Hi! This is a game for new or intermediate players.
Play by email on
llamaserver.net (Be sure to be nice to llamabeast for his work on the server

Middle Age
Map: Cradle of Dominions
24h quickhost (Will probably be increased to 48 later in the game)
Max 10 players
CBM 1.6,
Endgame Diversity
Settings: Hall of fame 15, Graphs on
Victory condition: Control the majority of the capitals (Each capital will have a victory point)
Eriu - Kadelake
Oceania - Dectilon
Shinuyama - don_Pablo
C'tis - Nauquan
Arcoscephale - 13lackGu4rd
Jötunheim - Amadamus
Pythium - Numahr
T'ien Ch'i - Greyjoy
R'lyeh - Finalgenesis
Abysia - Verjigorm
Marignon - Greyjoy's friend