
November 17th, 2011, 01:13 PM
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Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.
200g per war turn, starting turn 29 (the one after this one).
R'lyeh, under New Direction.

November 17th, 2011, 01:21 PM
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Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.
Here is our counter proposal. We the spider folk pay your nation 250 for a conquered (and kept) province. And NAP(5) Between us. This offer covers the star/asterisk -marked provinces in this map (with the exception of provinces you control already):


November 17th, 2011, 01:29 PM
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Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.
Originally Posted by Anaconda
Here is our counter proposal. We the spider folk pay your nation 250 for a conquered (and kept) province. And NAP(5) Between us. This offer covers the star/asterisk -marked provinces in this map (with the exception of provinces you control already):

EDIT: Deal.

November 17th, 2011, 01:33 PM
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Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.
Forget about the castle, we have a deal. I'll send the turn in some minutes.

November 17th, 2011, 04:16 PM
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Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.
It took few weeks before the prophet's plans carried fruit. The days were long for waiting men.
When they finally did, it appeared to be the busiest day for months in the encampment under the long shadow of the Fort Faran, the makeshift forward operations base for Machaka's eastern field armies.
The sunrise was not yet even a slight promise when the runners appeared from the west. Ermor had launched a full scale invasion against the pass of White Peaks, the stronghold resisting still firm against Ermor's western expeditions. Johannes held his breath and almost said a prayer alound.
He bite his lip with his teethless mouth and cursed instead. There was no-one to hear his prayers. He whose name should not be mentioned was there, in the camp located in the pass of White Peaks. If he cant command those undead hordes, who could ever help poor spider folk?
At the same time, a new winded runner approached. With a guest from the underwater kingdom of R'lyeh. They, of the all people, had heeded the prophet's call and terms were quickly agreed. Armies from the seafloor would take the responsebility to slay the eastern provinces of Ermor.
Stone rolled from the hearth of the prophet.
Even if the stronghold located in the pass of White Peaks would fall, Ermor could not stand long anymore. Justice would be served.
Later that afternoon Belit the black sorceress from the black coast, arrived wounded with pitch bad news. The raiding party sent to crush last Ermor province still resisting Machaka reign north from the fortress of Faran had been hacked into pieces. Those still alive had scattered like chaff in the wind. Regrouping them would take time, and might not even pay the effort.
"Dark skin, dark words" Johannes thought. He had barely dismissed her, when a new messenger arrived from the east.
Along with the another one from the west.
The Machaka one was received first. The new suprime commander of Machaka army, Oberyn Martell, had lead the defence in the pass of White Peaks, under the direct command of He whose name should not be mentioned. The battle was costly and numerous were the tribal women whose men would never return.
But Oberyn Martell had routed the enemy, and while they were running, slaid many of them.
The supreme commander of all Machaka armies had won a nickname The Red Spider that day because of his unique (it was common misbelief, Johannes knew) flame whip he used to slice his enemies.
After all this the old prophet felt exhausted, but he still had to receive the last messenger from the eastern province.
The message was short: "Armies of R'lyeh had landed and claimed their first province." The emissary from the R'lyeh stepped out of the shadows with a wicked smirk. Johannes knew what he needed to do and summoned the keeper of the gold. At least the day turned to better in the end.
He needed to hear the details of the Battle of White Peaks, but not today. Today they were to have a feast. An event they had not held for so long...

