System Notes
In my third game, I started keeping running notes of where things were, including places that might be worthwhile, useful, and/or dangerous to return to.
My poor crew then asphyxiated, but I still have the text, and figure it might be interesting to someone as an After Action Report type of tidbit, so here it is:
sector 6
20,22 - ubermonkey & friend at LZ
sector 7
27, 22 - Trent Reznor - big bad slime
22, 21 - OSB Hideout - radiation wreck
16,7 - Dull, 97% explored
7, 13 - Dneskonn Nu - Safe, caves with cave-in traps, then sudden surface slime attack!
sector 8
21,22 - Commonwealth - Extremely varied engraver irradiated planet - 13 dmg/turn
10,25 - Beta Camphora III - Varied terran - rabbits, caveof RED-EYE RAIDERS, BIG BAD SLIME, 100% explored
sector 9
27,12 - Eriatarka - 24 GRAVITY DMG, CAVE (later cleaned out)
wreck with no way to open security field
5,20 - safe w. water & cave - 98% explored
12,14 - rad dmg 1, cave, Secret Merc Base lvl 3, surviving rabid bunny boss on surface
sector 10 - nebula fleas
27, 2 - bug island planet - open, cleared out
4,24 - wreck 99% explored
11,11 - high gravity dmg 11
9,6 - high gravity dmg 12
3,3 - engraver terran, woods, mountains, rabbits, plants, cave, mts/woods spell:
RICH DERSHEIMERRIC? DERSCHEIMER, some cave left behind cave-in traps, and big bad subterr. Sucker alive
sector 11 - bankers pay over 200% for data, then less
26,4 - explore fully msn - cactus/mtns/bugs easy, glyphs
29,29 - wreck explored
20,24 - Bright Center of the Unvierse, ruined toxic city, jellies/bugs spawn, explored
11,25 - Turnado - crater/mtns - mostly empty but brutal lava blobs
6,5 - engraver toxic, easy, 100% explored
8,15 - scattered mountains, near-zero threats
26,28 - lava blobs, blobs, 12 grav dmg
sector 12
10,12 - toxic, cave, all cleaned out
sector 13
7,12 - cave, weak monsters, lvls 8 & 11 of caves are merc bases w. plenty o2 containers left.
- bottom level seems to be lvl 12.
sector 14 - firax embassy
26,14 - Brimstone Chi - there are two levels or merc base above the lowest level explored in the cave,
which have teleporters and air tanks, and a supply crate or two
16,14 - Fairly dangerous forested volcanic planet with cave only explored to level 1.
sector 15 - Tentaculon embassy
10,24 - 99% explored - 8+ cave levels, with ox tanks on lvl 7 merc base
Sector 17
1,24 - Futhpar - mountains, river, unexplored cave
Sector 19 - Tentaculon embassy
29,7 - shipwreck with lots of supplies
Sector 20 Sigorn warehouse (cheap supplies), asteroids
20, 20 - shipwreck Terry Onpha - lots of supplies
Sector 24
- Raider Caves
- lvl 7 has o2 and 1 supply (in upper right)
- lvl 8 has o2
- lvl 9 has o2 and 1 supply (in upper left)
- lvl 10 has o2, and 5 supplies (1 SW of entry, 4 SE). Nothing in NE
Sector 28
18,7 - mostly water, underwater cave (one level, explored), kudzu
Sector 30 - star temple
Sector 31 - Vordalene habitat
26,23 - planet with caves - somewhat dangerous multipliers - goes down further
Sector 32 - Sigorn
Sector 33 - Pirate base
- unexplored NE past water
Sector 34 - Tentaculon lab
Sector 36 - Gruff
12,3 - Terran - valley, no cave, 100% seen
18,27 - EHH Dumb - has some supply canisters left
Sector 37 - many shipwrecks, mercenaries