
March 16th, 2012, 07:07 AM
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Re: momfreeek's new magic item browser!
As a random observation, the "Paralyzing Poison" on "The Sharpest Tooth" seems to have a great many tags it shouldn't have. Maybe indicative of some mod-reading bug.
Edit: Also weapons associated with other items don't seem to have all their stats. The Stone Bird, for example, doesn't indicate that it has multiple attacks.

March 16th, 2012, 11:19 AM
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Re: momfreeek's new magic item browser!
Originally Posted by jotwebe
Addendum: Just noticed the pin functionality - nice, and taking it into account I like the new design better.
It always had the pin functionality ^^
Originally Posted by llamabeast
Hmm yes, in CBM 1.92 the Boots of Long Strides grant a misc armor piece which gives a defense bonus (a bit like Bracers of Protection). That's quite a subtle thing for your program to pick up on though
Ah, it was only accepting a number for attached weapons, but apparently name works too. fixed next update.
Originally Posted by llamabeast
As a random observation, the "Paralyzing Poison" on "The Sharpest Tooth" seems to have a great many tags it shouldn't have. Maybe indicative of some mod-reading bug.
A bug I introduced in the last update. fixed next update
On the subject of damage types, can a weapon have more than one? Currently I'm reading it that 'dt_poison' means the weapon does only poison damage. If it has 2 damage types does it do both or will the latter overwrite the former?
Edit: Also weapons associated with other items don't seem to have all their stats. The Stone Bird, for example, doesn't indicate that it has multiple attacks.
Tricky.. it was reading the mod fine but it turns out the weapon number in the base data was 458(Spectral Fire) not 176 (Stone Bird). Now displays weapon and armor name next to id.
Will continue making edits and upload later today.

March 16th, 2012, 01:39 PM
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Re: momfreeek's new magic item browser!
I just committed the updates. Corrections are on hold, I had an idea..

March 17th, 2012, 08:38 PM
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Re: momfreeek's new magic item browser!
so I spent yesterday learning perl (    ) and writing an interactive scraper to scrape the wiki for descriptions and item properties (I asked Ich but he's not got back to me yet and in my extreme impatience I went ahead anyway  ).
- item descriptions on everything (except one case I think)
- lots (LOTS!) of data corrections gleaned from the wiki. There's still some stuff to resolve. generated changelog here:
I should point out that it didn't delete any properties. there may be duplicate spells in 2 fields on some items.. hopefully this sort of thing is easy to spot.
- link on every item to the wiki page for that item. Strategy hints and stuff beyond raw stats and description don't really belong on this browser.
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March 18th, 2012, 03:58 AM
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Re: momfreeek's new magic item browser!
You freaking rock, dude!

March 18th, 2012, 02:44 PM
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Re: momfreeek's new magic item browser!
Added your stuff to the wiki. Thanks!

March 18th, 2012, 09:10 PM
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Re: momfreeek's new magic item browser!
np guys  . I'm enjoying making it.
note to modders:
If you want it to work with your mod you can:
(a) link me a copy of the mod file to upload. If you're familiar with svn I could give you permissions to upload your own mods.
(b) download it and serve it yourself. Its free & open source. Currently you'll need to use svn or contact me for a zip. It needs no particular software but it does need to be served from a webserver. It won't work from the file system on recent browsers as ajax calls from the file system are considered a security risk.
Once the mod file is alongside the html page its just a matter of referring to it in the url.
eg: blahblahurl?mod=mymodfile.dm
it supports loading multiple mods:
eg: blahblahurl?mod=mymodfile.dm&mod=anothermod.dm
no guarantee:
It might not work as intended. Please report issues in this thread.

March 18th, 2012, 09:56 PM
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Re: momfreeek's new magic item browser!
Nice work, momfreek! I love this sort of mod, makes a big difference.

March 20th, 2012, 06:55 AM
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Re: momfreeek's new magic item browser!
Final edits from wiki (all the less simple things). All corrections posted in this thread are fixed. Fixed a few broken descriptions and improved item formatting somewhat. Summons are still unclear (with potential errors) but thats for another day.
There's no guarantee everything is correct now. Report inaccuracies pls.
A few unresolved things. Can anyone explain these?:
Is Iceprot additional protection in cold province? Just a guess
soul vortex
from item description: "runes that leech the life force from living beings". Rather vague.
Cannotwear: 1073741824
(bitmask for units that can't equip the items (see unitflagsX)). What units does this represent?

March 22nd, 2012, 06:12 AM
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Congratulation and thanks for the magic item browser. It's especially nice to see that you could use pre-existing information, tools and code from earlier projects to develop it, that's why I have always recommended to other people to share their stuff instead of keeping it for themselves - that way others can pick it up later when they're long gone.
If somebody else wants to use the Wiki data, then please don't scrape the Wiki page for page, please, but use the built-in Export functionality of MediaWiki. I can make the data dumps that I used for the Wiki available upon request, too. Thanks!
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