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Old March 23rd, 2016, 12:59 PM
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Default WinSPWW2 version 9.0b Upgrade patch

WinSPWW2 version 9.0b Upgrade patch
As usual we remind everyone that on going secure PBEM games WILL fail if a new patch is applied while they are being played.

6 New Scenarios
12 Revised Scenarios
3 New Campaigns
22 New or Revised maps
464 New or Revised Photos
410 New or Revised Icons
36 Updated OOB files with a new R&D OOB
42 Revised Icon Graphic files
2 New or Revised Text files
Upgraded GameOptions
Upgraded SCENHack

The game will now detect if Taskbar autohide is on when running in windowed mode and warn the player that this may cause problems . The game will now post an error message if in windowed mode if it finds auto-hide ON.Players have the option to ignore this or cancel out of game to fix auto-hide. To turn the check ON or OFF there is new line added to GameOptions in the MISC tab.

The Y key Range menu hot-keys now work properly.

Ground-Attack planes were being incorrectly costed in the calculator - now fixed, they should cost the same as a normal fighter-bomber.

There was a bug where if you loaded a game after an AI assault or advance. The old programmed fire block was not being cleared down, leading to odd behaviour (either your or the AI batteries would use the old data sometimes), requiring you to press the "clear programme" key to stop this happening for you to return the batteries to your control. This has been corrected and now works as intended

Autocannon firing indirect fire now use the correct explosion graphic, rather than the small single explosion.

Indirect artillery which is not located now produce less smoke, thus being less likely to give their position away.

Using Z fire ( area fire ) if enemy units are 30 hexes away or less away has a slightly increased chance per shot fired of the firing unit being spotted. So there is now a potential penalty for indiscriminate Z fire use

53 pages of suggested OOB changes and/or corrections have been reviewed , researched and applied to the game along with a number of changes we made to enhance OOB accuracy and / or completeness

NEW for the extended CD version holders only

Additional new status information is now shown at the bottom of the screen. If the status is pinned, the status line is yellow, if retreat or worse, it is red. If suppressed more than 1, that is highlighted in yellow and Damage is now shown. In green if 0, otherwise in red.

Scenhack has a new SQL sort facility. This will allow extended game/ CD holders to sort scenarios by the follow methods

Scenario ID - ( the current default sort )

Scenario date - creates a list of all the scenarios in the game sorted easliest to latest. Handy for anyone interested in specific events like Marken Garden related seanarios as you can now find where all the scenarios are that are dated September 1944 ( for example )

Battle type - if you are only looking for assault scenarios for example this is will give you a list with all battle types grouped together

Player 1 ID - if you are looking for all scenarios with Poland ( for example ) as player 1the list will order all scenarios by player 1 nation ID

Player 2 ID - as above but the list will be ordered with the priority being Player 2.... If you want to find all the scenarios Great Britian is the opponent the answer is now one click away

Scenario length - If, for example, you only have time for a short game and don't want to spend an hour of more looking through every scenario to find one for you to play with one click a list will be provided of all scenarios in the game ordered by length from shortest to longest

As well you can search for a scenario title

When you press the SORT tab for the first time the game creates information tables based on what you have in you scenario folder. Not everyone will have the same info as not everyone only has the stock scenarios in their Scenarios folder so players need to be aware that during the reading phase that usually takes under a minute, any extra scenarios that may have been created or modified will also be added to this list so remember this is not just a list of the standard as released game scenarios but every scenario in your scenario folder. Players should also remember that this reading of scenario data ONLY occurs when you first press the SORT tab.....any new scenarios you add after that will not be automatically read into the list so as you add new scenarios you will need to remember to press the CREATE TABLES button to get those scenarios into the data base

Pressing the WRITE CSV button a "Save As" screen will appear and you will be able to create a printable CSV record of this information

Pressing SEARCH TITLE will produce a list of all scenarios with a key word......for example of you recall a scenario you played had the word "hill" in the title.... a search for "hill" will produce a list with all the scenarios with that word in it

You will also see a RUN SQL button. That allows players to further refine their search using the data headers. For example the default for search title is ORDER BY Scenid and the list will be produced in scenario ID order but if you wanted to create the list by year you would change "ORDER BY Scenid" to ORDER BY syear and the list would show scenarios by the year they are representing

ADDITIONALLY ---- The AI pathfinding routines have been tweaked in the extended CD version . For obvious reasons I won't go into detail about what was done except to say the AI will now be less likely to think roads are wonderful things to advance down
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Name:	Image2 for ww2 GG.png
Views:	2337
Size:	1.7 KB
ID:	14135   Click image for larger version

Name:	Image6 ss of ww2 gg.png
Views:	2367
Size:	26.7 KB
ID:	14136  

Last edited by DRG; April 21st, 2016 at 08:40 AM..
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Old March 24th, 2016, 11:23 AM

zastava128 zastava128 is offline
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Default Re: WinSPWW2 version 9.0 Upgrade patch

I'm especially looking forward to the 3 new campaigns.
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Old March 24th, 2016, 11:29 AM
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Default Re: WinSPWW2 version 9.0 Upgrade patch

