
November 18th, 2010, 10:26 AM
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Gluttony: Seeking sub! Are you Man enough?
Nation seeking sub: Man!
Thread link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=45866
Score link: http://www.llamaserver.net/showScores.cgi?game=Gluttony
The game is well into late game and Man is one of the four favorites, they are all fairly equal contestant for winner among the 6 surviving nations base on the score charts.
I understand Man to be at peace for a long time and been building up. Further details will be provided by the previous player if you would like to sub for Man.
Truly this is the Romance of Six Kingdoms with the meat of late-game fighting to be had!

November 18th, 2010, 11:10 AM
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Re: Gluttony: Seeking sub! Are you Man enough?
So I see the Gluttony game is going to be yet another game that earcaraxe is bailing on when he has more than a decent position. I hope his reasons are genuine this time, as he bailed on the Pyrite and Preponderance 2 games for no good reason what-so-ever, with both positions also being more than decent at the time. And it seems he bailed on these two previous games due to pathetic reasons such as being bored, or far more likely, he realised he no longer had a chance to win, and so didn't want to put any more time into the game. I wonder if that's also the case in the Gluttony game? (the llamascores seem to suggest it is given the woeful research)
It will be interesting to see if earcaraxe will also be dropping out of any or all of his other games due to his (quoted from game thread) "real life considerations", as he does seem to be in several games right now. Or will this simply be a text book case of 'selective bailing' in a game he has lost interest in, and/or has no chance of winning anymore. Won't it be an odd coincidence though if, out of his current games, he doesn't bail on any of the ones he still has a chance of winning. Now that would be spooky wouldn't it?!?
Apologies for the intrusion, but I hate bailers with a passion, and I think other players should be aware of any players who are known to be habitual bailers, which earcaraxe most certainly is given his history. Since bailers have probably ruined more games than all other problems combined, and all admins and game organisers should think long and hard about letting them play in their games (as chances are they'll bail at some point and potentially ruin it)
Last edited by Calahan; November 18th, 2010 at 11:22 AM..

November 18th, 2010, 03:04 PM
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Re: Gluttony: Seeking sub! Are you Man enough?
I was in that game, and earcaraxe's position was far from "favorite". there is a R'lyeh+Atlantis alliance that is ripping apart all the land nations, unless something drastic has changed since I died in that game. my last stand was against earcaraxe's forces, and he really didn't have anything spectacular deep into the game.
so I must agree with Calahan here, another case of "I can't win, therefore I'm bored, therefore I quit, find a sub for me". it's a shame earcaraxe, you could have been a great addition to this community, especially with your liking to Man(who almost nobody else likes to play), unfortunately your actions in most of your multiplayer games so far suggest that you should stop being welcome in any multiplayer game that expects people to stick it to the end(or well, to their deaths).

November 18th, 2010, 04:34 PM
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Re: Gluttony: Seeking sub! Are you Man enough?
Ah now I remember, you subbed in for Marignon when they were already in a hopeless situation and went out pretty early in the game, sometime in the early midgame or there about? I don't quite recall any nation having anything "spectacular-ly deep" in the game at that early point actually.
I'm afraid the game has progress a lot since then, somewhere around 2-3 game years I guess (which I would say is "drastic") and is now quite far into the endgame. Perhaps you would like to check the score chart (which I have so handily provided the link for) to confirm this?
If I remember (it has been quite awhile), the "alliance" you speak of was Ryleh + Atlantis against you as Marignon, I wasn't aware that you represented "all the land nation" and thought it was more like 5-10% (anyway my memory isn't that good, it could be slightly off)? Anyway, the "alliance" also ended soon after Marignon went into history and Ryleh is sadly no longer a contender for victory.
To any who are interested in subbing, what Blackguard referred to was much earlier in the game and the situation has changed in the 2+ game years since he left the game, do confer with the score table for elaborations.
I'm simply filling in as replacement-admin here and trying my best to find a sub to keep the game going. I would be grateful if posters can stick to the subject matter at hand, or at least constructive comments.

November 18th, 2010, 06:46 PM
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Re: Gluttony: Seeking sub! Are you Man enough?
I would like to verify that Atlantis + R'leyh are not allied and ripping through the land powers. The situation is roughly
Man in the NW corner
Pangea in the NE
Patala (me) in the SE
Atlantis in the SW
Agartha and R'leyh are in the middle on land and sea respectively.
Of those six, nobody is that far behind or ahead. I must say that R'leyh has been attacked by several nations, but has been treating them all roughly for quite some time now.
A couple other nations are still around, but in bad shape. It could be anyone's game depending on the diplomacy of course.

