
May 18th, 2010, 09:34 PM
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Re: Dispel Question
Yes, Calahan is correct on the magic boosters being ignored.
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May 19th, 2010, 05:08 AM
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Re: Dispel Question
A specific magic site bonus should reduce the cost for a global so is that an alternative to put extra gems in the casting/dispel?

May 19th, 2010, 09:23 AM
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Re: Dispel Question
It should, but it doesn't work that way.
Also, if boosters *did* count, there are a total of a +7 for items that boost Astral that could go onto a caster at any given time (like the demi-lich) with 3 misc slots.
+1 rod, +2 F/S booster (the name eludes me), hat, robe, and 2 of coin/ros/row. Given that dispell requires 3, while BoT requires 5, that nets you a total of a slight advantage dispelling.
Not that it actually matters, unless that's ever fixed.

May 19th, 2010, 09:33 AM
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Re: Dispel Question
Originally Posted by GrudgeBringer
So what happens if I have 1200 invested in Well of Misery? Does it AUTO DISPEL because I used the max...OR am I now immune to dispel? Could be a game decider.
I wonder why it is a good idea and how it could be a game decider to spend 1200 gems to get back 21 a turn, so after about 50 turns it will be finished paying for itself. I know about the gold bonus too, but it doesnt seem too much of a "game-deciding" factor to me either.

May 19th, 2010, 09:47 AM
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Re: Dispel Question
So, if boosters don't count for the path bonus in Dispel attempts, do youjut not get a bonus, or can you get a penalty?
If I use 2 boosters to get up to the level needed to cast the global, am I at -10 against dispel attempts? Or does it just stop at no bonus?

May 19th, 2010, 10:30 AM
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Re: Dispel Question
Originally Posted by Lingchih
Yes, Calahan is correct on the magic boosters being ignored.
Interesting. I did not know that and in which case I've definitely been wasting a lot of items.
Testing is in order. (not that I don't believe you cal, but because I do).

May 19th, 2010, 01:31 PM
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Re: Dispel Question
1. It was just a hypothetical spell picked at random...say it was Arcane Nexus that I put 1200 gems into and then it you could not dispel it. I could conceivably have those gems back in 5 to 7 turns and wish you into oblivion.
2. You will find in this game that there is no telling what someone will do. Let us just say for instance....
You have Arcane Nexus fairly early and it is dispelled but you have 1200 gems to put into recasting it (not at all out of the realm of possibility). IF 1200 gems would make you safe from any further dispel possibilities (remember this is early mid game)and you had a decent Death income, you could actually wish for gems...keep the death at 25, alchemize the rest which would give you back most of your Astral gems and repeat.
If you had 2 wishers you could do it faster.
The purpose of spending the 1200 D gems for well of misery is two fold...A. keep it out of enemy hands and B. you have it the rest of the game and with wishers you can run it up fairly quick.
That is just an answer to your question of Why and how you could fo it IF it was done that way,
However, since 999 is all that can be used, the point is moot.
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