
February 2nd, 2011, 10:06 AM
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4 Pretenders
First serious attempt at modding (trying new Nations, but balancing them is the worst and most difficult task).
Here are 4 pretenders with sprites (still working on attack ones for two of them). Descriptions follow...
Demon Sultan: The Demon Sultan is a creature existing since the beginning of time, and will continue so until the time and times are done. Sometimes is described as blind and stupid, since all that promises to its followers is pure destruction, and pure destruction is all that delivers. Dancing and moving with the sound of flutes played by its servitors, however, the mind of the Demon Sultan delves into the secrets of the universe. Its knowledge is probably unsurpassed by all the hermetic libraries put together, but as it only wants utter destruction, of little use it is. The horror has come to devour all and to not leave even the remnants behind. Any enemy attacking it risks driving attention from his servitors.
All-In-One: All-In-One is a sort of nickname given to an astral being that co-exists in all space and time at once, or so is believed. In its true form appears as a titanic compound of iridiscent spheres that glow in a blue light that bends itself in weird ways. For mortals, beholding the true form of the All-In-One can be the most horrific vision, as its light warps their minds as well as space and time. Achieving godhood is the only way for this creature to reconcile itself with all spaces and epochs that were met and visited, otherwise it is doomed to fall prey of its own omniscence and its soul and mind shattered between all of them. The touch of its body, formed of thousands of spheres, seems gentle and unharming, but can destroy the sanity of any victim.
The All-In-One, like dragons, often disguises itself as:
Mendicant: When in mortal form, the All-In-One disguises itself as the Mendicant, a wandering poor priest that roams between planes and dimensions. Sometimes, the Mendicant approaches a mortal wizard and tries to lure him into seeing what lies beneath the physical world and the current of time. Those visions end always in total madness for the curious mage, that ends becoming a herald of the horrors beheld.
Nosferatu: The Nosferatu is the oldest form of vampire, the generation from where all other vampires come. In appearance, they are very different from their younger counterparts, who resemble almost totally human. Their skin is bright white and leathery, they show sharp claws and two long frontal fangs, and are tall and skinny, though often hunchback. The Nosferatu is closer to a beast, both physically and mentally. However, he still retains knowledge of the Koldunica, the sorcery of the earth, through his ancient connection to the land in which he was buried.
Sepulchre: The Sepulchre is a tomb where the remnants of an ancient king or hero rest. Bound to protect the homeland even after death, the spirit of the hero still inhabits the grave, although it does not reanimate his body, not wanting to set himself apart from the cycle of life and death. Returned to save the empire from its enemies, the spirit within the Sepulchre races for godhood to fight and ultimately destroy them. The Sepulchre cannot move but to destroy it the corpse must be found, so digging through it would be a very difficult task.
Last edited by Tecnócrata; February 27th, 2011 at 03:21 PM..
Reason: file update

February 2nd, 2011, 11:24 AM
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Re: 4 Pretenders
Sprites were not pointed to correctly; fixed.

February 2nd, 2011, 04:18 PM
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Re: 4 Pretenders
Interesting concepts. Won't be rainbow mages for sure  Need to check these out more properly when I get more time 
There are three kinds of people: Those who can count and those who can not.

February 5th, 2011, 04:13 PM
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Re: 4 Pretenders
Waou the Demon Sultan is... interesting.
I suggest you use auto-spam based on dominion for some of them (and raise the prices accordingly) for thematic reasons:
- Nosferatus should spam vampires
- the Sepulchre should spam ghosts or some other variants of undead (ghosts seems appropriate, some nobles and princes coming back to serve their ancient King)

February 6th, 2011, 03:30 AM
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Re: 4 Pretenders
Is the All-In-One's base sprite supposed to look exactly like a vastness? It seems like it should look more unique. The others suffer a bit from being resized pictures, though the basic ideas are good. They do seem a bit overpowered just from looking at them, though I haven't tried them in game yet.

February 6th, 2011, 10:23 AM
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Re: 4 Pretenders
Originally Posted by Numahr
- Nosferatus should spam vampires
- the Sepulchre should spam ghosts or some other variants of undead (ghosts seems appropriate, some nobles and princes coming back to serve their ancient King)
40 or 50 more points would be fair?
Is the All-In-One's base sprite supposed to look exactly like a vastness? It seems like it should look more unique.
Yeah, shall make a unique sprite for it.
The others suffer a bit from being resized pictures, though the basic ideas are good.
Indeed, also. In particular, the Nosferatu is too hunchback. Didn't want to use modified existing sprites, but is hard to google pictures that don't look weird when resized!  I'll take a look again at existing ones and see what can be done.

February 6th, 2011, 11:34 AM
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Re: 4 Pretenders
I think the nosferatu is a bit overpriced, at least when compared to CBM. It is more expensive than the vamp queen, and has worse stats.
Most of the pathcosts look a bit high.
But the Demon Sultan just looks scary. Turn 1 immortal stone sword anyone? Which seems to be reasonably priced. At 200  . (The s1 actually makes it a bit worse. As it is now magic duellable). Also 1/8 is bit low move. Low move + no slots make it a bit weak.
The All-In-One can get some strange afflictions. It can lose an eye in the hidden form, which influences the other form. And it also has a bit low move and strength in the all-in-one form. (And it needs a different sprite, it way to vastness looking).
Ps: remember that it is better to have a lower gcost pretender chassis because you could wish summon them. Wishing for Demon Sultans creates some scary SC's.

February 7th, 2011, 08:10 AM
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Re: 4 Pretenders
Originally Posted by Soyweiser
Ps: remember that it is better to have a lower gcost pretender chassis because you could wish summon them. Wishing for Demon Sultans creates some scary SC's.
PPS: Remember that if you create two units with the same name, the one with the lower unitID is the one that gets wished up.

February 27th, 2011, 03:15 PM
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Re: 4 Pretenders
File updated with new sprites for AllInOne/Mendicant and Nosferatu. Also tweaked stats a bit.
Nosferatu is physically tougher now, and each turn summons up to dominion strength in Ghouls. Also, the Sphere Touch attack has a much larger range.
Still welcoming ideas!
Last edited by Tecnócrata; February 27th, 2011 at 03:23 PM..
Reason: file update
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