Originally Posted by DRG
Originally Posted by 152H55
Tested the W8 fix and it is working as intented. Not having any sluggish performance either with GDI or DirectX settings, although I'm using DL version with (maximum) 800x600 resolution. My video card is AMD HD 6800.
Have you tested in windowed and fullscreen mode ?
Both, and it's working flawlessly with GDI and DX.
Edit: I actually do get some extremely minor lag in full screen (800x600) GDI and DX when scrolling max size maps fully zoomed in, but the lag is so miniature that it can only be detected when one really is looking for it. Scrolling max zoomed 200 hex map from top to bottom causes about 3 lags at regular interwalls, using scroll speeds of 30 and 1ms. But as I said the lag is almost imperceptible, perhaps just a feature of the game engine?