Well.......they are new to ME.... they may not be to you

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Old March 24th, 2016, 04:31 PM
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Default Re: WinSPWW2 version 9.0 Upgrade patch

VERY rough list of new Icons in the game part 1

(17,110): 11 King Tiger *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(23,102): 17 Heavy Truck *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(128,155): 117 Bren Carrier 4 2159 117 Desert SHARED "INVISIBLE" TURRET *******REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(148,148): 136 (Truck) 12 136 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(149,128): 137 1 1/2 Ton Truck - Med. 13 137 Desert *******REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(150,138): 138 2 1/2 Ton Truck - Hvy. 14 138 Desert *******REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(176,157):Icon0009.shp 162 Sherman Calliope 0 1 162 ******* REV WinSPWW2v4.5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(241,149): 469 Turan40 38 39 469 NEW-V4 ***REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(259,140): 439 PZ-1 Command tank 27 439 ***Revised WinSPWW2 v9
(310,135): 321 SturmmorserTiger ( German ) 21 321 REV-V6 ****REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(318,149): 475 CZECH ST 39 33 34 475 ****REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(395,128): 267 FINN Pe-2 26 267 REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(396,119): 268 FINN Gloster Gladiator ( Fokker CX ) 27 268 REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(502,132): 394 Matilda I 13 14 394 REV-V6 ***** REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(510,134): 402 Bren Carrier with Mortar 29 402 ***** REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(530,143): 492 Polikarpov I-15 ( SPAIN ) 14 492 ***** REVISED winSPWW2 v9
499 Tupolev G-2 transport 21 499 ***** REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(553,122): 921 ROM-Bloch210 37 921 ********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
932 REP-Breguit XIX \ **** REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(567,145): 935 REP-Hawker Fury 51 935 NEW-V5 REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(597,142): 965 NSP-He-51-Cadenas 81 965 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(603,142): 971 NSP-Nieuport NiD-52 87 971 NEW-V5 ***** REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(622,130): 521 Boston ( Soviet ) 7 521 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(623,130): 522 Boston (French) 8 522 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(624,130): 523 Boston ( British ) 9 523 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(625,131): 524 Boston ( ANZAC ) 10 524 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(626,131): 525 Boston ( USA ) 11 525 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(646,148): 545 He-51 31 545 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(651,142): 858 NTH-A20-Douglas-DF 36 858 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
856 USA-Curtis P-6 97 856 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(702,145): 909 Yugo-Fury 87 909 NEW-V5 REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(792,168): 625 43M Toldi III 58 59 625 NEW-V4 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(853,129): 815 BUL Aero MB200 56 815 NEW-V5 *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(866,132): 828 BUL PE-2 69 828 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(876,151): 838 CHI-A20-Douglas 79 838 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(930,158): 730 Fiat 2000 Heavy Tank 68 69 730 REV******** - winspww2 ***REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(934,134): 734 T34 m/1941 76 77 734 NEW-V5 ***REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(967,141): 766 Zrinyi 105 20 766 NEW-V4 *****REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(968,133): 767 Zrinyi 105 -Skirt 21 767 NEW-V4 *****REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(969,141): 768 Zrinyi 75 22 768 NEW-V4 *****REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(971,159): 770 2 1/2 Ton Truck w/ AA 24 2159 770 NEW-V5 SHARED "INVISIBLE" TURRET *****REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(1015,162): {7305, -1}, // 987 B-29 NEW-V6 *************REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(1074,150): {7694, 7695}, // 1045 Pz IIIn (skirts)(Camo) NEW-V6 ***********REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(1083,138): {7414, 7415}, // 1053 250/1 (camo) NEW-V6 ***********REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(1084,139): {7416, 7417}, // 1054 250/1 (grey) NEW-V6 ***********REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(1085,139): {7418, 7419}, // 1055 250/1 (desert yellow) NEW-V6 ***********REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(1086,139): {7420, 7421}, // 1056 250/9 (camo) NEW-V6 ***********REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(1087,139): {7422, 7423}, // 1057 250/9 (desert yellow) NEW-V6 ***********REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(1088,130): {7424, 7425}, // 1058 251/1 ( grey yellow camo) NEW-V6 ***********REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(1126,131): {7317, -1}, //1095 Archer Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1127,131): {7318, -1}, //1096 Archer Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1128,72): {7319, -1}, //1097 SdKfz 8 FlaK 18 Grey *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1129,78): {7320, -1}, //1098 SdKfz 8 FlaK 18 Winter Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1130,74): {7321, -1}, //1099 SdKfz 8 FlaK 18 Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1132,148): {7500, -1}, // 1100 250-10 (camo) NEW-V6 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(1133,148): {7501, -1}, // 1101 250-10 (yellow) NEW-V6 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(1134,148): {7502, -1}, // 1102 250-7 (camo) NEW-V6 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(1135,148): {7503, -1}, // 1103 250-7 (yellow) NEW-V6 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(1136,148): {7504, -1}, // 1104 250-8 (camo) NEW-V6 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(1137,148): {7505, -1}, // 1105 250-8 (yellow) NEW-V6 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(1138,148): {7506, -1}, // 1106 252 (camo) NEW-V6 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(1139,148): {7507, -1}, // 1107 252 (yellow) NEW-V6 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(1140,140): {7508, -1}, // 1108 251/10 ( yellow-grey ) NEW-V6 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(1141,162): {7509, -1}, // 1109 251/2 ( yellow-grey ) NEW-V6 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(1142,150): {7510, -1}, // 1110 PzIb bkw NEW-V6 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(1143,158): {7511, -1}, // 1111 PzjIb NEW-V6 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(1173,153): {7541, -1}, // 1141 250-10 (yellow-grey ) NEW-V6 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(1222,138): {7590, -1}, // 1190 Nieuport NiD.52 -Spainish Republican *****NEW WinSPWW2 v8 *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(1259,132): {7752, 7753}, // 1224 Pz II Luchs NEW-V6 ******** REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(1333,66): {7324, 7325}, // 1295 Tiger I *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1334,76): {7326, 7327}, // 1296 USMC-M4A3 (75) camo 1 *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1335,76): {7328, 7329}, // 1297 USMC-M4A3 (75) camo 2 *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1369,104): {7962, 7963}, // 1329 Pz III L skirts Camo ***New WinSPWW2 v6 *************REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(1377,135): {7978, 7979}, // 1337 Flakpanzer 1/A ***New WinSPWW2 v6 *************REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(1388,91): {8000, 8001}, // 1346 Italian M11/39 JR NEW-V7 *************REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(1438,74): {7330, 7331}, // 1394 Churchill III-IV desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1439,75): {7332, 7333}, // 1395 Firefly - Winter Whitewash *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1440,68): {7334, 7335}, // 1396 Firefly - Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1441,110): {7336, 7337}, // 1397 T3M Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1473,64): {8158, 8159}, // 1427 PzKw I B grey *******NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1474,63): {8160, 8161}, // 1428 PzKw I B winter *******NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1475,63): {8162, 8163}, // 1429 PzKw I B desert *******NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1476,63): {8164, 8165}, // 1430 PzKw I F Camo *******NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1477,67): {8166, 8167}, // 1431 PzKw II A-C Green *******NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1478,66): {8168, 8169}, // 1432 PzKw II A-C Gray *******NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1479,68): {8170, 8171}, // 1433 PzKw II A-C Winter *******NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1480,68): {8172, 8173}, // 1434 PzKw II A-C Desert *******NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1481,67): {8174, 8175}, // 1435 PzKw II F-J Green *******NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1482,66): {8176, 8177}, // 1436 PzKw II F-J Gray *******NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1483,68): {8178, 8179}, // 1437 PzKw II F-J Winter *******NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1484,68): {8180, 8181}, // 1438 PzKw II F-J Desert *******NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1485,66): {8182, 8183}, // 1439 AA Truck Summer *******NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1486,66): {8184, 8185}, // 1440 AA Truck Winter *******NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1487,66): {8186, 8187}, // 1441 AA Truck Desert *******NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1488,73): {8188, 8189}, // 1442 PzKw VI Tiger winter camo *******NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1489,64): {8190, 8191}, // 1443 PzKw I B green *******NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1490,68): {8192, 8193}, // 1444 SdKfz 251/21 Desert *******NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1544,74): {7338,7339}, // 1494 Crossley Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1545,73): {7340,7341}, // 1495 Crossley Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1546,75): {7342,7343}, // 1496 Crossley Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1547,75): {7344,7345}, // 1497 Crossley Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1649,70): {7346,7347}, // 1594 M13-40 desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1650,71): {7348,7349}, // 1595 LT vz.34 Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1651,67): {7350,7351}, // 1596 LT-34 Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1652,70): {7352,7353}, // 1597 M11-39 desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1753,63): {7354,7355}, // 1694 H-35- Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1754,62): {7356,7357}, // 1695 H-35- Grey *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1755,67): {7358,7359}, // 1696 H-35- German camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1756,65): {7360,7361}, // 1697 H-35- Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1857,112): {7362,7363}, // 1794 LT vz.34/ LT-34 Winter Whitewash *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1858,71): {7364,7365}, // 1795 H-35 Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1859,121): {7366,7367}, // 1796 PzKw 733(i) -CAMO *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1860,77): {7368,7369}, // 1797 USMC LVT(A) 1 Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1961,78): {7370,7371}, // 1894 LVT(A) 1 Dark Blue ******NEW winSPWW2 V9
(1987,68): {9119, -1}, // 1919 AB Munizioni Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1988,74): {9120, -1}, // 1920 AB Munizioni Winter Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1989,74): {9121, -1}, // 1921 AB Munizioni Desert Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1990,72): {9122, -1}, // 1922 Armoured Bulldozer Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1991,73): {9123, -1}, // 1923 Armoured Bulldozer Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1992,74): {9124, -1}, // 1924 Armoured Bulldozer Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1993,64): {9125, -1}, // 1925 GAZ-64/67 Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1994,65): {9126, -1}, // 1926 GAZ-64/67 Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1995,65): {9127, -1}, // 1927 GAZ-64/67 Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1996,63): {9128, -1}, // 1928 Ya-12 Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1997,63): {9129, -1}, // 1929 Ya-12 Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1998,63): {9130, -1}, // 1930 Ya-12 Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(1999,70): {9131, -1}, // 1931 SMV M.42 75L34- Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2000,71): {9132, -1}, // 1932 SMV M.42 75L34- Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2001,71): {9133, -1}, // 1933 SMV M.42 75L34- Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2002,70): {9134, -1}, // 1934 StuG M43 853(i) camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2003,71): {9135, -1}, // 1935 StuG M43 853(i) camo 2 *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2004,75): {9136, -1}, // 1936 StuG M43 853(i) winter camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2005,75): {9137, -1}, // 1937 StuG M43 853(i) desert camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2006,63): {9138, -1}, // 1938 Su-57 summer *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2007,63): {9139, -1}, // 1939 Su-57 Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2008,70): {9140, -1}, // 1940 StuG III Ausf.G Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2009,57): {9141, -1}, // 1941 Wasp *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2010,70): {9142, -1}, // 1942 Large Mortar w/ legs *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2011,64): {9143, -1}, // 1943 Munition 35R *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2012,68): {9144, -1}, // 1944 Open Truck - Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2013,70): {9145, -1}, // 1945 Medium Lorry- Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2014,69): {9146, -1}, // 1946 Medium Lorry- Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2015,70): {9147, -1}, // 1947 Medium Lorry- Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
