Game: Immaculate002LateAgeNoobs
Turn number 10
Next turn due: 03:05 GMT on Sunday October 23rd
Good luck all y'all
Atlantis 2h file received
Chelms 2h file received
Gath 2h file received
Jomon 2h file received
Marignon 2h file received
Patala 2h file received
T'ien Ch'i 2h file received
Ulm 2h file received
Last updated at 11:41 GMT on Saturday October 22nd
Current time: 11:42 GMT
Next turn due: 03:05 GMT on Sunday October 23rd
Hosting interval: 56 hours
Quickhost mode: On
So i guess the problem is the same as MorlaMaNoobs- it didn't host.