
October 15th, 2010, 07:03 AM
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Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Running
I'm sure Gladd Yogg and The Sea Monkeys will remain a thorn on the side of Ulm for all eternity. Children of Ulmish fishermen will be taught the abyssal horrors of Gladd Yogg for generations to come.
Should Gladd Yogg for some reason not succeed in the complete annihilation of Ulm though, I would like to thank you for the spirited fight. It's too bad our diplomats could not agree on the whole ancestral lands issue.

October 16th, 2010, 09:16 AM
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Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Running
Pan just attacked me without breaking our NAP-3. I have few defences in that end of my empire as I had NAPs with all of my neighbors. You might want to consider temporarily postponing other hostilities before Pan over runs the north-east corner.

October 17th, 2010, 06:56 PM
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Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Running
I'm not very well informed of the diplomacy, and how do the NAP work, but on September 28th I received a PM that talked about a NAP-3.
I accepted the NAP.
In the turn 26, a lot of turns later, I attacked him. This attack's cause was that I needed to have my fortress secure, and to have two nations so close of my fortress was very dangerous.
Was this attack a bad attack? Was it non legal?
Please, inform me.

October 17th, 2010, 07:04 PM
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Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Running
Uh, a NAP 3 means that you are at peace until you end the NAP and at that point there are three turns to prepare. So, yes, that was a NAP violation. See the link in the first post for some info on NAPs that I wrote up.

October 17th, 2010, 07:19 PM
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Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Running
Oh my...
I was wrong. I believed that "NAP-3" means "Non agression pact for 3 turns".
It means "Non agression pact forever or until some of the two nations broke it, then the nations may wait 3 turns to attack". Am I wrong again?
Sorry, what can I do to be forgiven?

October 17th, 2010, 08:17 PM
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Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Running
If it was a misunderstanding that makes things tough. It looks like you did want to attack him but didn't want to break an agreement in the process. Since the war is already started I'm not sure if there's much to be done about it. Maybe PM Hylobius and you two can see where things stand? Let me know if you want me to delay hosting.
PS - Just to be clear a NAP 3 means the two nations are at peace until one of them ends the NAP. At that point they both have three turns to prepare (unless they both decide they'd like to start fighting sooner).

October 18th, 2010, 12:38 AM
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Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Running
I am glad to hear that it was a misunderstanding. Strictly speaking you did not break the rules as diplomacy is not binding in this game. It is more like a broken promise. I'm not sure what to suggest. By taking those three provinces, one of which had a fort one turn from completion, you have penetrated to within two of my largely undefended capital.

October 18th, 2010, 04:46 AM
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Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Running
I won't put defenses in that provinces, and don't worry I will say to my army to move back. I'm not sure if I can't do anything more to excuse me.

October 22nd, 2010, 06:34 AM
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Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Running
Valerius, could you put me in AI?

October 23rd, 2010, 06:19 AM
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Re: Trinity - Newbie game - Running
Originally Posted by puntocom
Valerius, could you put me in AI?
I can do that if you'd like. You can also give the order yourself (in the game go to Options --> Become computer controlled).
Before we do that, can you make a last stand or is there so little left that it doesn't matter going AI?
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