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February 9th, 2015, 07:56 AM
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Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Originally Posted by FASTBOAT TOUGH
SOFTBALL #3...CANADA/F-35A/NONE/ADD/In doubt currently accessioning airspace requirements and budget concerns./

Ahem................... type CF-35 into mobhack search when in the CDN OOB and you'll find 4 units. One of the issues here is it's a single engine aircraft and that is a legitimate concern given where it will be flown most of the time but there is a LOT of hot air being blown around about the aircraft but ultimately I wouldn't want to guess how it will go one way or the other at this time...... ask me again after the election in the fall but even then...IDK. Right now the OOB's have a 6/2018 start date and that's fine by me until we know more but if anything is really going to kill this deal it's the current currency exchange rate
Last edited by DRG; February 9th, 2015 at 08:23 AM..

February 9th, 2015, 05:33 PM
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Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
That sounds fine to me concerning 6/2018 for those OOB's and UNITS. We have plenty of time. Suhiir should have pretty reliable dates for the F-35B and F-35C we worked those pretty hard. USMC IOC is still on track for I believe it was 07/2015 for the F-35B. Sorry about the CAF jets as I didn't start there. The other countries I searched under "JSF" and they came up that way.
These were a couple of the posts I used to support my last post. On the second ref. just click on the "FLAGS" to see the type F-35 each country ordered and information associated with that order.
Now about that OOPS! Here's I how work I have to first  with my
which causes me to sometimes just to  : and at other times just  but if I hang in there it's just  all around!!
I wish to thank you for the opportunity to tell a smilie story!!
Don likes those you know!?! Kinda like he enjoys putting trucks into OOB's!! Alright I'll stop!?!
Have a good day!!
"If something is not impossible, there must be a way of doing it." - Sir Nicholas Winton
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February 9th, 2015, 06:03 PM
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Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Actually the dates I have at the moment are:
F-35B 01/2017
F-35C 01/2018
EF-35 Ferret 01/117 - and this should probably use the the F-25C icon/LBM, be changed to 01/2018, and perhaps given a pair of 500# JDAMs (since it has the larger internal weapon bay the F-35B). Chances are they'll use the 'C' variant for a "wild weasel".
There is TONS of rumor, speculation etc. concerning the F-35 but until someone actually deploys them in an active squadron all we can do is take a best guess.
Suhiir - Wargame Junkie
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February 9th, 2015, 06:06 PM
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Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
F-35C icon/LBM for the Ferret
((damn "no edit" for Firefox))
Suhiir - Wargame Junkie
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February 13th, 2015, 04:22 AM
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Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
By way of sending a message to someone, and also note related articles at the bottom of this "featured" one. As a side we will be sending more armor to Europe as well. If I remember, it was around Oct. 2013 when I posted the last tanks were leaving. Served during the official "Cold War" now it looks like the "Cool War" scratch that, with the " Chilly War" has started.
"If something is not impossible, there must be a way of doing it." - Sir Nicholas Winton
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February 13th, 2015, 06:09 AM
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Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Finnish F-18 mid-life upgrade 2:
FDF news (in Finnish)
"Uusilla kyvyillä varustettuja koneita on saatu Ilmavoimiin palveluskäyttöön keväästä 2013 alkaen. Vuoden 2014 loppuun mennessä MLU 2-koneita oli käytössä noin 30."
"The planes with new capabilities have been received to Air Force service from spring 2013 onwards. By the end of 2014 there were about 30 pieces of MLU 2 fighters."
Improvements list at the end of article (selected ones): - Sensori- ja omasuojajärjestelmän päivityksiä
- Sensor and self protection (=EW) upgrades
- Ilmasta maahan -täsmäaseistuksen käytöönotto (lyhyen kantaman ohjautuva JDAM-pommi, keskipitkän kantaman JSOW-liitopommi sekä pitkän kantaman JASSM-rynnäkköohjus)
- Air-to-ground precision munitions (short range JDAM bomb, medium range JSOW glide bomb and long range JASSM missile)
- LITENING-maalinetsintäsäiliö
- LITENING targeting pod