November 18th, 2010, 08:05 PM
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Re: Gluttony: Seeking sub! Are you Man enough?
Finalgenesis, as I recall, you were 1 of said UW nations, so all you say should be taken with a grain of salt(aka as highly suspected propaganda). yes, I did take over Marignon in a very hopeless situation, however I stayed until the very end with it, not bailing out and just turning it AI like some of you guys suggested I'd do...
it wasn't an alliance just against me, I remember earcaraxe himself begging for peace so we can all focus on you UW nations. I also remember sansanjuan(Agartha) speaking about uniting against the UW alliance and tried(though in vain) to get all the land nations together against you guys. so yeah, maybe it's you who should provide the facts instead of just propaganda.
and yes, while 2-3 game years is quite a bit of time, some things just can't change too drastically. in this case, Man just didn't have the means to overthrow you guys, all he had was regular armies with a handful of mages, even 2-3 years in his previously very grim position couldn't miraculously make that into a "leading" position under the circumstances I've just described above. also, from my experience in subbing for earcaraxe(at least 3 games, in mid-late game) what he refers to as a "leading" position is very misleading.
P.S the score label can be very misleading, as it does not provide any information on research paths(only total research points), artifacts, unique summons, pretender design, etc. especially with nations like Man that don't have the necessary diversity for a solid end game, so it requires a rainbow pretender, lucky indies, bootstrapping, etc. the score graphs won't show either of those as well.

November 18th, 2010, 11:28 PM
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Re: Gluttony: Seeking sub! Are you Man enough?
Originally Posted by Finalgenesis
The game is well into late game and Man is one of the four favorites, they are all fairly equal contestant for winner among the 6 surviving nations base on the score charts.
I assume a basic level of reading comprehension of course, but potential sub can judge for themselves base on the score link(Which is handily provided). That is unfortunately all the information I have on Man (I am not Man).
As for the the details of research path, pretender and otherwise, I assume a basic level of understanding by players that these can vary and the score chart isn't the final say in the matter but simply an indicator. I can only provide a general summation base on score chart, which players can assess for themselves via the score link (Which is handily provided). I believe this is routine in sub-seeking threads.
I fail to see how my post can be inferred to as propaganda, and what it has anything to do with me being a player in the game (I assume admins tend to be a player in their own game?). Nor do I understand your purpose in making conjectures to the state of the game using various 2-3 years old info mixed in with made-up stuff like water alliance declaring war on all land nation  I mean let's set it straigth, I think you subbed in to a hopeless Marignon (and props for that) sometime in year 2 and died soon after, news flash: we are now well into late year 6, circumstances are...slightly different. Well actually let's not be coy, I have a fair idea what your purpose is. So I'll finish by repeating:
Originally Posted by Finalgenesis
I would be grateful if posters can stick to the subject matter at hand, or at least constructive comments.
With the possible exception to your note on score graph not being the final say (Helpful to new players…. Maybe?), the rest do not qualify. I'm just doing routine admin here, please if you must, pick my other threads to jump into and do your thing, where it will not impact innocent bystanders. (players in Gluttony)

November 19th, 2010, 12:33 AM
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Re: Gluttony: Seeking sub! Are you Man enough?
Originally Posted by Finalgenesis
Nation seeking sub: Man!
Thread link: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=45866
Score link: http://www.llamaserver.net/showScores.cgi?game=Gluttony
The game is well into late game and Man is one of the four favorites, they are all fairly equal contestant for winner among the 6 surviving nations base on the score charts.
I understand Man to be at peace for a long time and been building up. Further details will be provided by the previous player if you would like to sub for Man.
Truly this is the Romance of Six Kingdoms with the meat of late-game fighting to be had!
seems like the person with a reading comprehension issue is you. I'll make it easy for you, the bold part is what I had(and still have) a problem with. you're trying to persuade a sub that this position is actually good and can win, than you say "by the way, it's just the score graphs", so why use the word "favorite" if you have nothing but the score graphs? but wait, you really don't have more information, after warring Man yourself...?
hiding certain facts, twisting others, that's classic propaganda right there. in case you still don't get it, propaganda is fine while in game not when you look for an external player to sub into the game.

November 19th, 2010, 01:15 AM
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Re: Gluttony: Seeking sub! Are you Man enough?
Yes again, for those challenged folks: I confirm Man is one of four favorites that seem fairly equal on the chart. By your "logic" every sub seeking threat providing any info from score table is proganda.
Anyone with 10 second can click on the score link to see the basis of my assessment then make their own.
And yes, I have no info on Man in year 6 since the last war with them was in year 2 (40+ turns ago). You seem to be insinuating I know exactly what Man has 4 years after our last contact in the very early game and that they suck / has no hope of winning, well I don't know jack except what the score graph tells me and at this point everyone in the game will agree that they are all contenders for victory.
I will thank you not to try sabotaging our game due to whatever issues you have, if only for the other players. I might understand if there were valid points, but it's more then obvious you're stretching to the point of outright falsehood to shut our game down. Any of the involved players in Gluttony can tell you this.
You seem to be incapable of understanding that you died very early in the game, newflashs: The game is now in year 6, the facts are very different. But then, I doubt any of this will get through.
If you must bring more BG goodness please open your own rant thread to do it in.

November 19th, 2010, 02:45 AM
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Re: Gluttony: Seeking sub! Are you Man enough?
I like Man and being quite new to MP I haven't played an end-game in MP before, so I'd like to try and sub for Man. I'm just about to leave for the weekend though, so the earliest I could do a turn is this Monday. If you don't mind a new player subbing in I'd like to ask all remaining players to send any diplomacy they had with Man.
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