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Old June 6th, 2010, 08:24 AM
Squirrelloid Squirrelloid is offline
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Default Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game

I would like to claim victory. I meet the 4 capitals for 3 turns requirement next turn, and am in no danger of losing a capital this turn. Indeed, only one of my 4 is sieged, and its walls are unbroken, so no storming is possible. Thus I will still have 4 capitals next turn.
The ignorant shall fall to the squirrels.
--Chip 4:2

Ulm: Order of the Black Rose - Reimagining MA Ulm

A more Sombre forum: http://z7.invisionfree.com/Dom3mods/index.php?.act=idx. Now with more Maerlande.
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Old June 6th, 2010, 08:55 AM
Squirrelloid Squirrelloid is offline
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Default Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game

Details of claim for victory:
My own capital.

Agartha's capital - Shinuyama can confirm I've had it ever since I took it from ghoul31.
++Sieged starting this turn by Burnsaber, 700+/800 wall strength remaining. Burnsaber can confirm he is unable to storm this turn.

Oceania's capital - for like the last 20 turns or so. Vanheim can confirm I still have it, Atlantis can confirm I took it from them a long time ago. Shinuyama can probably confirm I've had it a long time too.

Atlantis's capital - Owned since last turn (can be confirmed by Atlantis and Vanheim, at least), making next turn the 3rd turn.
The ignorant shall fall to the squirrels.
--Chip 4:2

Ulm: Order of the Black Rose - Reimagining MA Ulm

A more Sombre forum: http://z7.invisionfree.com/Dom3mods/index.php?.act=idx. Now with more Maerlande.
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Old June 6th, 2010, 11:21 AM

fungalreason fungalreason is offline
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Default Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game

Drat, I acted a bit too late. Well played, Squirrelloid.
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Old June 6th, 2010, 05:32 PM
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Burnsaber Burnsaber is offline
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Default Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game

Yeah. Congratulations to Sir Squirreloid for his victory. I'll end the game the tomorrow, unless I hear any objections in the next 24h.

My short AAR:

My early expansion went well enough, but I couldn't find a indy scout province to save my life. So my scouting was really lacking. When I conquered a independent province and then noticed that it actually was a province bordering Vanheim cap, I took a quick look at graphs and came into the conclusion that I was dealing with an inexperienced player. I went into "SMASH NOOB!" mode and my armies got blasted by turbo-researched thunderstrikes (oops!). I took his cap twice and started some raiding action, but I eventually noticed that I really couldn't muster a force that would be able to storm his cap without horrible losses.

It also didn't help that Arco, my ally. Was proving pretty much useless in the war effort. He was likely just waiting for me to get exhausted from the war with Van and then do a backstab galore. I decided against this obvious losing mode, made peace with Van and started looking somewhere else to expand. I read about clevelands pleas to help in the UW war effort and decided to go for it. I wanted to test how effective the N1 breathing manuals really are at giving UW access so I made some and attacked atlantis.

It was a pretty ugly war for me. Shuras proved quite ineffective because MA Atlantis gets a H3 priest in the 20+ pd and Shuras had AP like 4 with underwater item breathing penalties, meaning that they got banished pretty easily (I had no S for ammies). I was also extremely pissed about having to equip my Ghost Samurais with underwater *breathing* items (they don't breathe! It makes no sense! GAAAH!). My armies got overwhelmed pretty quickly and since my raiding was completely dependent upon Shuras, I was quickly forced to go defensive.

I was able to hold my important territory until Nehekhara came in for the save and I managed to get my lost territory back. Then "Sea of Ice" came up and my route of expansion was blocked. I was now sandwiched between Nehekhara and Van, both of which could crush my exhausted nation like a bug if they wished so. It was a lose-lose for me, so I just sat on my *** and summoned stuff so that I would go out with a bang when either Van or Nehekhara would decide to cancel their NAP with me.

When I finally canceled our NAP Nehekhara, it was too late. There was no way I could do anything in time.

Well played Squirreloid. Thanks to everyone for this good game, we really got some good RP going in here, although the "Sirs" sort of died out in the end, but that was to be excepted based on my previous experiences.

Also, a suprise!





