I've really been wanting to try an MA game, but haven't been able to find one, so I thought I would set one up and give it a go. I have only played a few turns in a couple MPs and am getting crushed :P I'd like to keep this newbie friendly, please
Age......: MA
Settings.: All default, except renaming is allowed and HoF 15.
Mods.....: CBM 1.92;
Players #: 7
Map......: Streamlandsfixed
Diplomacy: Binding NAPs
Turn Freq: 30h quickhost, to be adjusted as necessary when turns get longer. I'll try to be understanding and not let players stall.
Other....: In part due to the low number of players and the notion of this being a newbie game, I would prefer players not go AI and no shenanigans.
If you'd like to join, post a reply stating which nation you'd like to play, and I'll add it to the list below. Only guideline is that we should have no more than two water nations, and that's if we are near capacity for players.
Current nations:
Austen - Vanheim
Megawidget - Abysia or C'Tis
name_thief - Marignon
Matty - Agartha
Parone - Ulm
Robespierre - R'lyeh
Procyon Lotor - Tien Chi