{9242, -1}, // 2042 Belgian Fairey Fox VIc **** REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(2144,123): {9272, -1}, // 2072 Hawker Fury British ** NEW WinSPWW2 v7 **********REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(2150,90): {9278, -1}, // 2078 R-Spain DC2 ** NEW WinSPWW2 v7 **********REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(2157,76): {9285, -1}, // 2085 Westland Whirlwind ********** NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2158,67): {9286, -1}, // 2086 B-17 ( Camo ) ********** NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2159,85): {9287, -1}, // 2087 A-20 Havoc/ Boston Brit Desert camo ********** NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2160,66): {9288, -1}, // 2088 KNIL Boston ********** NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2161,76): {9289, -1}, // 2089 Russian A-20 winter camo ********** NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2162,80): {9290, -1}, // 2090 Russian A-20 winter whitewash ********** NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2163,79): {9291, -1}, // 2091 USA A-20 Havoc green ********** NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2164,93): {9292, -1}, // 2092 USA A-20 Havoc dark green solid nose ********** NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2165,79): {9293, -1}, // 2093 USA A-20 Havoc Desert camo 1 ********** NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2166,85): {9294, -1}, // 2094 USA A-20 Havoc Desert camo 2 ********** NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2167,78): {9295, -1}, // 2095 B-17 ( weathered ) ********** NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2168,81): {9296, -1}, // 2096 Pe-8 Winter Whitewash ********** NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2169,86): {9297, -1}, // 2097 Pe-8 ( weathered ) Winter Whitewash ********** NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2216,92): {9340, -1}, // 2140 Crusader gun tractor ****New_WinSPWW2 v7 *******REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(2237,92): {9361, -1}, // 2161 Heinkel 51 Bulgaria ****New_WinSPWW2 v8 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(2248,78): {9372, -1}, // 2172 Russian IL-4 Winter Whitewash ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2249,66): {9373, -1}, // 2173 Finn IL-4 Camo ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2250,72): {9374, -1}, // 2174 Finn IL-4 Winter Camo ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2251,66): {9375, -1}, // 2175 Finn DB-3 Camo ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2252,68): {9376, -1}, // 2176 Russian DB-3 Camo ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2253,69): {9377, -1}, // 2177 Russian DB-3 Green ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2254,73): {9378, -1}, // 2178 Russian DB-3 Winter Camo ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2255,73): {9379, -1}, // 2179 Russian DB-3 Desert Camo ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2256,71): {9380, -1}, // 2180 Finn DB-3 Winter Camo ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2257,71): {9381, -1}, // 2181 B-24 Natural Aluminum ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2258,78): {9382, -1}, // 2182 B-17 Hawaiian Air Depot Camo ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2259,71): {9383, -1}, // 2183 B-17 381st Bomb Group ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2260,74): {9384, -1}, // 2184 JU-52/3m German early war ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2261,67): {9385, -1}, // 2185 JU-52/3m Spanish ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2262,78): {9386, -1}, // 2186 Hawker Fury Captured Nat Spain ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2263,76): {9387, -1}, // 2187 Spainish Republic Potez 25 ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2264,76): {9388, -1}, // 2188 Spainish Republic Potez 540 ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2265,72): {9389, -1}, // 2189 French Potez 540 camo ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2266,73): {9390, -1}, // 2190 French Potez 540 green ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2267,69): {9391, -1}, // 2191 Romanian Potez 543 ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2268,75): {9392, -1}, // 2192 Generic Unmarked Potez 540 ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2269,83): {9393, -1}, // 2193 Potez 540 Lithuanian fantasy markings********* NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2270,71): {9394, -1}, // 2194 Nat China DB-3 Green ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2271,72): {9395, -1}, // 2195 Nat China Tupolev G-2 ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2272,66): {9396, -1}, // 2196 Nakajima Ki-49 ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2273,66): {9397, -1}, // 2197 Mitsubishi G4M ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9
(2872,103):{5167, -1}, //2767. TK-3 with FK-A 20mm ATMG (Polish camo years 1936-39) ********REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(2873,92):{5168, -1}, //2768. TK-3 with FK-A 20mm ATMG (winter camo) *************REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(2874,109):{5169, -1}, //2769. TK-3 with FK-A 20mm ATMG (Polish winter camo years 1936-39) *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(2883,88):{5178, -1}, //2778. TK-D (Polish camo years 1936-39) *********REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(2884,93):{5179, -1}, //2779. TK-D (Polish winter camo years 1936-39) **********REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(2896,103):{5191, -1}, //2791. TKS with FK-A 20mm ATMG (Polish camo years 1936-39) **********REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(2897,92):{5192, -1}, //2792. TKS with FK-A 20mm ATMG (winter camo) **********REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(2964,71): {5254, -1}, // 2854 Antonov A-7 3 tone Camo ***** NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2965,71): {5255, -1}, // 2855 Antonov A-7 Winter Camo ***** NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(2966,72): {5256, -1}, // 2856 Antonov A-7 Desert Camo ***** NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(3151,74): {5430, -1}, // 3030 2 1/2 Ton Truck green ***********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(3152,77): {5431, -1}, // 3031 2 1/2 Ton Truck green camo ***********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(3153,75): {5432, -1}, // 3032 2 1/2 Ton Truck winter ***********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(3154,74): {5433, -1}, // 3033 2 1/2 Ton Truck Desert ***********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(3268,70): {5743, -1}, // 3143 Large Truck - Desert ***********REVISED winSPWW2 V9

