Sub found. Many thanks again Maerlande, you're not the greatest, but you are well up there (Jurri said he'd beat me up if I said anyone was greater than he was)
The Pyrite game is looking for a player to take over the position of T'ien Ch'i, as the original player appears to be suffering from some severe burnout. I have very little infomation about the nation, but they (like a few other nations) do appear to be in at least one war with the run-away game leader Midgard (played by Isokron).
Some info about the game and position
Game - Pyrite (Late Era)
Thread -
Current Turn# - 76
Schedule - 72 hours
#Recent stales - 1
Info from Llamascores
Provinces - 34
Forts - 10
Income - 2743
Gem Income - 69
Research - 31399 (so almost finished)
Dominion - 506
Army Size - 3371
Current in-game situation is that there is one very powerful nation, Migard, and then several roughly equal nations a fair way behind. TC is one of those nations. So it's more-or-less going to come down to all against one at some point soon.
Apart from at least one war (that I know about), TC appear to be in no worse shape than anyone else in the game (apart form Midgard of course). The position is by no means an easy one though, as you will be fighting both a very strong nation, and a very strong player, as Isokron is one of the very best there is.
But if you fancy a challenge, or just want to get some experience of real late-game action, with lots of toys and huge communions, then please feel free to check the position out by either PM-ing me, or posting in this thread. As the remaining players in the game would really appreciate not having to turn such an important nation over to the useless hands of the AI
'Thank You' for your time in reading this.