We are looking for a sub for Caelum for this game:
We've ended up swapping in Warhammer as the map, to get a better (lower) ration of provinces to players. It is only turn one, so its early days yet - but there is some pot-luck, as some other dude has done your pretender and TBH I have absolutely no idea what they have done or how good they are.
As a consequence, i would speculate that this will suit an itermediate player looking for a bit of a challenge and a fixer-upper opportunity, although particularly brave or foolish n00bs might also like what they find. And hey, if it turns out that you get totally and utterly smashed, what the heck - you can blame it all on that other guy! :-)
So don't wait - man up and get you application in now, before some other victim .... sorry, player .... gets in first and grabs this glorious opporunity for a one way ticket to humiliation, obscurity and oblivion!