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Default Re: WinSPWW2 version 9.0 Upgrade patch

part 2

(3330,77): {5801,2159}, // 3201 Bren Carrier - Desert NEW-V7 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(3331,78): {5802,2159}, // 3202 Bren Carrier - Winter NEW-V7 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(3335,76): {5806,2159}, // 3206 Sdkfz 251/1- Winter NEW-V7 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(3336,76): {5807,2159}, // 3207 Sdkfz 251/1- Desert NEW-V7 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(3337,76): {5808,2159}, // 3208 Sdkfz 250/1- Winter NEW-V7 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(3338,74): {5809,2159}, // 3209 Sdkfz 251/1- Grey NEW-V7 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(3339,74): {5810,2159}, // 3210 Sdkfz 251/1- Camo NEW-V7 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(3340,73): {5811,2159}, // 3211 Sdkfz 250/1- Grey NEW-V7 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(3467,75): {5934,-1}, // 3334 TK-TKS-Green NEW-V7 ***********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(3468,77): {5935,-1}, // 3335 TK-TKS-Tan NEW-V7 ***********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(3482,73): {5949,-1}, // 3349 Heavy Truck- Green ***********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(3485,81): {5952,-1}, // 3352 Medium Truck Covered - Green ***********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(3486,81): {5953,-1}, // 3353 Medium Truck Covered - White ***********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(3516,75): {5983,-1}, // 3383 Barge Carrier- Green *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
{5865,2159}, // 3265 Buffalo II winter white ********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
{5866,2159}, // 3266 Buffalo IV winter camo ********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(3517,75): {5984,-1}, // 3384 Barge Carrier- White ***********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(3543,66):{9920, 9921}, //3408. TKW (green) *********REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(3544,67):{9922, 9923}, //3409. TKW (winter) *********REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(3545,71):{9924, 9925}, //3410. TKW (Polish camo) *********REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(3546,77):{9926, 9927}, //3411. TKW (Polish camo winter) *********REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(4461,78):{11686, 11687}, //4291. T-70 Green ****************REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(4462,81):{11688, 11689}, //4292. T-70 Tan ****************REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(4463,80):{11690, 11691}, //4293. T-70 White ****************REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(4493,80):{11746, 11747}, //4321. Sdkfz 250/9- Grey NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4523,74):{11802, 11803}, //4349. Sdkfz 250/9 NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4532,74):{11820, 11821}, //4358. SdKfz 251/17 NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4533,74):{11822, 11823}, //4359. SdKfz 251/21 NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4536,80):{11828, 11829}, //4362. SdKfz 251/17 (camo) NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4537,105):{11830, 11831}, //4363. SdKfz 251/21 (camo) NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4579,90):{11912, 11913}, //4404. Churchill IV NEW-V7 *************REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(4581,90):{11916, 11917}, //4406. Churchill VIII NEW-V7 **************REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(4621,76):{11996, 11997}, //4446. SdKfz 251/17 NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4622,85):{11998, -1}, //4447. SdKfz 251/16 Flamm (desert) NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4688,112): {12107, -1}, //4507 1 1-2 Ton Truck - Med-desert NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4689,110): {12108, -1}, //4508 2 1-2 Ton Truck - Heavy-desert NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4690,114): {12109, -1}, //4509 Bren Carrier with Mortar-desert NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4694,77): {12113, -1}, //4513 Truck- desert NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4695,77): {12114, -1}, //4514 JPz I -desert NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4696,77): {12115, -1}, //4515 JPz I- winter NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4700,81): {12119, -1}, //4519 Sdkfz 251/10- Winter NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4701,81): {12120, -1}, //4520 Sdkfz 251/10- Desert NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4714,84): {12133, -1}, //4533 Sdkfz 250/7- Winter NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4715,84): {12134, -1}, //4534 Sdkfz 250/10 - Winter NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4716,82): {12135, -1}, //4535 Sdkfz 250/8- Winter NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4718,87): {12137, -1}, //4537 SdKfz 251/16 Flamm -Winter NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4719,83): {12138, -1}, //4538 SdKfz 251/22 -Winter NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4720,85): {12139, -1}, //4539 SdKfz 251/2 GrW -Desert NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4721,86): {12140, -1}, //4540 SdKfz 251/2 GrW - Winter NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4722,83): {12141, -1}, //4541 SdKfz 251/9 - Desert NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4723,83): {12142, -1}, //4542 SdKfz 251/9 - Winter NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4724,86): {12143, -1}, //4543 SdKfz 251/1 Rak - Winter NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4731,86): {12150, -1}, //4550 SdKfz 251/1 Rak - Desert NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4732,85): {12151, -1}, //4551 