
January 3rd, 2012, 04:58 PM
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Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log
I think that as far as my posts earlier in the thread are concerned, you need to go back and read the lot of it again if you think I have been dismissive of the concerns raised here.
My contributions to this thread have mainly been answering questions, often in quite detailed manner and trying to be as precise as possible without going to novel length posts to do it.
I explained to you at length why the concerns about recruitment micro were unfounded. That's the only one. The combat sequence issue that nordlys brought up has been raised with the devs, with the points brought up in this thread all put in there.
The distribution channel discussion is speculation in its entirety and people are free to hold any opinion they like on that issue. I have made clear which is the least favorite for me, but I'm open about the remaining options.
As for other suggestions, yes, the YouTube video suggestions have been noted and I at least have considered trying to learn enough about making one. Since I've never once done any video recording or editing of any sort and my YouTube-fu is limited to being able to find some songs I like there and listening to them, it might not happen instantly.
To date, time constraints have prevented me from trying to do anything about it, since what time I have had has mostly been tied up with the following stuff:
- Work
- Family
- CoE3 testing and debugging
- CoE3 manual
- CoE3 map editor guide
- Preparations for the upcoming trip to Thailand (departure tomorrow)
So there might be something at some point. Can't promise when. But if anyone starts acting like it is obligatory for us to produce a YouTube video, the likelihood that I will do so is going to start approaching zero in short order.
As far as influencing what happens with CoE3, a lot of suggestions from the beta testers have been incorporated and implemented, most of it being either user interface stuff or things that reduce micro or in some cases things that improve visuals (other than unit graphics, so I guess it could be counted as UI stuff). If I had to go back to the first version I was testing from the current one, I'd be tearing my hair (what little remains of it) out in frustration because of the lack of all the stuff that makes life easier that has been added since.
Thing is, mostly we have worked with the existing mechanics and have not suggested anything that requires drastic rewrites of large blocks of code.
Suggestions from here (other than the YouTube video requests) have mainly tended to stuff that would require large rewrites or content wise is something that may or may not appear (either at release or in a later patch) or else have been related to the distribution issue. Other than that last one, the likelihood of the suggestions being implemented is often either completely or in part related to the amount of work required.
The other factor there is what kind of vision Kristoffer and Johan have for CoE3. If a particular suggestion goes against that, there is nothing that can make it viable. Absolutely nothing.
My aim here in this thread is to answer questions about the game to the best of my ability, but if a suggestion is something that has roughly a snowball's chance in hell of happening (because of all the work and changes it would require), I'm not afraid to say so.
I'm trying to serve Illwinter's interests as well as those of the people who are interested in this game and just going "Mmmhmm, yeah, that's good" even if I know something to the contrary isn't going to help anyone.
I hope that clears things up as to where I stand with regard to the discussion of CoE3 development. In any case, I will not be participating in this discussion for the next week and a half due to the aforementioned trip abroad.
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January 3rd, 2012, 05:31 PM
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Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log
Excellent Edi.
Id also add that the conversations here are inline with the forum managements preferences. If you dont like how we present things then for people who prefer the conversation styles of the other forums it might be best to discuss it there with the beta representatives on that forum. Im not being rude. There are beta people in most of the forums who might present your interests in the manner you wish.
(No I will not say who they are. If you ask there and they dont speak up then its not for me to out them)
SA people and Qto3 people, you know Im your "beta rep" if you want to discuss it there. 

January 3rd, 2012, 05:52 PM
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Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log
Have a good trip Edi.
Thanks for the explanations both of you.

January 4th, 2012, 04:24 AM
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Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log
I mostly lurk this forum and rarely post, but...
It's really interesting to read the devlog and posts from beta-testers in this thread. It looks like this game will be perfect for me, I'm sure right now, that I'll but it. The only wish I have is modding capabilities (especially with no hardcoded limits like in Dom3, or with broad limits). I'm here just to say, that I appreciate all the work of developers, beta-testers and idea-givers. Thank you all, and keep up the good work!

January 4th, 2012, 05:26 AM
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Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log
Originally Posted by Edi
- Preparations for the upcoming trip to Thailand (departure tomorrow)
Are you a lichenologist?

January 4th, 2012, 09:24 AM
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Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log
Originally Posted by Jack_Trowell
I'm just posting to signal a small error in the progress page: the dates goes from 30th December 2011 to 1st December 2011, looks like the month and year have not been updated in the changelog.
Oh, and happy new year eveyone ! ^_^
Reported and Repaired.
Good catch.
Or if I had editing powers I could do it like they do in the beta forum. Turn your original post to green text (meaning its fixed). Or purple text (meaning WAD Working As Designed)
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January 4th, 2012, 12:21 PM
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Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log
Originally Posted by Edi
Preparations for the upcoming trip to Thailand (departure tomorrow)
If you get the chance to see Chaang Rai or Chaang Sen, go for it. Both are incredible, though for very different reasons. Or at least, they were back in 2004, when I lived in Thailand for a year.

January 4th, 2012, 04:34 PM
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Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log
Originally Posted by JonBrave
But the other bit of my post was that IMHO you would not get ten times as many happy Dom3 players. I just don't believe there are ten times as many people out there who would think Dom3 was great, or even playable. It's such niche audience.
Keep in mind COE (judging by COE2) is much easier-to-get-into and more "casual" than Dominions. In fact, I have no problems imagining COE2 as a flash or a mobile game (actually, I think Illwinter could benefit a lot by considering the ios/android ports for some additional untapped market for COE3 - and no, before you ask, I don't have either platform and don't plan to get one  ). So it does have a much wider potential market in my opinion than the ultra-hardcore and, dare I say, elitist Dominions.

January 5th, 2012, 12:42 AM
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Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log
Yes, CoE3 is "fun" to play.
As for Edi and Gandalf's comments, they are completely honest. When they say your comments have been brought up in the beta forum, they have. In all the betas I've worked on, no developer has ever asked, or responded to a beta tester's opinion on distribution or pricing.

January 5th, 2012, 01:34 PM
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Re: Conquest of Elysium 3 dev log
In CoE2, in the early games, the warlord characters were typically superior, while later game gave the advantage to enchanters, demonologists, etc. From my experience, there typically wasn't anything that could really change this. Warlords might get lucky and recruit a wizard, but the wizards weren't game changers at all. Mostly something that would give them an advantage to a comparable army, but not against all the magic beasts that they might face in the late game.
Is there anything in CoE3 that is going to give the warlord characters a bit more of a late game edge, like more access to more powerful wizards? Or are they still banking on using their early game advantage to dominate quickly?
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