November 18th, 2011, 07:11 AM
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Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.
Lord Aguadillas,
I deliberated recently with the Deep Council about the latest developments in provinces neighboring our well protected domains. In particular, the fact that you leave your water domains may mean that you become a civilized nation, behaving as such and accepting the responsibilities which come with such a status.
To be totally honest, Ancient Oracles are uneasy about your expansion in a move surrounding us from all directions, considering your past behavior and public declarations. They noted that we are still technically at war with each other, considering that your latest retreat from our Northern provinces was done under cover of a kind of local truce, no more. They reminded how you attacked us several times without prior notice, and how one such sneak attack was done after words of friendly apologies from the very Lord Aguadillas Himself.
Sang-i Khateratha, our Master Keeper of Memories, also took the floor. He noted how you more or less warned us that a new attack would come soon, when we made our last truce, R'lyeh being a "prideful nation". Sang-i Khateratha also presented the debt your nation still owes to us because of havoc inflicted on our Holy Mountain and several provinces for several long months. He reminded the assembly that we did not cross the Robber Home bridge because of a treaty with Ermor, not with R'lyeh, the nation who attacked us by surprise several times and refuses to sign a peace treaty. Our self-imposed moderation in the Robber Home area was valid as long as Ermor, or another friendly nation, would participate to the bridge ceremony - it was not intended to give room for our enemy to prepare one more attack, and it is not binding to us in this context.
I promised the Ancient Oracles, who are sometimes a little too vengeful and do not understand all the intricacies of realpolitik, that the new Lord Aguadillas would prove reasonable and that a permanent peace agreement could be reached with Him. They agreed to let me try to negotiate directly with you, as long as I would not betray the legitimate interests of the Agarthan nation. So I propose the following treaty:
- we transfer the rights on the Robber Home region we had originally granted to Ermor to your nation, in the event that you can keep these provinces, and give up any claims in the area;
- we receive the Sea of Plenty as a guarantee against attacks on our Holy Mountains in the future;
- we cancel all debts you nation still has toward us because of war devastations inflicted on us;
- we organize a bridge ceremony sealing peace between our nations on the Robber Home bridge [NAP3].
Refusal to enter negotiations will be considered as a continuation of the state of war you imposed on us, and you know that you are becoming much more of a threat now. But I hope I can bring a proof of your peaceful intentions to the Deep Council and get a positive answer to this treaty. That would definitely eliminate all sources of tensions between our nations, probably the two oldest (and wisest?) nations in this world. We are also ready to listen to your counter-proposals, if any, and analyze them with cold blood.
May the mountains' wisdom reflect on our decisions,
Nur-i Tagh, the Mountain Light
Holder of a full accreditation from the Deep Council
Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Jörmungandr, the Councilor of Gods

November 18th, 2011, 08:05 AM
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Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.
As a prideful nation we don't seek blind vengeance but not being punished and humilliated with debts after losing toops, items and valuable generals. In hope of peace, we're willing to come to a new understanding. We agree to the pact you proposed us with one exception: we cannot leave the Sea of Plenty and the castle built there, it's too resource-valuable to leave it. Also, the bridged province will not belong to the Void Lords in the end of the war because yours and Machaka's troops deny access to it except if our troops marched through Eremor's capital, madness. Our expansion is not dictated by the position of your kingdom but only to the provinces available to me and the proximity between castles, the possible layout was only one. I hope you redefine the terms of our treatee so we can sign it.
R'lyeh, under New Directions, in the year of the Omnivore Bat.

November 18th, 2011, 11:24 AM
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Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.
Esteemed Lord Aguadillas,
Your motives are certainly noble, but never will the Deep Council accept a treaty legalizing your presence at the root of our Holy Mountain, considering your suspicious track record.
Let us open the possibilities of a territorial swap, I suggest, keeping in mind that we already let you get 5 provinces north of the Robber Home bridge, that has to account for something. If you let us know what are the economic assets of the Sea of Plenty, we will suggest you an appropriate offer.
Nur-i Tagh, the Mountain Light
Holder of a full accreditation from the Deep Council
Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Jörmungandr, the Councilor of Gods

November 18th, 2011, 02:14 PM
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Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.
please postpone incoming turn (the one coming out possibly tonight)for 24H.

November 19th, 2011, 12:01 PM
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Re: Fame and Riches - game started, AR-s coming in.
Lord Aguadillas, Sergent of the stellar half-fishes,
It appears that the Sea of Plenty in inhabited by people worshipping the God of Primordial Waters. Because of this fact, we know with precision the economic assets of this province and we an offer you a fair deal for it. We offer you a swap with the province of Lithia, South of Smallsea. This province offers an income of 72 gold coins every turn thanks to a taxable population of 7,120 souls. It gathers 30 resources every turn. We are ready to build a fort and a laboratory in it before handling it to you. We believe that this province + ceding rights North of Robber Home bridge is a fair deal in exchange of the Sea of Plenty.
As you see Agarthans are ready to go far to make peace with you. The only thing we cannot give up is Sea of Plenty, for obvious security reasons - we don't want our capital to be under permanent threat of hostile raiding. We hope this proposal can conclude our peace negotiations.
Nur-i Tagh, the Mountain Light
Holder of a full accreditation from the Deep Council
Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Jörmungandr, the Councilor of Gods
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