SdKfz 251/1 Rak - Camo NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4733,84): {12152, -1}, //4552 SdKfz 251/2 GrW - GREY NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4734,84): {12153, -1}, //4553 SdKfz 251/2 GrW - CAMO NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4735,87): {12154, -1}, //4554 SdKfz 251/16 Flamm - CAMO NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4736,82): {12155, -1}, //4555 SdKfz 251/9 - GREY NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4737,81): {12156, -1}, //4556 SdKfz 251/9 - CAMO NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4738,82): {12157, -1}, //4557 Sdkfz 251/10- GREY NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4739,81): {12158, -1}, //4558 Sdkfz 251/10- CAMO NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4740,81): {12159, -1}, //4559 SdKfz 251/22 -CAMO NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4741,84): {12160, -1}, //4560 SdKfz 252 LGM- Winter NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v9
(4742,82): {12161, -1}, //4561 Kl PzBef Wg - GREY NEW-V7 ******** REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(4743,83): {12162, -1}, //4562 Kl PzBef Wg - Winter NEW-V7 ******** REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(4769,80): {12188, -1}, //4588 Sdkfz 250/10- Grey NEW-V7 ******** REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(4770,79): {12189, -1}, //4589 Sdkfz 250/7- Grey NEW-V7 ******** REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(4771,79): {12190, -1}, //4590 Sdkfz 250/8- Grey NEW-V7 ******** REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(4776,82): {12195, -1}, //4595 Sdkfz 250/7- Desert NEW-V7 ******** REVISED winSPWW2 v9
(4790,105): {12205, -1}, //4605 Fiat BR-20M ( Japanese Type I 100 ) **************REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(4807,67): {12222, -1}, //4622 Aero A100- Slovak *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4808,66): {12223, -1}, //4623 Aero MB200 Czech *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4809,71): {12224, -1}, //4624 Bloch MB.200 Bulgaria *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4810,72): {12225, -1}, //4625 Bloch MB.200 Camo France *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4811,69): {12226, -1}, //4626 Bloch MB.200 France *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4812,71): {12227, -1}, //4627 Bloch MB.200 Rep Spain *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4813,69): {12228, -1}, //4628 Block MB.210 France *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4814,71): {12229, -1}, //4629 Block MB.210 Rep Spain *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4815,66): {12230, -1}, //4630 Avia B-71 Czech *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4816,63): {12231, -1}, //4631 Boeing B-17 *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4817,62): {12232, -1}, //4632 B-24 Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4818,63): {12233, -1}, //4633 B-24 Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4819,67): {12234, -1}, //4634 B-25 Gunship Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4820,73): {12235, -1}, //4635 He-111 German Winter Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4821,69): {12236, -1}, //4636 PBJ-1C Mitchell USN *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4822,67): {12237, -1}, //4637 JU-52 Winter Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4823,63): {12238, -1}, //4638 JU-52 Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4824,80): {12239, -1}, //4639 Romanian IAR JRS-79 early markings *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4825,70): {12240, -1}, //4640 B-25 Russian Markings *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4826,72): {12241, -1}, //4641 Pe-2 basic green camo 2 *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4827,68): {12242, -1}, //4642 Pe-2 Winter camo 2 *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4828,63): {12243, -1}, //4643 Tu-2 Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4829,66): {12244, -1}, //4644 Tu-2 Green Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4830,67): {12245, -1}, //4645 Tu-2 3 Tone Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4831,67): {12246, -1}, //4646 Tu-2 Desert Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4832,67): {12247, -1}, //4647 Tu-2 Winter Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4833,61): {12248, -1}, //4648 USA Horsa *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4834,65): {12249, -1}, //4649 Brit Airacobra *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4835,66): {12250, -1}, //4650 G.50 Desert Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4836,65): {12251, -1}, //4651 G.50 Green Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4837,67): {12252, -1}, //4652 G.50 Green Camo 2 *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4838,69): {12253, -1}, //4653 G.50 Green Late War *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4839,68): {12254, -1}, //4654 G.50 Green Spain *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4840,74): {12255, -1}, //4655 G.50 Green Camo Finland *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4841,75): {12256, -1}, //4656 G.50 Winter Camo Finland *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4842,75): {12257, -1}, //4657 G.50 Green Spain Civil War *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4843,71): {12258, -1}, //4658 G.50 Green Yugoslavian *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4844,68): {12259, -1}, //4659 IL-2 Russian Camo1 *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4845,68): {12260, -1}, //4660 IL-2 Russian Camo2 *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4846,68): {12261, -1}, //4661 IL-2 Russian Camo3 *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4847,75): {12262, -1}, //4662 