: Psientist.
Just press thanks on the first page of this thread  .

May 4th, 2010, 11:27 AM
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Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Originally Posted by Soyweiser
I think a lot of the pretenders are horribly overpowered. And a few other stuff to. (And a lot just doesn't work as advertised yet.
Funnily enough, I think they aren't *that* OP. They make pretty good SCs in a lot of cases, which can be an issue. However, their prices balance that out in many cases. If you're using CBM at the same time, most of them don't stand out that far above the rest (exceptions apply, ofc.).

May 4th, 2010, 12:04 PM
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Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Without downloading it, can someone please tell me which weapon and armor # are used by this mod ?

May 4th, 2010, 12:21 PM
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Re: Mytheology Pretenders 3
Personally I love this mod, and never considered it to be an effort at balance. If anything it was rather on my list of mods going the other direction. Games with Mytheology, both heroes mods, magic sites mod, cpcs for more spells, and single age. In fact, the only one I havent found yet is a mod for adding more equipment to the game
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