
June 8th, 2010, 06:25 PM
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Re: STACKERS, newbie game, (started)
Excuse my poor english (i wasn't a good student)
As we are all newbs in MP except 13lackguard and maybe 1 or 2 more players (tell me i'm not sure), it seems to me clear that we make errors and don't follow the established rules.
(what are they ? I don't know)
But all this don't shock me, i have a real fun to play with you, i think we don't have the same level in the game but in fact it doesn't matter.
One part of the game is communication and information. The difficulty for a strong nation in a MP game (i suppose) is to show/communicate enough weaknesses to not attract the attention...
If all the players agree on one unique threat, the threatener will have more difficulties to survive ?
So Naquan and 13lackguard are competing to explain that yes they are well developped but they are not a real threat, and have drawbacks (aquatic / lack of experience)...
And if i was 13lackguard i would be happy to have a drawback more : my pretender is public now !!! In fact it's a very good point for him and he would thanks naquan for it, is less a threat now (but he's still strong) this kind of communication and event is really good.
And now what will happen, if they decide to npa together ? the two strongest nations decide to divide the world, sure to the final fight ? having a neighbour or an ally in a stacker game is a real adavantage, you have just one war to manage each time, and you are sure to spend your armies on one side, i think it will be tremendous advantage.
I really like my first MP game...
Thank you Gandalf, stackers is a great idea for beginners
i hate the taste of this coffee

June 8th, 2010, 07:38 PM
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Re: STACKERS, newbie game, (started)
Thanks for the thanks. That is the payment that keeps free things coming. 

June 8th, 2010, 08:06 PM
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Re: STACKERS, newbie game, (started)
Aye. Both this game in particular and the server in general are awful handy things to have. Thanks for running them (and publicizing them; I'm a born lurker, probably would have taken me a while to throw something together myself).

June 8th, 2010, 08:35 PM
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Re: STACKERS, newbie game, (started)
Void Lord Posting
Personally, imho just because something hasn't been done before doesn't automatically put it on the forbidden list.
So 13lackguard created a terrifying SC, and now he wants to sucker-punch every newbie in the game with it. Tough.
What would happen in real/fantasy life? - the word would spread like lightning. Because it's terrifying.
Naquan - don't worry about it.

June 8th, 2010, 09:21 PM
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Re: STACKERS, newbie game, (started)
It's actually not that frightening really... without gear. I want to say more here about why it's not that frightening in comparison to certain other people but I don't quite feel justified doing so in a game I'm not in :P
And as far as the screenshot of the god, well, it's not exactly forbidden or anything, but it's a bit... hmm, I had a better word earlier, but let's go with unsportsmanlike. It's something I would frown upon seeing in a game. It's one thing if you are collaborating with someone to give them information about the enemy's god, but giving that out in public definitely doesn't quite sit right. Anyway, it's probably not a big deal for this game... it's a newbie game, and talking about things is a good way to learn about them. It's good to be aware that sort of thing might alienate other players though.
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June 8th, 2010, 10:00 PM
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Re: STACKERS, newbie game, (started)
Mmmmm pretender porn
It's so gratifying to finally see the root of Blackguard's power
And that tentacle is just to die for!   

June 8th, 2010, 10:27 PM
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Re: STACKERS, newbie game, (started)
Originally Posted by otic
Mmmmm pretender porn
Heehee. Snapshot a god, photoshop the image, post it publicly.
Not my style but it might be funny

June 9th, 2010, 12:46 AM
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Re: STACKERS, newbie game, (started)
Just to clarify, the information was obtained after my elite squad of mermen penetrated the border to raid a possible construction site. They sucessfully killed a couple security guards and one fishy looking guy in a red robe. Before they could withdrawal this large half man half octupus teleported into our midst.
Foolishly, my squad choose to attack this beast, but when it came time to stick it with our pointy sticks, my men just stood in awe of his great big -er- tenticle. After seven of my mermen were killed by his huge -er- tenticle, the rest finally came to their senses and swam back to shore. It is obviously hard to walk with such a tremendous -er- tenticle, so he never caught up with my troops.
Anyway my men were so impressed that they had to tell everyone about it. It really isn't nice to talk about someone's -er- tenticle in public. Those responsible have been sentenced to patrol duty for a month.

June 9th, 2010, 07:19 PM
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Re: STACKERS, newbie game, (started)
So, I've learned from this game what I already knew -- that if you don't expand rapidly and establish a dominating troop presence early in the game, you're done.
Ermor is officially toast, and since there is no AI option, I guess the next few turns are going to take a while for you all. Unless someone can suggest an entertaining way for me to die? There's no suicide option for my troops
Oh, wait, that's right, Bogus is still active, I can try to kill him, that should be fun.

June 9th, 2010, 08:47 PM
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Re: STACKERS, newbie game, (started)
Since I had the privilege of observing (what I assume to be) Ermor's last stand in (118) I might be able to offer a little advice. Keep in mind that this is my first MP. Don't take any of this too seriously.
First of all, Ermor's national units were outnumbered by the enemy's national units. This is probably the result of economic imbalance or past defeats. The disparity in national units could probably have been remedied by stronger expansion.
However, the biggest factor in the battle was not a disparity in national units. I think that your enemy would have won with a force only half the size of yours. In my opinion, the most important lesson is that a powerful army is based on synergy between commanders, nationals, and summons, not on massed national units alone. The real killers were your enemy's commanders and/or summoned troops (or were they freespawn? I'm no expert on _____), which used magic and/or gear to deal severe damage while the national troops were little more than blockers.
Also, where were the undead? When I got the message "_____ has attacked Ermor in Inuptia" I really expected to see a huge number of longdead horsemen on the field. I was quite shocked to see principes instead.
Edit: After reviewing the province graph, I have to conclude that expansion had very little to do with the outcome of the war. Ermor was not very far behind his conqueror in province count until after the war was underway.
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