IL-2 Russian Southern Front *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4848,72): {12263, -1}, //4663 IL-2 Russian Green Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4849,67): {12264, -1}, //4664 MC.200 green camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4850,68): {12265, -1}, //4665 MC.200 Desert camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4851,71): {12266, -1}, //4666 MC.200 Co-Belligerent *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4852,69): {12267, -1}, //4667 MC.200 Generic camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4853,70): {12268, -1}, //4668 Breguet XIX Yugo camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4854,71): {12269, -1}, //4669 Breguet XIX Yugo Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4855,76): {12270, -1}, //4670 Breguet XIX Yugo Green Camo 1 *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4856,76): {12271, -1}, //4671 Breguet XIX Yugo Green Camo 2 *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4857,62): {12272, -1}, //4672 USN SeaHawk *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4858,63): {12273, -1}, //4673 JU-52 Norway *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4859,62): {12274, -1}, //4674 C-47 Norway *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4860,64): {12275, -1}, //4675 FW-189 Norway *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4861,70): {12276, -1}, //4676 Curtis Hawk 75 Norway *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4862,71): {12277, -1}, //4677 Fieseler Storch Norway *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4863,72): {12278, -1}, //4678 Bulgarian Stuka--early *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4864,78): {12279, -1}, //4679 Bulgarian Stuka--Late Markings *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4865,73): {12280, -1}, //4680 Bulgarian Stuka--Mid War *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4866,69): {12281, -1}, //4681 Ju 87G Stuka AT camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4867,107): {12282, -1}, //4682 Ju 87G Stuka AT winter camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4868,109): {12283, -1}, //4683 Ju 87G Stuka AT winter white *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4869,66): {12284, -1}, //4684 Ju 87 Stuka camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4870,72): {12285, -1}, //4685 Ju 87 Stuka Desert camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4871,72): {12286, -1}, //4686 Ju 87 Stuka winter camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4872,66): {12287, -1}, //4687 Hungarian Stuka *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4873,69): {12288, -1}, //4688 Italian Stuka Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4874,75): {12289, -1}, //4689 Italian Stuka Desert camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4875,73): {12290, -1}, //4690 Romanian Stuka Green Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4876,67): {12291, -1}, //4691 Slovak Stuka Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4877,73): {12292, -1}, //4692 Slovak Stuka Winter Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4878,70): {12293, -1}, //4693 Spainish Stuka Early *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4879,69): {12294, -1}, //4694 Spainish Stuka Late *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4880,71): {12295, -1}, //4695 Spainish Stuka AT Late *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4881,62): {12296, -1}, //4696 IAR JRS-79 *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(4882,74): {12297, -1}, //4697 FW-189 Green Splinter Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9
(8220,80): {18500, -1}, //7900 Bulgarian Late war Avia B.71 **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8221,78): {18501, -1}, //7901 Bulgarian winter Avia B.71 **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8222,76): {18502, -1}, //7902 Bulgarian camo Avia B.71 **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8223,77): {18503, -1}, //7903 Bulgarian camo2 Avia B.71 **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8224,77): {18504, -1}, //7904 Bulgarian camo3 Avia B.71 **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8225,80): {18505, -1}, //7905 Bulgarian winter camo Avia B.71 *******NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8226,74): {18506, -1}, //7906 ChiCom camo Tupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8227,75): {18507, -1}, //7907 ChiCom camo2 Tupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8228,80): {18508, -1}, //7908 ChiCom desert camo Tupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8229,73): {18509, -1}, //7909 Finn camo Tupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8230,80): {18510, -1}, //7910 Finn winter camo Tupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8231,78): {18511, -1}, //7911 Nat China Green Tupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8232,77): {18512, -1}, //7912 Nat China camo Tupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8233,83): {18513, -1}, //7913 Rebublican Spain camo1 Tupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8234,84): {18514, -1}, //7914 Rebublican Spain camo2 Tupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8235,83): {18515, -1}, //7915 Rebublican Spain camo3 Tupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8236,84): {18516, -1}, //7916 Rebublican Spain camo4 Tupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8237,83): {18517, -1}, //7917 Rebublican Spain camo5 Tupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8238,83): {18518, -1}, //7918 Rebublican Spain camo6 Tupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8239,73): {18519, -1}, //7919 USSR Green Tupolev *******REVISED winSPWW2 V9
(8240,74): {18520, -1}, //7920 USSR Winter Tupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
