
June 2nd, 2011, 09:17 AM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: updates
In case people have missed noticing, we have some new additions:
2nd June 2011
* Modding: New mod commands: #clearweapons, #cleararmor.
* Modding: #armor accepts numbers too.
* Modding: #custommagic can be used to created linked random magic. Chance 200 = 2 on a random path.
Does this mean we can get some new mods for new items?
That is one gap in my list of more More MORE mods (more gods, more heroes, more sites, more spells, more monsters, more nations, etc).

June 2nd, 2011, 10:25 AM
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Re: updates
Unless I am misreading something these (very helpful) changes don't affect item modding.
Now, increased item modding *would* be awesome, no doubt.

June 2nd, 2011, 03:55 PM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: updates
OK how about these others? I really dont know what they do but Im sure they are good.
2nd June 2011
* Modding: New mod commands: #clearweapons, #cleararmor, #drainimmune.
* Modding: New site mod commands: #conjcost, #altcost, #evocost, #constcost, #enchcost, #thaucost, #bloodcost.
* Modding: New site mod commands: #holyfire, #holypower, #heal, #curse, #disease, #horrormark, #lab.
* Modding: #armor accepts numbers too.
* Modding: #custommagic can be used to created linked random magic. Chance 200 = 2 on a random path.
* Utterdark did far too many attacks, fixed.
* Maximum number of mod sprites increased 1000 -> 2000.
31st May 2011
* Recruitment queues are automatically reset once a fort is under siege.
24th May 2011
* New fullscreen resolutions e.g. 1920*1080.
21st May 2011
* Jack sound support in Linux.
* 2 x Crash during turn generation fixed.
* Fixed bug where AI would cast vengeance of the dead on empty provinces.

June 2nd, 2011, 03:57 PM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: updates
On the other hand as a server I DO understand and appreciate fixing Utterdark which was horrible to the server on large maps. And for raising the sprite limit since I have had requests for mod combos that couldnt be run.
Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You

June 2nd, 2011, 03:58 PM
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Re: updates
add a thanks button to the update page plox
but make it clickable like 100000000 times

June 2nd, 2011, 05:09 PM
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Re: updates
The site modding commands allow nearly all the features of sites to be enabled. Almost all of those correspond one on one to columns in the Dom3 DB site page.
The monster modding commands here are pretty much the holy grail bundle of missing commands, since armor can be assigned by number, linked magic paths are possible, armor and weapons can be cleared without clearing all other special attributes.
Drainimmune presumably makes a unit immune to the drain scale like master smiths.

June 2nd, 2011, 05:21 PM
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Re: updates
Originally Posted by Edi
The site modding commands allow nearly all the features of sites to be enabled. Almost all of those correspond one on one to columns in the Dom3 DB site page.
The monster modding commands here are pretty much the holy grail bundle of missing commands, since armor can be assigned by number, linked magic paths are possible, armor and weapons can be cleared without clearing all other special attributes.
Drainimmune presumably makes a unit immune to the drain scale like master smiths.
The only things really missing for unit modding are the way to spot clear certain abilities, like flying, which aren't assigned a numeric value. (You can spot clear abilities with a numeric value by assigning them a value of 0).
I mean, the alternative is to enable mod commands for the abilities which don't have mod commands yet, like sacredawe (halt heretic). But I'm not sure offhand how many abilities that covers at this point. I only noticed sacredawe was missing because i recently modded MA Ulm, and the Iron Angel was problematic to use as a base for a unit because i couldn't clear its flying without clearing its sacredawe.

June 3rd, 2011, 09:31 AM
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Re: updates
Awesome stuff...
Darkness for cave provinces, #homesick and we can call this patch complete  .
Some fort modding commands would be nice too...
#selectfort 23
#fortname "Wubugubu's tower of Doom"
#fortadmin 20
#fortcost 600
#fortbuildtime 3
#fortdef 250
And since we are on sites, a few additional site commands:
#siterecruit "Unit Number" (Would allow for entering a site to produce units, like the long dead archer site, the one that allows you to summon banes, ghouls etc)
#sitefort 23
Last edited by Foodstamp; June 3rd, 2011 at 09:41 AM..

June 3rd, 2011, 12:53 PM
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Re: updates
Fort modding commands would be nice, but there is one problem with that: You would need to also pick the fort layout to match one of the existing ones, since there is no ability to build new fort templates.
If that's doable, then it would be cool, but I'm not sure how much work that would require on Johan's part.

June 4th, 2011, 07:03 PM
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Re: updates
News about the new magic site commands made me forget a horrid week at work. Please give us underwater defense ones, and I can die happily.
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