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Old February 9th, 2012, 04:04 PM
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Default Re: Cursed be Iron - THE GAME IS ON!

wow lol.
So much drama.

I proposed 60h because it is what timpaman asked me by PM.
But i'm wondering, Anaconda, how you dare trying to teach me anything about what kind of behavior should have an admin.
Especially after letting the game crumble for more than a month or being too lazy to set a player AI.

Now Timpaman, I haven't answered your PM by an other PM because i've made our discussion public.

Originally Posted by Bullock View Post
Due to lack of time Marignon has to be subbed.
So the game is on hold 'til a sub is found.
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Originally Posted by TimpaMan View Post
I cancelled my mind. I just want the turn interval raised a bit. I keep on playing.
If i raise the timer to 60h can you play until the end?

Otherwise if you are only planning the short term goal we discussed before leaving i prefer Ossa take the hand now on Marignon.

So i was waiting for you answer. i wouldn't "rob" your nation.
Big word for nothing.

i won't even try to defend myself on the other narrow subjects, such has bringing the link of an old thread where nobody can fairly judge what happened by only reading the forum.
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Old February 9th, 2012, 04:52 PM
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Default Re: Cursed be Iron - THE GAME IS ON!

No Bullock, of that time we had over 2 weeks of Christmas break - after request of a player. And its good you took the host over when I was busy else where.

I am not indicating your trying to kick the player out here, maybe Timpaman misunderstood it, or you did, but...

...your hastiness is widely known, and the posted link is a hallmark of that characteristic; you force hosted the game multiple times until you were told by all other remaining players thats not how host should act.

I am underscoring here that a host is a servant, not a ruler. Players dont play for his amusement, but host serves for theirs. I failed that after the Christmas break, and I would hate to see this game ruined because you would too.
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Old February 9th, 2012, 05:28 PM

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Default Re: Cursed be Iron - THE GAME IS ON!

Ok. Maybe i misunderstood. But from all the things, and from your hastiness, I really got the feeling that you will give Marignon to some1 else, without discussing about it anymore with me.

Well, thing is settled then, lets continue the game. Just increase the interval. I suggest 72h, so we dont have to do it again in the coming weeks or months.
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Old February 9th, 2012, 06:21 PM
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Default Re: Cursed be Iron - THE GAME IS ON!

Originally Posted by Anaconda View Post
I am underscoring here that a host is a servant, not a ruler. Players dont play for his amusement, but host serves for theirs. I failed that after the Christmas break, and I would hate to see this game ruined because you would too.
Yeah i barely agree with this statement.
I'm not considering the admin has a servant but as a player with the same rights, acting to the best so the game keep running well and so people can enjoy it.

That's why i'm proposing to Marignon to increase the timer,
or trying to find some quick solution when the 1rt power of the game tells me that he is about to leave the game.

Again i'm wondering how you dare giving your opinion on this subject after dropping the game for a month (without any explanation or apologies) and haven't done anything of what you were supposed to do when you where the admin. Even as a player you are lacking of commitment.

And now i will stoop to your level and will bring, as you did, a link of something who have nothing to do with our discussion :
16 stales in 62 turns ??
Yeah you surely know how to contribute to the amusement of others. You are a weight in all the game i saw you in.

Now i can't let you coming here teaching me lessons ... i'm simply done with you ... you are pissing me for months.

Since i don't want to be described as a fascist admin by kicking you (especially after the "robbing nation" thing earlier) i will withdraw from the game and will let you take back the admin stuff (password by PM soon) I'll try to convince Ossa to take my position ... it should be ok.

I sincerely wish much fun to the remaining players with their new admin.
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Old February 9th, 2012, 07:06 PM
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Default Re: Cursed be Iron - THE GAME IS ON!

Yeah i barely agree with this statement.
Yes I knew, you dont need to say it. That is exactly why I am addressing the issue.

I'm not considering the admin has a servant but as a player with the same rights, acting to the best so the game keep running well and so people can enjoy it.
With fast late game intervals the game keeps running, yes, but not well if the player base is struggling to meet the intervals and, like in my case, and in Timpaman's, maybe even failing the interval. Thats not the definitoin for "well running" game.

My so called "lack of commitment" is due to the IRL reasons but luckily it wont matter when the interval has been so low: 48H at turn 60 (which already it self points to the matter at hand). I havent asked for the extensions or longer interval to let you play and because I have been practically done since the turn, say 10 or anyways less than 15. So, you could have got your fast speedy game there. But how come it buggers you if the turn interval ACTUALLY IS 48, and I cant make it, and yet I havent delayed the game with asking constantly prolongations (so you could play)?

It shouldnt be your concern at all. More to that, this is irrelevant, oh wait, as it at least partly points to your hastiness, maybe its good your brought it up.

Again i'm wondering how you dare giving your opinion on this subject after dropping the game for a month (without any explanation or apologies) and haven't done anything of what you were supposed to do when you where the admin.
Maybe you lack the reading comprehension, but I doubt it because your English is well lined so it has to be something else.

Now i can't let you coming here teaching me lessons ... i'm simply done with you ... you are pissing me for months.
Yes, I wonder how come you take this so personally, when I have only pointed to the apparent facts? But so be it, pissing you has been my pleasure, dear Sir.