290 P-51 MUSTANG 21 290 *****REVISED WinSPWW2 9
(8241,79): {18521, -1}, //7921 USSR grey on grey Tupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8242,82): {18522, -1}, //7922 USSR marsh grass camo1 Tupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8243,82): {18523, -1}, //7923 USSR marsh grass camo2 Tupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8244,78): {18524, -1}, //7924 USSR Winter CamoTupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8245,83): {18525, -1}, //7925 USSR Southern Front camoTupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8246,85): {18526, -1}, //7926 USSR Southern Front camo2 Tupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8247,81): {18527, -1}, //7927 USSR Winter Camo 3 Tupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8248,74): {18528, -1}, //7928 Slovak Avia B.71 camo **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8249,79): {18529, -1}, //7929 Slovak Avia B.71 winter camo **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8250,80): {18530, -1}, //7930 Czechoslvakia Avia B.71 camo1 **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8251,75): {18531, -1}, //7931 Spain Early Tupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8252,74): {18532, -1}, //7932 Spain Late Tupolev SB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8253,80): {18533, -1}, //7933 Czechoslvakia Avia B.71 camo2 **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8254,80): {18534, -1}, //7934 German Avia B-71 ( Blue OOB ) **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8255,80): {18535, -1}, //7935 Russian Polikarpov R-Z summer **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8256,80): {18536, -1}, //7936 Russian Polikarpov R-Z winter **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8257,67): {18537, -1}, //7937 Douglas B-18 **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
(8258,94): {18538, -1}, //7938 USAAF Keystone Bomber **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
{18539, -1}, //7939 Tupolev G-2 / TB-3 Camo **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
{18540, -1}, //7940 Tupolev G-2 / TB-3 Winter Camo **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
{18541, -1}, //7941 Tupolev G-2 / TB-3 Winter White **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
{18542, -1}, //7942 Tupolev G-2 / TB-3 Southern Front Camo **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
{18543, -1}, //7943 Breguet 19 France Camo **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
{18544, -1}, //7944 Breguet 19 France Green **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
{18545, -1}, //7945 French Nieuport NiD.52 **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
{18546, -1}, //7946 Loire 46 French Camo **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
{18547, -1}, //7947 Loire 46 Republican Spain **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
{18548, -1}, //7948 Breguet 19 Camo Belgium **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
{18549, -1}, //7949 Nieuport NiD.52 Belgium **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
{18550, -1}, //7950 Nieuport NiD.52 Belgium Camo **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
{18551, -1}, //7951 P-38, Silver, Invasion stripes **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
{18552, -1}, //7952 Fiat Br.20 Nat China ( captured ) **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
{18553, -1}, //7953 Fiat Br.20 Italy camo **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
{18554, -1}, //7954 Fiat Br.20 Italy green **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
{18555, -1}, //7955 Fiat Br.20 Italy desert camo **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
{18556, -1}, //7956 Fiat G.50 Croatian blue OOB **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
{18557, -1}, //7957 Fairey Firefly FAA **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
{18558, -1}, //7958 Armstrong Whitworth Siskin **********NEW winSPWW2 V9
{18559, -1}, //7959 Grumman FF-1 goblin-Canadian **********NEW winSPWW2 V9

Last edited by DRG; April 15th, 2016 at 08:58 AM..
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Old March 25th, 2016, 06:52 PM

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Default Re: WinSPWW2 version 9.0 Upgrade patch

One one the best updates yet! A lot of improvements. Good to see an improved A.I., as it acts to predicable at times.
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Old March 27th, 2016, 03:27 AM

glaude1955 glaude1955 is offline
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Default Re: WinSPWW2 version 9.0 Upgrade patch

Good job guys,

After so many years, you still manage to surprise us by so many new things.

A big thank-you

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Old March 29th, 2016, 07:21 PM
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Default Re: WinSPWW2 version 9.0 Upgrade patch


We pulled the <turret and/or hull facing changes *MAY* now draw enemy opportunity fire> change because the code change spilled over to infantry and the least change of facing for an infantry unit was drawing a furious opfire reaction and I could see this being used to deliberately soak up opfire by units in well protected positions. We will look at it again over the summer.

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Old April 2nd, 2016, 12:02 PM
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Default Re: WinSPWW2 version 9.0 Upgrade patch

Further info about the patch posted to message #1
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Old April 15th, 2016, 08:56 AM
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Default Re: WinSPWW2 version 9.0 Upgrade patch

Looking like the April 20th for release give or take a day one way or the other

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