A couple of questions... .
Dear Members,
Does anyone here know whether or not I can use GIMP to edit and/or create my own .lbm files for my mod?
There once was a tutorial written for an older version of paintshop pro (trial, I believe). I someone knows where that is and where I can get a copy of the programme in question (for free) then that would also be a viable option.
Finally, which of the standard empty .shp files should I use for my mod? For the most part I've been using 99s for my turreted vehicles. From what I gather 100a are better for aircraft and other turret-less vehicles, right? If I put my icons in at icon123 onwards should I use my 100s or would another size be better?
"Wir Deutschen sollten die Wahrheit auch dann ertragen lernen, wenn sie für uns günstig ist."
Last edited by RecruitMonty; January 6th, 2015 at 08:29 PM..