I'm going to give some time to Ossa to comment before officially declaring the game over.
I didn't elaborate in my earlier post, but I'm pretty sure you would have been able to dom kill me if our armies had stalemated on the battlefield. Your dominion was already washing over me, and I didn't have a lot of money to buy additional holy units to push back your dominion.
I was going to hit you with waves of my sneaky Morrigan's and try to blizkrieg you with a wave of my Fomorian thug-kings, but with all of your fortresses and SCs, you probably would have been able to stop me.
Overall, I feel like I fought pretty well, but you were just to big for me to take-down. If we had been comparable in size, things would have been a lot different

But it is what it is and you fought a great game. You're ability to quickly advance in the mid-game and destroy everyone before you secured your win.