Hi All,
I am afraid my new laptop has packed up (writing this from a borrowed PC) so I am unable to continue. My laptop has been failing to start properly for a week or two now and since Tuesday has simply refused to start in anything except safe mode (sometimes). As my laptop probably can't be fixed by myself it will take some time to send it back and get fixed or me to buy a new one (annoying as that one was only 6 months old....)
My power (niefelheim) has (had?) a fairly large empire but was weak in troops, mages and income

All in all the worst possible combination

And I was about to be crushed in a two front war

Unfortunately since I found this out I have not been able to access the game or access this forum so I have not been able to build up even token forces to face Mictlan in the south.or do any diplomacy.
Sorry to drop out like this. And for the stales. All caused by my computer failing repeatedly - even the one last week. I hope it doesn't skew the game too much. While I suspect Dimaz (Mictlan) would have beaten me anyway I should have been able to hold him up a little.
Please either replace me or turn me AI.