Both filled up withit a couple of hours. funny how that works
original message for posterities sake...
All right folks.
two Noob only games I'm currently in are looking for subs. here is the information:
Rock the Cradle ( is looking for a sub for MA Marignon
Marignon is in a extremely strong position in this mid game. He conquored his closest neighbor while the rest of us were mulling around early game. he now controls the entire southern continant of our map with the exception of 7 provences.
if anything he is two strong because 3 different nations have decided to go for invading him. one of those is decidedly half-a**ed though, and the war is over all still in its early stages.
on the map there is really only one nation that's a rival to Merignon in terms of provences, gold income and mid-late game potential generally.
Last Rites ( is looking for a sub for LA Ti'en Ch'i
this one is still early game, so it is less clear to me TCs standing. the game is very close quarters and since TC didn't have to deal with an early rush, this leaves it in a relatively strong position. It has just begun a war with Jomon, however, which is not going particularly well. Jomon is entrenched underwater and significantly bigger than TC. the war is still at a stage where a skilled player could tip the balance and make it into the mid game. it seems that since the empire has been stalling, preditory neighbors have been getting interested.
a much tougher position to enharite but should be interesting.
Reply here, in the two threads, or by PM to me. Newbies only please.