It isn't a Turkey is it? Not good being a Turkey this close to Thanksgiving!!
Seriously, I had the problem in a SP game on one of Pasha's Maps. I REALLY REALLY hate to say this but I reloaded it making a new game and it worked fine.
Try everything you can think of and ask some people who are modders. I will extend if we have to, but with one getting his starting army knocked out and you having problems, I don't want this game to fall apart or get in it about 30 turns and have issues come up.
We (I don't even want to say it)may have to start over so everyone has a chance to finish this game in one way or another.
Most of us have started together and are learning from each other as we go. I don't want to leave anybody behind as I enjoy this group of personalities.
my only (

) problem is for once I actually got a starting location I like (well, I knew that was too good to be true. Dang Dominion Gods are screwing with me, so I say to them
Guys, we are on turn 4...we could have this up and running again quicker than we had to do the rollbacks and we lived thru that. I must say his is the most resilient group of players you could ask for.