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Old June 6th, 2010, 10:11 PM
Squirrelloid Squirrelloid is offline
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Default Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game

Quick AAR:
Started next to ghoul31's Agartha, which means I could expect to face lots of H3 banishing action, oh boy. Of course, I could make an army almost capable of wiping his forces out in 2 turns, and he had to stop researching entirely to beat me off - so i traded lots of material for research tempo and eventually overwhelmed him.

Having finally consolidated my position in the north, I noticed Vanheim whacking Arco and Atlantis beating up on Shinuyama. Given Atlantis's commanding position, I decided killing Atlantis was probably my best bet, especially since my troops were mostly poor amphibians and thus i only needed breathing gear for my commanders. (And I agree with burnsaber, it feels silly providing breathing gear for commanders who aren't breathing).

So I organized an impromptu alliance with other concerned powers to thwart Atlantis, by getting them to pool enough w for me to cast Thetis's Blessing. For safety, i also made some breathing items for critical commanders - a precaution that proved invaluable when after I beat Atlantis around abit he cast Sea of Ice - inconveniently overwriting Thetis.

My initial foray UW was successful because of massive skelly spam, which allowed me to overcome poor amphibian penalties by dint of numbers, and they allowed me to use Rigor Mortis since they were immune while Atlantis's forces were not. Rigor Mortis was definitely key in some major victories.

Because I was making abundant use of Army of Gold anyway, after Sea of Ice and the loss of my skellyspammers, I started massing indies because they didn't suffer penalties and AoG made up for their biggest shortcoming - poor protection. (To that end I also focused on the lightly armored indies). This let me quickly build up quite a large army relatively quickly. I had to stop using Rigor Mortis because I was using living troops.

Two other things contributed to my ability to totally dominate Atlantis. I had an A2 Tomb King with 2 boosters for A4 that could cast Fog Warriors, and my pretender (S6 Son of the Sun) w/ 2 boosters who could cast Master Enslave (who had a void eye + eventually a rune smasher). These pinch hit against Atlantis's army in major engagements, including the battle at Atlantis's capital at the end.

Other helpful things:
-the charm hat was worth its weight in gems for stealing away critical units and creating distractions. (Ultimately, it even stole a QoW).
-the northern fort had the underwater academy site, which gave me some W3 mages for Shark Attack
-Wavebreakers for auto-cast friendly currents (Atlantis, why weren't you using them?)
-Atlantis not mage dueling my S1 Tomb Kings. Seriously, that could have sucked.

Thanks for the graphic Burn, that's awesome!
The ignorant shall fall to the squirrels.
--Chip 4:2

Ulm: Order of the Black Rose - Reimagining MA Ulm

A more Sombre forum: http://z7.invisionfree.com/Dom3mods/index.php?.act=idx. Now with more Maerlande.

Last edited by Squirrelloid; June 6th, 2010 at 10:21 PM..
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Old June 6th, 2010, 11:38 PM

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Default Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game

yeah, this was my first game playing an underwater nation, so I learned a lot.

Basically I was at war the entire game (also a first for me); being in the middle I had to quickly knock out one of the two ocean powers, Ryleh, before they both ganged up on me. This was nicely accomplished by my pretender with Ryleh's ghost king conveniently getting killed by indies just as I started my attack.

You all know roughly what happened with Cleveland's oceania, after I ambushed and destroyed his initial army it took a long time too finish him off, largely because of 1mapmove underwater and this map being "polar." He made me pay for that victory too.

Shimunyama was the only power who directly tried to help Oceania, and yes, I was very pleased with how that war was going. Had I planned differently I may have been able to make an attempt at his cap, but it was difficult with Cleveland still giving me trouble.

When Thetis's blessing came up I really lost the initiative, first staling, and then not prioritizing, my defense against Nekhara, who was clearly the biggest threat to me being amphibious and a game leader in some respects.

There were definitely some things that I should have done against the undead hordes, but I really despaired after my first encounter with his master-enslaving pretender. I lost something like 15 battlemages and a big army on that one, plus -may be another battle - he charmed Anzu, the HoF escaped slave prince who had won the Champion's trident and in early in the same battle disintegrated Glug!

Things went downhill quickly from there, and it was at that time that I started clamoring for other nations to attack Nekhara, to no avail though.

That was a great game guys, I really enjoyed it through and through!

Squirrelloid, great job, you taught me some hard lessons!
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