February 13th, 2015, 07:54 PM
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Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
"Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Crisis Response (SPMAGTF-CR) units are well shaped to fill a gap in rapid response when an Amphibious Ready Group/Marine Expeditionary Unit (ARG/MEU) is not available, but are not capable of replacing the ARG/MEU's capabilities ..."
Seems someone has decided to augment the Amphibious Ready Group/Marine Expeditionary Unit (ARG/MEU) concept with one specifically tailored to probably independent company vice battalion size operations.
Suhiir - Wargame Junkie
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March 4th, 2015, 02:19 AM
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Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
All right a little news and as always if I'm posting it that normally means I'm tracking it where it might apply to the game.
1. A favorite of mine the USAF A-10 how about that CAS by the F-35A vs the A-10...
2. Covered this with the USMC ref. I provided earlier dealing with the F-35B/C jets this probably was taken from the same with further conformation(s) that confirms the AV-8 HARRIER and HORNET retirement dates...
3. UGANDA (The Su-30 might be an add.) sending air assets to SUDAN...
4. Been tracking this from the beginning the MMRCA Program from INDIA we'll know something next month (And end my misery hopefully!  .)it appears but Daussault can't be feeling very hopeful about closing the deal for the RAFALE...
5. The reason Daussault is concerned for their RAFALE is the cost, so here's INDIA's solution and let's not forget their project with Russia and if I have to tell what that is well, you haven't been paying attention for the last four years or so. Anyway...
6. ARGENTINA shopping around and there's " news within the news" of the second ref if you read it carefully also the UK is not going to like the following concerning ARGENTINA and CHINA coming together on a very likely deal for advanced fighters...
7. IRAN puts an old/new fighter into the mass production the SAEGHE...
8. UK reconstitutes 3rd TORNADO SQD...
9. UK about to equipment it's TYPHOONS with the PAVEWAY IV as already equipped on the TORNADO the TYPHOON will carry six and can launch these simultaneously imagine seeing that in the game!?!
10. IRAQ getting help from the UAE in the form of the SUPER TUCANO and the MIRAGE 2000-9...
11. Will EGYPT beat INDIA to became the first export customer for the RAFALE!?! As I've said before this INDIA we're talking about, congratulations EGYPT!!!
12. An update on KOREA's KF-X fighter program...
13. FRANCE offers MIRAGE-5F fighters to COLUMBIA...
14. You lucky Europeans how's it feel to have Russian Bombers flying over and near your airspace again? I'd be a little concerned myself given the current situation in the Russian border zone and within the last rew days Russia itself...
The first two above as reported by DID.
15. F-35 news...
16. CHINA introduces next H-6 series bomber the H-6K not much out there on these planes but with what we have should be enough to verify there isn't more of these in the OOB than there should be based on the data we have. Besides what was used to get them in the OOB in the first place? But then I don't know if they're in there in the first place!! 
So I'll just have to CHECK, VERIFY and make recommendations.
M-T always seems to be the first to get equipment data out there most of the time.
Well the taxman has come and gone. It's nice to know he'll be making deposits vice withdrawals, now I can put 2014 behind us-TG!?!

"If something is not impossible, there must be a way of doing it." - Sir Nicholas Winton
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March 4th, 2015, 08:33 PM
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Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
I'll be curious to see if the USMC manages their intended July 2015 date for an operation F-35B squadron.
BUT ... until one is actually operational I'll stick to my current January 2017 date. Don's been bit in the butt too many times in the past buy "intended" vice "actual".
Besides, there's always 2016's WinSPMBT patch.
Suhiir - Wargame Junkie
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March 4th, 2015, 10:01 PM
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Re: Jets & Planes but no UAV's here.
Originally Posted by FASTBOAT TOUGH
Mirage 2000-5F, not Mirage 5F... The former is roughly the French equivalent of the F-16C, the latter an obsolescent 1960s attack aircraft based on the Mirage IIIE.
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