Since i don't want to be described as a fascist admin by kicking you (especially after the "robbing nation" thing earlier)
But you really considered it, right? Otherwise you wouldnt have written it at all, right? However I encourage you to do that no the less because that is how the admin works(right?)!
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Old February 9th, 2012, 07:42 PM

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Default Re: Cursed be Iron - THE GAME IS ON!

Okay, lets just play a game. This stuff happens. Feelings get hurt or whatever but we don't need to get too worried about the small stuff in life. This is a game- lets treat it as one.

Bullock- i would request that you take up your nation and just play without regard to this affair. Whether you like a player or not doesn't matter- maybe you can just rip him to shreds on the battlefield and feel better? You are a fun player to play with in everyone one of my games and i would miss you if you left in this one.

As for Anaconda, i'm sure you can just move on and play the game right? Any frustrations should be chanelled into using your nation to rip his apart. I am looking forward to a rematch between our nations after our previous clash in Morla's game.

There are no hurt feelings in DOMINIONS. There are no tears in DOMINIONS. There is only the clash of steel on steel and the thunder of great magicks.

Okay... so moving on everyone? ready, set, lets play dominions!
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Old February 9th, 2012, 08:04 PM
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Default Re: Cursed be Iron - THE GAME IS ON!

Sure, I am not telling any1 who should play and who shouldnt.
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Old February 9th, 2012, 09:27 PM
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Default Re: Cursed be Iron - THE GAME IS ON!

Since you are using bad faith at high level (are you a politician ?) i will give a last answer to your spurious allegation. After that i will let you have the last word.
You deserve it.


With fast late game intervals the game keeps running, yes, but not well if the player base is struggling to meet the intervals and, like in my case, and in Timpaman's, maybe even failing the interval. Thats not the definitoin for "well running" game.

My so called "lack of commitment" is due to the IRL reasons but luckily it wont matter when the interval has been so low: 48H at turn 60 (which already it self points to the matter at hand). I havent asked for the extensions or longer interval to let you play and because I have been practically done since the turn, say 10 or anyways less than 15. So, you could have got your fast speedy game there. But how come it buggers you if the turn interval ACTUALLY IS 48, and I cant make it, and yet I havent delayed the game with asking constantly prolongations (so you could play)?

It shouldnt be your concern at all. More to that, this is irrelevant, oh wait, as it at least partly points to your hastiness, maybe its good your brought it up.
Ill faith one: you stale, it's my bad.

Yes it's irrelevant, i bring it here because it was as irrelevant as was your link. I was hoping you could understand that by yourself... nevermind !

But again it's a nice picture of your bad faith... you were staling because you were worried about my comfort. This one is maybe too big though.

Maybe you lack the reading comprehension, but I doubt it because your English is well lined so it has to be something else.
No it's not a lack of reading comprehension, you are just disappearing and coming back depending on your mood and you know it.

Yes, I wonder how come you take this so personally, when I have only pointed to the apparent facts? But so be it, pissing you has been my pleasure, dear Sir.
I didn't take it personally, you can imagine i really don't care what you can think about me. It's just the way you are describing thing to fit your point and convince others which is pissing me. Your "apparent facts" (you picked the right words) such as the way you justify your absences or the reason why you were stalling in the other game (this one make me laugh though, so it's not so bad).

But the best one i guess is:
With fast late game intervals the game keeps running, yes, but not well if the player base is struggling to meet the intervals and, like in my case, and in Timpaman's, maybe even failing the interval. Thats not the definitoin for "well running" game.
I can totally understand Timpa's lack of time to manage a big nation as marignon is. That's why i proposed him to turn to 60h
the timer. If i picked the number 60 it's because it's what he asked me by PM. i was fine to put more if he asked more, as one of the top leading nation it's totally fair to have a more important weight in such decision.

But you ?? your nation is barely the same at it was turn 10 ! even in research ! your nation is a 5 min turn nation at this point. Especially with no war running.

Same thing for the other game ! you had 4 lands left ! i saw your troops because i just killed them while you were staling! You had something like 300 troops and 10 mages.
Actually we have 48h to play a turn on this game.
You have stalled 3 times on the 4 last turns. Which means you need 8 days to move 10 mages?

Yeah indeed i think you will have to increase the timer of "cursed be iron" . Because in this game he has prolly 10 lands and 20 mages !

You play when you want to play, could be 4 times a week or ... once a month. This is kinda selfish ...
So when you come teach me good manners and how to do the admin stuff after that ...

So here is a nice example of your bad faith which is pissing me.
Especially when you are turning things so i become the bad guy who is abusing of his admin's role.

Since i don't want to be described as a fascist admin by kicking you (especially after the "robbing nation" thing earlier)
But you really considered it, right? Otherwise you wouldnt have written it at all, right? However I encourage you to do that no the less because that is how the admin works(right?)!
Also this kind of comment is pathetic. That's what make thought to politics at the beginning of the thread.

But indeed, kicking a troublesome player might be a part of an admin's role.
For instance If a player shows once every 5 turns it's better to replace him i guess...
But it seems i'm not shaped for this role so you can't blame me for that.
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Old February 9th, 2012, 09:33 PM
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Default Re: Cursed be Iron - THE GAME IS ON!

Originally Posted by Anaconda View Post
Sure, I am not telling any1 who should play and who shouldnt.
Sooo pathetic ... haha

The small sentence showing the big you lol
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Old February 9th, 2012, 10:05 PM
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Default Re: Cursed be Iron - THE GAME IS ON!

Last words then: "Well, not far from what I expected."
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