First off I must say that Agartha has much better news than Helheim's state run 24 hour per day only station running - "Our dear great leader and pretender god Bulldog".
It looks like someone flopped the score charts between Tien and least on provinces.
Regarding the battle. It was a remarkable thing. Here is the official report. The General in charge after surveying the field remarked. "We are in Deep ****". This fort is a far cry harded to capture than the last one. At that point remembering the movie Braveheart he ordered the nobles to take the cavalary and pretend they were retreating (hence the retreat message). He met the enemy in the field and at the crucial moment the cavalry came storming back to take the field.
In reality I have no clue what happened. The best I can come up with is that a lonely huskarl got separated and was hiding behind a rock. After the battle while the Enchantress, archers, remaining bears and fire drakes got drunk on wine in the celebration he slipped into camp and slaughtered them all.
In any event a win is a win
