As Don says - we would need to see your original scenario.
but -
- ensure that all victory hexes
have a value of 50+ and are
on the map
- ensure that you have set up
reaction turns for all AI HQs too.
Your other statement about ignoring the hexes and charging past in an advancing situation - is now
normal AI behaviour. The AI can and will decide to "go deep" in Camo games, ignoring any V hexes it considers too far away to deviate for, for now.
Very fast armies - like the USSR tanks and APC mix - can therefore camp out a force on your baseline for a wee while, looking for nearby troops to bash, e.g. your arty park, if you left a clear path to the rear zone. Then this pack will
eventually go for the objectives from that area, which can result in a "rear assault". It's happened to me with a thundering great herd of T-62 and BMP unexpectedly arriving right up my derrière ...

And, no, I had no scouts out watching that road along the top of the map into to my rear area.
Do not expect the troops to simply make a straight line for any victory hexes laid out. In the early game, they will tend to avoid those too far away and proceed with advancing into enemy territory initially. Also, tanks may wait a turn or 2 before advancing at all, letting the light troops go first (light tanks, mech inf, recce).
Our AI does not do the "tin lemming charge" act of the original SSI code
